Read with BonusRead with Bonus




Loud hip hop music boomed as we walked into the club at the outskirts of Las Vegas. It was not that big and one could not ignore how it screamed luxury. After booking in for the night in a nearby hotel, Danny had thought it was a good idea to drag me to a club, not that remaining alone in our hotel room, cuddled up in bed like some teenage girl would do me any good. My wolf snarled in irritation, mirroring the same feeling in me at the noise. Club lights flashed and it took me quite a while before I was able to adjust to the vision and thanks to the animal in me, my eyesight was pretty clear compared to normal humans. When I agreed to come to this road trip, this was not exactly what I pictured for the first night of the trip. I felt Danny’s hand on my shoulder.

“Relax dude, this is exactly what you need. Now let’s grab some hot ass,” he smirked as his eyes hovered around the club. Sure enough there was plenty of ass to go around tonight and I felt my wolf growl in agreement.

Maybe he was right. This was exactly what I needed to get the image of all that had taken a sudden toll in my life, turning it upside down. Now I needed a distraction, someone I could conquer and bend to my will tonight. Someone so fucking good that every single thought of my soon-to-be ex-wife would make a dash to non-existence.

“Let’s do this,” I stated as Danny gave me a knowing smile.

It had been long since I stepped in a club but who really gave a fuck? After placing our orders, I leaned with my back on the counter as I surveyed the crowd. Several eyes of really gorgeous women in what I could barely address as skimpy clothes threw a few, sly glances at us. Sure, they looked bangable enough but not as intriguing as I wanted them to be. I had no idea what exactly I was looking for tonight but I just knew I needed something different; something enthralling. Suddenly I felt Danny’s tap on my shoulder.

“I think we just found ourselves the perfect ladies for the night,” He said, a cheeky grin on his face.


“Right over there. See that blonde girl with her friend? They are perfect,” he pointed at his chin.

My gaze fluttered to the two ladies he was pointing out and I had to agree they were quite the make of hot specimen. To be honest, judging from the million dollar purses and outfits, this club did not seem to fit the description of their scene. Sure, they didn’t wear the skimpiest of clothes but maybe they would do it for the night.

“I’ll have the blonde. You know that’s how I like them,” We both grinned at Danny’s statement but then the grin died on my lips.


The image of Laila suddenly crept in my mind, her blonde curls bouncing gracefully every time she threw her head back in laugher. Fuck! I had not only given that woman my heart, but my goddamn life and now here I was, swearing I would not thinking of her but then doing just that. I wanted to forget her and that bloody rascal I had to kill early in the morning. For a few hours, it had felt so damn good watching Laila screaming for me to stop when I kept on adding more wolfsbane and grinded silver in Bradley’s cage. One of the latter, was torturing enough but a combination of both was deadly. I never thought I’d see a fucking wolf crying like a little baby. But even after hours of torturing him and finally killing that bastard, the pain had returned and now it was getting so fucking impossible to get Laila out of my head.

“Dude,” Danny pushed me back to reality as I shook my head, trying to clear any thought of that woman. Danny was gazing at me with concern and maybe I was lucky to have him in my life.

“Sorry. I got a little carried away,”

“Don’t worry before the night ends, you’ll be screaming. Fuck that bitch Laila! She doesn’t deserve to be in your thoughts man and I’m going to make sure of that. Now, get our drinks and I’ll get the girls. You better bring your A game on man,” he patted me once on the shoulder before walking off towards the two women, hands pocketed.

I must have really looked so damn pathetic if he had to bring the girls over. Shaking my head, I turned to take our orders. The moment my drink touched my hand, I did not have to think twice before I drowned the entire drink in three huge gulps, feeling its effect as it burned its way down my throat, churning my intestines. I summoned the bartender, asking for a round two of the same. While I waited for it, I turned my gaze to Danny and he was clearly doing pretty well with the girls. When my second order arrived, I picked both mine and his glass, before making my way towards where he was standing.

As fate would have it, I was about to reach where Danny was standing when I felt someone’s head ram into my side. I was lucky enough the glasses in my hands did not trip or spill the drink. Turning around, the cuss died on my lips as my gaze landed on the sexiest woman I had ever seen.

Fuck! I wanted her under me.


It felt like I couldn’t breathe as I gazed at the dark brown orbs of the taller man, staring at me with the ‘I want to fuck you in all shades of unholy’ look. I wanted to breathe; I tried to breathe but no air seemed to be passing through my lips. It’s like his very gaze had enthralled me, compelling me towards him and nothing else seemed to make sense. I had never felt like this before about anyone ever. I had never looked at a man and the first I’d want is him to conquer every inch of my body, possess it and do whatever the fuck he wanted with it. The thought of my fiancee had jumped into its own bubble of non-existence, a strong, very compelling attraction full of dirty thoughts of this stranger suddenly taking over.

“You owe me a drink now,” Oh God! His voice was like a make of seduction, dripping with an incredible amount of sexiness. How on earth was the mere sound of his voice able to put my panties in a twist?

“I don’t think so, because I did not spill it,” I managed to find my voice before I made a complete fool out of myself.

“I know that,” He grinned and fuck me for wanting to take a picture.

“So?” I gave him a questioning look. There was no way I was buying him a drink when I did not spill it.

“Forgive me but I’m going to be very straightforward with this darling,” he inched closer, so he was whispering in my ear while I was fully hypnotized by his scent,” But just the moment I saw you, I could not stop picturing your naked body against the wall while I pounded that sweet cunt of yours till it the idea of any other man breathing close to you repulses you,” When he said he was going to be straightforward, I never thought it would be this straightforward.

His words painted the erotic picture in my head, my body flashing with heat at the vividness. There was something else in the air between us; something extraordinarily strong and I wasn't talking about the open sexual tension between us. It was stranger than anything I’ve felt. Wait, what was I doing? I was fucking engaged. The moment that thought struck my brain, I raised my hand, slapping him hard right across his cheek.

“How dare you? I’m engaged, Mr. Fuckboy in case you haven’t noticed,” I flashed the diamond ring on his face but the only thing he did was smirk like I had just not struck him on his cheek in the middle of a fucking club.

“You’ve got fire. I like it,” His smirk deepened and heavens help me before I get tempted to kiss that smirk off his face.

“Didn’t you hear me before? I just told you I’m eng-“The words were barely completed in my lips when he suddenly leaned in, capturing mine. He did not hold or touch me, but his lips were just enough to keep me in place. It was just his lips-sweet lips to be precise moving against mine; torturing and mind numbing sensations rushing through so fast that I could not breathe. I had never tasted lips that deliciously…sinful before. They moved against mine in perfect synch, claiming, possessing, not to mention arousing in ways that no one ever had before. Wait, I was fucking engaged to the most wonderful man in the world. I pulled away from that kiss, staring at his eyes but this time it was not out of rage.

“Why would you do that? “I questioned in a softened voice.

“I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page and now that I’m pretty sure we are, how about that drink?” He was either relentless or just unassuming but either way, it did not seem to bother me which was quite a surprise. The reasonable explanation racing through my head was the way my body was suddenly on fire around him. It’s like all I wanted were those fucking huge arms around me. He was like that sexy hero straight out of a novel, with the looks that would make any woman kiss his feet and a grin that could make an entire world worship him. What was with me today? Was I suddenly going insane over someone? I was supposed to be the woman that never felt anything, not even the slightest attraction to another man who was not Will.

“You are quite a persistent one, aren’t you?” I questioned, chuckling as my defense mechanism to cover up the flaming of every part of my body.

“I never stop till I get what I want. It’s what makes me an Alpha dear, and by the end of tonight you are going to be telling me to take you over and over,” Why did he have to be so damn sexy? Fuck! He was just that Alpha male in all my romance novels that women swooned over.

“Well, I doubt that…Alpha. You know why? Because you and I are not going to talk a second longer. And hey, I do hope you find someone willingly enough to fall for your zero game charm,” I parted him slightly on the shoulder then walked away, trying to find Trina and Sasha.

Just my luck, they were just a few paces away from the hot guy, flirting with another hot guy. Damn! Weren’t they just lucky?

“There you are,” I said in a sing-song voice, pushing past a bearded, buffy man.

“Nadia,” Trina called my name as I reached them.

“Did that facetime call with Will have to take you hours or what? I was almost running outside just to make sure you were still here with us,” Sasha complained, pushing back the stray edge of her blonde strand of hair.

“Well, I’m here now,” I stated. There was no need to mention that I got sidetracked on my way back in by a guy so blazing hot, he could make the entire earth a too much of a sweltering hot place to live in.

“Okay. Nadia this is Danny and Danny this is our friend Nadia,” Sasha introduced as I looked at the guy. He was quiet hot but not as hot as…Fuck! I was not going back there.

“I hope I’m not too late to the party,” At the sound of that familiar voice, I turned around, feeling all the air in my body dissipate into the thin air.

Someone had to be kidding me right now.

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