Chapter Five

I sprayed a shit ton of the Lateo Spray on me, then threw it over to Freida and she followed suit. This would conceal our scents as we went about our business.

Freida couldn't take the pills but I did, on top of the spray, she was going to be staying however and therefore needed to have her scent back soon after they found out or it would be stark obvious who helped me.

This plan seemed almost flawless to me. After all, a wolf with no scent is almost invisible.

I smirked.

This was going to be oh so fun.

I looked over at Frieda, even sweet little Frieda couldn't help but release a small evil smile of her own.

"Okay, I take the rooms on this side, you take the rooms on the left!"

She nodded, lifting her bin bag in agreement.

We split up.

I looked around the room, it was well lived in, gadgets all around the walls and photos scattered about the place in small wooden frames. The bed was surrounded by half torn of stickers from the caveman age and the mattress was curved in the shape of its owner.

I glanced at the Harry Potter stickers scattered about an ancient lamp and smiled to myself. They had come from the only party I had been invited to by one of the boys at the pack. And it was quite fun, awkward but fun.

Of course I was forced to sit at the girls table but I was six at the time and never even understood that it was odd of them to do so. I mean I got bullied for it but they could bully you for the wrong color shoelaces if they want to bully you.

Bullies will always find fault in you if they feel like bullying you, you could be god and it wouldn't mean shit to them.

Our pack made us live in the pack house the majority of the time, some people lived there permanently, and some just used it to store their items. If anyone entered their room and took or even touched any of their stuff their scent would most likely stick so no one did.

Besides, they'd get punished for it and punishments as a werewolf are generally quite violent, since we heal fast.

I scratched my arm nervously, god I can't believe I'm about to do this, and damn the spray is really fucking with my skin. If it gives me a rash I'm blaming Obama.

I looked at the first room and sniffed.

"Callum." I grinned. The giant asshole. I was going to enjoy messing up this motherfuckers room.


I was at the last room when I heard Freida running up behind me and tapping my back nervously.

"What is it?" I whispered.

She kept her voice low. "It's getting late, do you want to rob the alphas office?"

I nodded. Smiling. "You go do that, I'm going to sneak out the back and put this is in the van."

She grinned, I swear she was glowing.

She handed me the pills and the car keys before she left and I wished her good luck.

The pills rattled against the keys in my pocket as I tugged both bin bags from upstairs down to the back exit. I silently thanked the world for making the house so big. I used to hate the size of it. It was so unhomey, but now that it served my revenge so nicely, well, now it could be my friend.

I looked left and right as I slipped out.

There it was, the dealers rent van. It was a small green vet van. Stolen, probably, it still had the remaining letters of 'vet pol-' the rest had been scratched off, graffitied over, and painted over with wall paint.

The car lights blinked in the dark cloudy midnight sky as I unlocked the car, opening the back and throwing the bags inside.

We had made sure not to take anything like TV's and shit, laptops yes but TV's no. We needed to make sure the bin bags wouldn't break with the weight. Therefore I had about three bin bags all not properly filled to the top but all weighing like a pregnant cow.

I wiped the sweat off my brow.

My eyes sparkled as I shut the back of the van.

There was something oddly calming about doing this, like it was a release. Yet also extremely nauseating, I think I was getting an adrenaline rush because all of a sudden my heart swelled twice inside.

The ground felt light beneath my feet. I practically skipped my way back into the house.

Euphoria slipped silent into my system.

What was happening to me?

I pressed forward into the kitchen.

God the room was spinning, the world was too bright, what was this?

Suddenly I felt someone grip my wrist with deathly tight grip.

I gasped as my blood heated and swam about my head. My cheeks flourished in color. My eyes were wide open.

They had described first contact as, well, tingles, electricity, fire. But it was more than that. It was all of those combined and more.

I could have moaned if I wasn't so terrified of the look on my mates face.

Castus glared at me.

It was a scorching glare. If glares could kill... Well I think I'm dying inside so let's just assume they can.

I bit my lower lip. I tried to hide how happy I was he was even touching me, even if at the back of my mind I knew his death grip was bruising my arm badly.

"SHIT!" He spat loudly.

I winced and backed into the counter, struggling in vain to get free of his hands.

I was going to cry.

I had wasted time.

If I had just left instead of waiting for Freida... I wouldn't have to go through this.

I felt like I was getting ready to have open heart surgery awake.

He just pressed forward. Crushing me against the kitchen surface.

"WHY?! WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE YOU! WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE YOU! YOU FUCKING SLUT WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE YOU! I KNEW THIS WAS GOING TO HAPPEN! WHY. DID. IT. HAVE. TO. BE. YOU!" He screamed into my face as he pulled my face up against his. His furious wild eyes made my arms go limp and my skin pale.

I felt my face heat up in shame.

My knees buckled forward till the only reason I wasn't crouched in the floor in a heap was because Castus was breaking my wrists with his hold on me.

I couldn't do it, I couldn't hold it back, I was trying, but it couldn't be long.

Please don't let me cry in front of him.

After all this time of acting strong, don't let me slip up now.

"WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME!" He screamed. His eyes were filled with red hot fury as he glowered over me, looking down on me.

"I'm sorr-." I said in a small voice, choking up near the end as it developed into a sob.

I couldn't hold it much more.

I sobbed again as tears rushed down my cheeks.

His own tears dripped on to my forehead. His right hand let one wrist go.

I wiped my tears away with it but every time I wiped them away more came. My eyes began to sting, my cheeks began to chafe, my lips were so dry they were cracking.

"You fucking ruined my life!" He spat, it wasn't quite a shout, but it was loud enough to make me jump and curl backwards. Struggling harder to free myself of his remaining grip to completely huddle in the corner of the kitchen.

"Please. I'm sorry." I begged. "I'm so sorry. Please."

I wanted to tell him to let me live, to not reject me, that I was leaving anyway, but saying sorry took all the remaining breath in my lungs. All I had now was spent trying to unclog the tears from my throat.

He held his right hand to his heart.

My eyes went wide.

"no!" I croaked through a very broken voice. It was small, silent, pleading, begging. Almost as soft as the flow of the wind, but he heard it, I could see it in his eyes, but he ignored it, and my heart thudded in pain at that.

"I - Castus Rodriquez - Hereby declare my mate of unfit demeanor and reject him as Solus would allow. By the sun of the moons brother."

Pain rushed through me. Stabbing at my heart. My throat clenched together. My eyes stung as I released the last petty tears my body could generate.

My skin was on fire.

My heart was cramping, falling in on itself, like a building collapsing at the iron hands of a wrecking ball.

My last breath released itself in a long painful stream.

And just as I thought it was all over, that my life was at an end. That I would either come to be killed by him or the pack doctors out of pity, something in me jumped.

Something in me made me hold on.

It was the only thing still alive in me, my emotions felt clogged up, like my senses where on overload and no longer existed.

A sad calm settled over me.

It allowed me stand up, to look him in the eyes. He still looked furious, but he also looked in pain, in utter sanctifying pain. But mine where no doubt worse. They were dead.

My eyes were dark to begin with. But now they were black. When once light had reflected off of them in sparkling matter, now it just sucked the light in and spat it back out in gray lines.

"I accept." I said. I didn't know the rejection talk by heart but you didn't need to remember it. You just needed to mean it, and no matter how hard I tried to mean it I couldn't.

He looked frustrated beyond belief, torn between decisions. He scrunched up his face. "Good." He spat.

"Goodbye." I heard myself say.

I sounded calm.

I sounded unreasonably calm.

I stepped to the side and walked around him, slowly making my way through the petrified crowd that had slowly gathered to watch my downfall, and out of the back entrance again.

I looked calm.

My walk was somehow robotic, automated, like the I had been put on automatic while the host of my body lay to the side, just watching.

I was watching myself as I got into the van.

And drove away from the hell I dared to call my pack.

And even though I was sobbing in the back of my mind, in a little dark corner all to myself, whatever had taken over my carcass, smiled.

Just a small, soft, pitiful smile.

A smile that said goodbye.

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