Chapter Seven
Okay, so he was coming for me, that much I had gathered. Something had gone wrong when he rejected me and we are still mates, so he needs to kill me off. Thing is, he won't get to.
Because by the time he get's here I'll have a plan, I'm not a weak bitch anymore.
Castus, I dare you, bring it on.
I was stronger now, thin maybe but stronger than I'd ever been before. Being rogue had served me well, you've no idea how many fights I've been in since I left the pack house, how dangerous it is to sleep in the forest all the time.
Being rogue doesn't make you go crazy but the other rogues do.
If I'm honest when I first left the place I was unprepared. I had no idea how rough some of the rogues out there were. I mean it was the 21st century, we don't get many rogue attacks in the city, it's too dense.
However I'd moved, I'd gone as far away as I could get. It took me maybe a four hours drive to get to this place, till I pretty much ran out of gas.
I was good at fighting, but in wolf form, I was pretty much okay in human form but it was still unpracticed.
I looked into my diary.
Maybe I could convince them I was someone else? They'd probably followed me by my scent, maybe I coul-
"Get your work out Stiles." The woman scolded me, the teacher, I don't know her name.
I nodded and put my bag on the table, as though I was about to, then returned to my book.
She saw this but didn't mention it. It must have took guts to talk to me in the first place. I'm not sure why, but I've found more and more lately that humans tend to shy away from me.
I've no reputation, I'm simply silent and deadly.
Maybe humans can sense the danger? Maybe their senses aren't as bad as I was originally taught.
A guy behind me tapped me on the shoulder.
I turned around, slowly, and gave him a blank look with a hint of a glare.
"Oh.. Uh... Hi... Do you have a ruler I can borrow?"
I shook my head no.
He nodded and turned back to whatever he was doing on his sheet.
I leaned in. One thing I'd learnt over the years is to not give a fuck what others think because they will never manage to leave an impact in your life.
He gave me an awkward glance which I ignored.
I was fascinated, he seemed to be drawing a building, but it was so detailed and symmetrical it almost seemed to be coming out of the pages.
I was tempted to complement him but I just stayed still and watched closely. If there's something I noticed when I had drawn before it was that complements came after you had finished drawing and never before. Or it's like a jinx, to me at least.
He seemed to be drawing lines perfectly straight with or without a ruler, that seemed odd to me.
I glanced up at him when his hand froze, he was looking at me but he looked back down at his page when our eyes met, a small blush on his cheeks.
There was something odd about him.
I sniffed at the air.
He stared at me wide eyed.
"W-what are you doing?"
I froze.
And then the bell rang.
He practically threw items into his bag as he shot out of his seat to leave.
I don't know why I did it, but I did, maybe I wanted to stop him and instinct took its ruling. Or maybe I was becoming a big bully.
I stuck out his leg just before he could make it past me and watched in almost slow motion as he fell to the floor and his possessions flew up into the air.
The items from his yet to be zipped and sealed bag crashed and scattered all over the floor.
He looked up and gave me a scorching glare.
I lent down and tried to pick up a couple of the pens that were lying near my chair when he slapped my hand away, his glare still focused on my apparently unfazed eyes.
I watched as he snatched everything from the floor as though I might lean in and steal them without a moments notice.
That made me smile.
When he had successfully stashed them all back in his bag he turned to glare at me one last time before leaving.
I was surprised when he asked me, "what the fuck man?". Most people are afraid to talk to me. I know why, and I like it, I don't want people to talk to me.
"Are you a werewolf?"
He turned bright red.
I lifted a brow. Well sure there are those who are afraid to let people know they are werewolves but it's never been that embarrassing.
"J-Just leave me alone okay?!" He spat and turned to leave.
I shrugged. The scent was weak, if he was a werewolf he was a shitty one, even worse than me back in the day.
I've never been one to label others, okay well maybe I have, but he smelt like an omega.
Then I saw out of the corner of my eye a small sheet slide away from the floor beside an open window where the wind had given it a little push.
"Hey!" I said, I wasn't shouting but to a human it may have felt that way. I held a little force in my voice as I halted him.
He froze and turned slowly just before the door and I felt his weak glare return to face my own.
"What!" He was obviously trying to sound angry but failing miserably, it was kind of adorable, if he wasn't my height I would have jumped him.
"You left something..." I said as I snatched the last drawing off of the floor.
My eyes went wide when I saw it.
"Oh shit." I said.
This was possibly the sexiest drawing ever. Ever, ever. Some smoking hot guys chest was drawn with all the intensity one could imagine. Every line and shadow drawn in almost motion. Dark yet intense. Bulging muscles. Now this was skill I could properly appreciate.
"Sh-shit, d-don't..." I gasped as he ran back over to me, yelping as he hit one of his hips on the side of a table and snatched the page from me like it was lava in my hands, still wincing from his hurt hip.
I stared at him.
"I-I-I'm not gay okay?! I'm just drawing it for m-m-my sister!"
His face was red.
"Shame, I am." I smirked.
He gaped at me, his mouth at a wide standstill for a couple minutes before he seemingly found his voice again.
"Oh ahem... Yeah..."
"Are you?"
"Nnn... Y-y-yeah..." He stepped a little closer.
"Your adorable." I smirked.
He blushed. "Don't do that!" He whined.
"What?" I asked with a raised brow.
"D-d-don't... A-are you flirting w-w-with me?" He asked. Twiddling his fingers.
I shook my head.
He breathed a sigh of relief.
"S-sorry just because every gay person I meet starts flirting with me and it makes me really nervous b-but your not like that I can tell because your obviously out of my league anyway a-and I'm.. Oh I mean I'm not saying that I like you or I'm flirting with you or anything but I'm just saying... Cause... They..." He trailed off.
I smiled.
What an adorable rambling little bunny.
"Hey!" He gazed at me with wide eyes as he seemingly just remembered that I was the one who tripped him up when he tried to leave the classroom. "You tripped me up! I-I mean why did you trip me up?!"
I shrugged. "I didn't want you to run off, you constantly look like your about to step into action and run off to another country..."
He seemed to understand that but still didn't seem happy with my explanation. "Didn't need to trip me up though..." He muttered under his breath.
"You rogue then?" I asked bluntly again.
What? I'm being an irresponsible bitch not trying to hide it? I'm rogue, all you snobby werewolves out there can go take your packs and fuck yourselves with them. I don't give a shit about your rules anymore.
He blushed. "I'm not a werewolf..." He trailed off.
I stared as he glanced at me awkwardly.
"But you never called me a weird freak for calling you one meaning you know they exist, so what is your affiliation to werewolves?"
His eyes widened before he responded.
"Y-your right, I-I found out last summer... Your a werewolf?" He asked warily.
"Answer my question first."
"I-I was sort of dating one back then... Y-your a werewolf?"
I nodded.
He looked around the room frantically as though searching for someone to come out of one of the cupboards or something.
"Where is your pack?"
"Got none." I shrugged.
"But I thought all wolves were in packs?"
"Not all."
"But then doesn't that make you..."
"Rogue. Yes I'm a rogue."
"O-oh..." He edged away from me.
"You think I'm about to rip your lungs out like a mangy dog with rabies?" I smirked at his surprised expression.
I grinned.
"Although you do look tasty, I prefer men like the ones you draw."
His face turned bright red all the way up to his ears.
"T-that was my ex..."
"A handsome one too."
"He was..." He nodded.
I leaned in. "Was?" I asked.
"I-I-I mean he's still alive... B-but I liked him and he s-sort of rejected me..."
I paused.
Oh damn.
This boy had been through what I had been through. And he looked like a lost puppy, it was so hard not to just kidnap him and sneak off into the woods with him.
"Because your human?" I asked.
He nodded.
"Stupid piece of shit will never be happy without you." I said, my face blank and my voice monotone.
He stared at me, something in his eyes showing his thanks for the words I had just spoken, like he had needed someone to agree with him that he would also be feeling just as bad that he had rejected his mate.
He slowly pulled out the chair beside me.
We sat there in a solid silence for a while, just thinking, both of us glad we did not make the silence an awkward one.
"What's your name?" He asked.
"I'm Roy..."
I nodded.
"Well Roy, I'd like to know how your still alive without your mate."
He screwed up his face in a glare as he turned to face the table.
"He was your mate right? When did you meet? How old were you?"
"I-I was sixteen, he was turning eighteen and he had a big party and it was on my holiday..."
I nodded.
"You were mates."
"What's that mean?"
"You were born to eventually meet and become his lover, be forever bonded."
"S-so why did he call me a... konglen or whatever, and reject me? Because I'm h-human?"
"Konglen?" I asked. "Do you know what that means?"
"Then how did you know that it was bad?"
"The way he said it. What does it mean?"
"...Plaything..." A word commonly used to describe humans for a bloodthirsty group of vampires, not werewolves. Though if I'm honest as much as I've read about vampires I do not personally believe in them. Maybe he was a big bloodthirsty asshole and just found the word in a book or something?"
"He probably wanted a mate that would hunt and destroy lives along side him like mine wanted... Well and mine also probably wanted one with a vagina and breast..."
"Ah... Wait you were rejected?" He gasped.
I turned to him then looked back out the window into the bright over clouded sky.
"Yes." Was my simple cold unprepared response.
Then I felt warm arms lock around my body and his heat melding into mine.
Sure I didn't like him in that way but something about the innocent contact really, really made me feel better. As though he was some sort of replacement for the empty void where Castus should be holding me.
"Mama says hugs help cure broken hearts." He mumbled, his voice muffled by my shoulder.
I froze awkwardly for a moment.
It had been ages since I had felt such tender contact, apart from those I slept with on occasion.
However I recovered from the mild surprise and found myself leaning into his warmth. A sheen of moisture in my eyes.
But I would not cry.