Chapter 5
It's been a week since that dreadful night and I've been spending my time getting drunk and high ever since. All because of Alec fucking Vitale. I hate that man. The nerve of him to degrade me and then just show up and try to kiss me. How dare he! My inner voice has been taunting me since his lips touched mine.
You know you loved how he felt against your body.
Stop this.
I feel nothing for him.
He's just like Sergei.
An arrogant, controlling bastard. I've been off work a week and they still haven't found him. I know he's just waiting for me to come out of hiding so he can lock me up and punish me for running away.
I need something to take the edge off so I don't feel anything. Leaning down to the vanity table, I bring the straw to my nose and sniff the white substance. Yes. That's just what I needed. Putting the stuff away, I look in the mirror to make sure there's no evidence of what I just did on my face. There isn't. Good, I don't need Alec breathing down my fucking neck again. He's like a damn fly that won't go away. I make my way downstairs and pour me a glass of juice.
I turn around and who do I fucking come face to face with. Alec. He is glaring at me like he wants to kill me. I roll my eyes at him and as I'm walking away he jerks me backward forcing me to face him again. His intense glare reminds me of how Sergei used to look at me.
Bringing my free arm to try to punch him, he catches my wrist forcefully. “Don't even fucking try it, junkie!”
Did he just call me a junkie?
His lips graze my ear and my body shivers. “I bet if I looked in your vanity table, I would find your stash, am I right?”
Show no fear, Courtney.
I look at him right in his fucking eyes and spit out full of venom. “You’re wrong Vitale.”
He rushed up the stairs.
He wouldn't, would he?
He busts through my door and rips the drawers open till he finds it.
He's dangling the baggie up over his head so I can't reach it. “Give it back, bastard!
He's got that look in his eyes as he did downstairs. “Tell me Courtney, how desperate are you to get this back? Would you be as desperate as that whore sucking my dick just to get this back.”
I shoved him to the wall and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. “I will never be as desperate as that whore.”
I expect him to shove me back or at least come back with a cocky remark, but he doesn't. He just hands over the baggie and walks away from me and out the door.
I talked to Giovanni and Lucien telling them how I'm going back to work tonight. To my surprise, they don’t protest. They agree I can't hide forever. Giovanni told me how Lucien and Alec would be there throughout my shift.
Lucien is no problem, but Alec that's a different story. He's become a pain in the fucking ass, especially while I'm working. Nate was quick to come to ask me why Alec is acting this way and I honestly don't know. I do know he's become the thorn in my side.
Last time Alec pulled the possessive bullshit he cost me three hundred dollars in tips. Well, not tonight asshole. I'm about halfway through my shift and its time for my lunch break.
Giovanni said I could take it in his office so nothing happens to me, but I think it was more about what happened the last time I was on break. The way Alec was so wasted and how he choked me. That's one thing about Giovanni I've come to realize. He doesn't tolerate harm to women. Nobody knows that Giovanni has been the one who's been slipping me the drugs. He says I work better with it and he's not wrong. I function better and am less irritable.
I throw my lunch in the trash and start to open the door when Giovanni comes running in. “Thank god you're still in here. Alec is drunk again so I would stay here a while.”
Alec is drunk?
“Isn't he supposed to be working?”
“I just don't know what's wrong with him, ever since he saw you, he's been uptight and a bigger asshole than he already is,” Giovanni revealed.
This is about me?
I look at my boss confused. “He hates me. He told me himself.”
He smiles at me and throws his head back laughing. “No. He doesn't hate you. I've never seen him wound up this tight over a woman. Just stay in here until I text you it's clear.”
It's been over an hour and I finally get a text from Giovanni giving me the clear. It's about time. I guess Alec finally passed out.
I open the door and see Lucien hauling a very intoxicated Alec. I stand back and Alec opens his eyes and looks at me painfully. “I don’t hate you. I hate that I like you. I hate that I have to see you in that outfit in here with prying eyes to see what’s mine. Most of all I hate that you make me feel.”
I know he won't even remember this. So I do the only thing I can think of. I pat his cheek softly. “Whatever you say, Alec."
After I tell him that, he passes back out and Lucien looks at me apologetically. I have to get away from him and get back to work.
Approaching the bar, I spot Nate and he pats my back and tells me. "Glad your back. Thank god Alec passed out. All he wanted to do is talk about you."
I almost choke on my shot. "What? I have no idea why he hates me." He chuckles as he is wiping down the bar and shakes his head at me. It's been noisier in here tonight, more than normal. I look at the crowd of people dancing and grinding on each other. They don't have a care in the world.
I wish I didn't have to sleep with one eye open and look over my shoulder every second. I wish so much that Sergei would just forget about me and just leave me alone. A stray tear escapes and I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and its Caterina. "If this is about Alec..."
I cut her off before she can say anymore. "No, this is about all this mess I've gotten your family in. I never intended for this to happen."
She hugs me and assures me. "No that's nonsense my family is mafia, so when you became my best friend you became family too."
Something I never had.
I clear my throat and down my shot. “My shifts almost over, will you wait on me?”
Bringing her drink to her ruby lips, she takes her shot and slams it down on the table. “Of course.”
I go to the back of the bar and go see what we need to order. Suddenly, I'm pushed to the wall face first with my wrists behind my back. I don't need to hear or see who it is. I already know its Alec. I can smell his cologne and alcohol.
Why won't he just leave me alone?
Damn him.
I can feel his breath on me as he presses he places sloppy kisses down my neck. I bite my lip to keep a moan from coming out. Courtney don't you dare moan. You hate this man and you hate this. It doesn't work. “Mmm...”
He grips my hair yanking my head back for better access. “I need you right now Courtney. I'm tired of fighting.”
I suppress another moan threatening to escape and grit my mouth. “Too bad Alec because I'm not.”
He forces me to turn around and I see the animalistic look on his face. My body is shivering when I feel him put his hands on my hips.
I will not let him do this to me. Not again. Bringing my knee up to his crotch powerfully, he instantly crumbles to the floor and I run out of there and run smack into Lucien.
“Have you seen Alec?” Lucien asked.
I point to the door. "Yeah, he's currently nursing his balls in there on the floor."
Shaking his head laughing, he admits to me. “I told him to quit doing that to you, but he’s stubborn. Caterina is waiting in the back.”
Caterina and I are on our fifth shot. No, wait. Is it the seventh shot? Fuck, I don't know. Who cares right? I sure as fuck don't. As she poured my next shot, she grins. “So, I have an idea, why don't we make Alec jealous?”
My eyes almost pop out of my head. “No! I don't even like him. Why would I want to make him jealous?”
Her face lights up. “Oh girl, just go up there and put the skimpiest dress you can find in my closet, pick the red one.”
I reluctantly walk up there and pick up the red dress. It is cute. It's a one-shouldered dress that comes just below my ass but properly covers it. At least I don't have to change my shoes. I have my red stilettos on. As I walk downstairs, I hear Caterina gasp as she looks at me. “Damn, you look great. Now let’s drink.”
I stumble across the kitchen floor as Lucien and Alec come in and greet her. Alec takes one look at me and his face pales then goes rigid. What crawled up his ass? I walk up to greet Lucien and they both grin at me knowing how it's affecting Alec. Lucien just adds fuel to the fire as he hugs me. They leave me alone with the fucking asshole.
I slowly turn around to face him and he's holding onto the bar and breathing heavy. He closes his eyes and I take the chance to sneak up to my room. I go to lie down only to hear a banging on the door.
I almost got away from him.
I open the door and he pushes me to the bed, holding me by the waist. “Do you think this is funny? Flirting with Lucien in front of me.”
I push him away and point my finger in his face. “You don't fucking own me, asshole. Don't forget you hate me.”
He grazes his teeth on my neck. "Not the way I remember. You let me claim you."
Please, Alec just go away.
I'm too drunk for this.
I take my pajamas out and take my dress off letting it pool at my feet. Then I put my pajamas on nice and slow to torture him. I still have my back to him and I hear the door slam letting me know he has left. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and crash down on my pillow letting sleep take over.
The next morning, I wake up to Caterina grinning at me. Not another “make Alec jealous” plan. An idea to get Alec riled up so he can assault me in the club. I look at her shaking my head. “Oh no. I'm not doing whatever your thinking of doing. I have to get ready for work anyway.”
She pouts but understands. I walk in the club and greet Nate. He nods at me and calls me over to him. He looks nervous and rubs a hand behind his neck awkwardly. “So, I was wondering if you want to hang out with me after work?”
I'm about to reply yes when someone pulls me to their body when I hear the all so familiar voice speak up. “No, she's not interested. She's mine.”
I turn around full of rage when he forces me to the room he assaulted me in and crashes his lip to mine.