Losing control over my beast - Chapter Eleven
Odin’s POV:
I could feel my muscles began to tense as my mate stood before me, the one thing that I didn’t want was to scare her away, I refused to reveal my anger to her especially when my beast threatened to take over my body. I could feel his presence slowly creeping into the very recesses of my mind as I struggled to keep him at bay just long enough to face the one woman who threatened his rule.
“Watch over her,” I ordered Immoenne through the mind link.
Immoenne nodded at me slightly with her thick locks of hair bouncing slightly from the brief motion as she attempted to avoid eye contact with me. It wasn’t the first time she had seen my anger possess me and she could tell how much I was holding myself back in front of Caoimhe. I could sense Immoenne’s curiosity as her large emerald eyes shifted from me and over to my mate as she continued to wonder who this mysterious woman was who I had unexpectedly brought into our home. I was expecting Immoenne to nag at me later once things had settled down as she knew all too well that we were in hiding and we couldn’t risk anyone finding out our whereabouts.
This is part of the reason why I have been trying to keep Essen under control, I thought to myself as I knew I was about to blow up on her.
I wasn’t able to control what happened next as my beast was craving a fight and the woman who had been forced outside had been his target for months, I could no longer hold back his anger especially now that his newfound mate was involved.
This is getting out of hand, I thought to myself.
I could feel the skin along the sides of my eyes become tight as my beast fought for control, I groaned under my breath as the stability over my own body began to waver. My snout threatened to protrude itself out with my enlarged paws wanting to rip the ground from under it apart. I was barely managing to keep the shifting instinct at bay as I took that moment to take a final glance at my mate before I brushed past her and out the front door, slamming the old wooden door from both anger and frustration.
An enraged huff escaped from my lips as the sudden cold hit me head-on as I glanced around at my surroundings and took in the scene that played itself before me.
“Don’t you fucking touch me, Ure!" Essen shouted as she tore her wrist from Ure.
“ESSEN!” I ordered as I took a step away from the front door.
The tone within my voice had now shifted as I allowed my beast to take free reign as I had finally reached my limit with him, the balance within me had been ultimately disturbed by the woman who stood before me with her eyes now full of fear as she recognized the tone of her alpha. She held her hand to her chest as she appeared taken aback for a moment and yet I knew all too well that moment would only be brief as Essen’s true nature would soon surface. She was a brazen bitch who didn't know when to step down even when it involved her alpha, This was one of the traits that had originally drawn me to her as I had never before encountered a woman who would dare stand up to someone bigger than her much less against an alpha.
“You have been warned enough times Essen,” My wolf bellowed out as he huffed from anger as he slowly approached the woman who took a defiant stance just before me.
She will never succumb to my will, I thought to myself with my wolf growling in agreement.
Does she think she can defy me and get away with it?! Both my wolf and I thought in unison as our thoughts were slowly becoming one the more our anger grew over the situation.
It had always been Essen who had been the one to bring out my anger causing me to take it out on her or our surroundings. It wasn’t unusual for mates to fight as disagreements were bound to happen and it was in our nature to argue and fight amongst ourselves, but Essen and I weren’t mates nor were we a bonded pair. Essen was simply a woman who I had allowed to remain by my side as she had proven herself to be a valuable resource at the time, only now she was a threat to my mate and that I couldn’t have.
"You don't rule over me, Odin!” Essen said confidently as she folded her arms across her chest.
Oh, how wrong she was.
“Oh, you think so?” I said with a slight smirk on my lips as I stood before her.
“I am your Luna, you do not command me,” Essen said confidentially.
“You think so?” I asked incredulously as I gently placed my hand within her hair and gently rubbed her scalp.
I could easily snap her neck if I wanted to, I thought to myself with a smirk.
Essen remained silent for a moment as she watched me closely, her murky green eyes closed after a moment as she leaned her head against the palm of my hand as she enjoyed the gentle strokes.
“You will never be my Luna,” I said as my smile grew wide from madness as I roughly gripped her dyed blonde hair within my hand and gripped it by the base of her skull.
I snapped her head back uncomfortably far revealing her now exposed neck.
“Odin, no!” Ure pleaded suddenly just as I allowed my canines to extend from my jaw.
My beta knew all too well the bloodshed that I was intending to spill at that moment as the thoughts within my head had grown dark and ominous, I was growing mad and Essen could now sense it as her eyes grew wide from fear.
“Stay out of it, Beta,” I ordered.
I could sense it as Ure suddenly became frozen in place as my order filled his very bones, I knew that he wouldn’t be able to resist his alpha.
“You wouldn’t dare,” Essen sputtered out as she glared at me challengingly.
“Oh, wouldn’t I now?” I said with a soft chuckle as my exposed canines drew closer to Essen’s throat.
I could feel the blood pulsing aggressively through her carotid artery as fear was slowly taking her over, she slowly began to shake as she brazenly stared me down as her head remained uncomfortably pulled back.
“Odin don’t!” Ure pleaded once more.
Shut up, Ure!" I demanded as I snapped my attention to him and met his pleading gaze.
“She’s my mate…” Ure admitted through the mind link after a moment as he looked at me pleadingly.
“That doesn’t mean shit to me right now,” I snapped back at him, and yet I knew that was a whole issue we would have to discuss at a later point.
“Then think of your mate!” Ure pleaded.
My eyes grew wide as I stared at him incredulously.
How did he know?
“We grew up together Odin, I know you better then you know yourself sometimes and I know you wouldn’t want to go back to her reeking of blood,” Ure said as he pleaded with me.
I knew that he was only saying these things in hopes of saving Essen’s life and yet I could sense the truth behind his words, the last thing I wanted was to scare my new mate away and cause her to reject me.
Reject me? I thought to myself as the realization that, that was a possibility hit me full on.
I pushed Essen away and watched as she stumbled backward and fall-back landing on her bottom, she stared at me in confusion as she contemplated what to do next.
“Get out of here Essen, I don’t want to see your face ever again,” I said before turning my back on her and headed back for the cabin.
It was at that moment as the reality of my situation hit me full-on, I knew that Essen would retaliate but I wasn't sure when it would happen or where. My wolf began to recede within my mind as he contemplated our situation, all I wanted to do at that moment was to fall into bed with my mate and revel in her warmth.
I used up too much energy, I thought to myself as I opened the red wooden door that led into the house.
I could feel a rush of exhaustion hit me all at once as I made my way over to the sofa and finally collapsed onto the cushions, I knew what would come if I succumbed to the exhaustion and allowed the sleep to enter my mind and yet I could no longer fight back.
The nightmares are coming, I thought to myself just as my eyelids grew heavy and began to close.
The last thing I saw was a goddess standing just before me wearing a flowing white dress with her ivory hair gently cascading over her right shoulder.