Numbed to the World - Chapter Three

Caoimhe POV:

My head broke through the Dead Sea, with my long ebony hair clinging to my face. The urge to take in my first breath grew achingly strong as I pressed my body against a large slab of ice. I arched forward, placing my palms on the frozen ground and allowed my stomach to cave in on itself as I vomited seawater from my lungs.

The hand that had been my lifeline to the surface finally released me as he took a few steps back as he looked down at me with confusion displayed in his deep blue eyes. I sat up on my knees and shakily wiped the remaining bile from my lips and looked up at the mysterious man with curiosity in my eyes.

His eyes were a deep blue, almost a reflection of the very sea that I had called my home for many generations. I wanted to look away, to allow my eyes to roam the other parts of his body but his gaze locked onto mine and refused to allow me to look away. He bit his lip in confusion as many questions seemed to appear on his face as emotions caressed his eyes and disappeared just as quickly as they had appeared.

I want him, something recited greedily within me.

It was a voice that had been with me my entire existence, I knew it just as well as I knew the palm of my hand. She was a being who I was more than happy to embrace as she was a part of me, a reckless and dangerous part, someone who would not allow anyone to get in her way.

Mine! I thought as I took that moment to stand unsteadily upon my feet.

The gravity hit me all at once as I had expected to no longer be weightless just as I had once been. The air within my lungs grew laborious as I adjusted to breathing in the crisp air, the air I had not known since the moment I was born. I used my forearm to push my long ebony hair out of my face, the long and wet locks felt unbearably heavy as they weighed me down. Ice had begun to form on the tips of each strand, slowly joining the entire mass together as if shackling them down.

I frowned at the thought of being someone's prisoner again.

“Odin!” A woman’s voice called.

Her voice sounded like glass grinding against a chalkboard, I grimaced slightly and pressed my hands onto my ears to drown out the wretched creature. I closed my eyes tightly as nausea overwhelmed me the moment her scent hit my nose, I wanted to throw up and pass out all at once. There was something about her that made me feel uneasy as I glanced over at the woman who had made her way over to me and the silent man.

“Odin what are you doing!” The woman asked before she turned her gaze over to me.

Her mouth formed into a disgusted frown the moment her eyes fell upon me. I allowed my thick hair to cover my face as she sneered at me, the first thing I noticed about her was her blonde hair. There was something off-putting about her hair as it was an unnaturally bright blonde with darkened roots. Something about it seemed fake, she appeared attractive but the aura that vibrated from her pours reeked of a foul scent and made my nose wrinkle in retaliation.

Disgusting, I thought to myself as I wrapped my arms around my body.

It was at that moment I noticed that I was completely naked with my long hair covering my perky breasts and my other private parts. My erect nipples poked through my hair greedily wanting the man before me to grasp them and fondle them with care. I scrunched my eyebrows together curiously drowned out the woman before me and clued in to how my body was reacting.

I could feel a pull towards the brunette-haired man who stood before me and watched with interest as he positioned his bodyweight as he was now standing in front of me. His scent radiated off him in overwhelming waves, something I had not expected. I watched as the muscles in his shoulders and back tense up as the other woman approached him and jabbed her finger into his chest.

I could no longer hear the words that were spewing out of her mouth as she stood there angrily.

Who are you? I wanted to ask only I could not find my words.

I willingly took a step forward until I was a mere inch away from the man before me, my breathing was shallow as the breath barely made a mark upon this world. I reluctantly reached my hand out with my fingertips just barely grazing this man’s skin. An intense wave overwhelmed me at that moment as an invisible spark of electricity pulsated from between our bodies. His soul was drawing me in and I could only happily oblige.

“Who the hell do you think you are?!” The woman angrily demanded as she roughly grasped my outstretched hand just as I was about to touch the man before me.

“Don’t you fucking touch my man!” She shrieked as she bore her canines at me.

She extended her claws and dug them into my arms before aggressively pushing me away. I stared up at her in confusion as I allowed her words to sink in.

Her man? I thought confused.

No, I thought to myself as my eyes glanced over to the man, she had called Odin.

I could smell her all over him like a virus, but he did not belong to her. It was a piece of my soul that resided within this man’s chest. I could feel it calling out to me, demanding to be reunited within me once again as it had been stolen from me the moment my mother birthed me.

I want it back.

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