Fueled Hatred - Chapter Five

Caoimhe’s POV:

I need to touch him, I thought to myself as the words echoed throughout my head.

His very presence drew me in as if I were a moth to a flame, his deep blue eyes enchanted my mind and watched my every movement as I stood before him in all that I possessed. He was a creature who I had been yearning for centuries as I lay trapped beneath the ice.

I could sense each one of his reincarnations and each time I would scream from the pain and heartbreak as I felt those who bore him life take him from me. I slowly grew to despise those who took him from me and patiently waited for the day my other half would survive in this harsh world, a world that only sought his extinction.

I grew bitter with each generation that I remained a prisoner underneath the ice of the Dead Sea. I was forced to watch as the unfortunate mothers were made to watch as their mates ripped their nursing pups from their breasts and murdered them in many ways.

I grew cold and resentful with each death of an innocent child that had been brought into this world, with each death, they cursed my name and mocked me by tossing the child's body into the sea. Over time the bleached bones grew brittle and eventually became one with the earth as the fishes forgot about their presence. Each time I mourned my soulmate's death as they sacrificed him for their benefit, for a long-forgotten curse that was placed upon them by a scornful mother.

The earthly planes of Thallyn grew bitter and cold as the fertile lands slowly decayed and the once clear and beautiful skies wept with each passing day. The mother of Creation watched as those who she had once loved and cherished turned on each other and cursed her very existence.

I wanted to look away from the beautiful man who stood before me as each of his brief and temporary lives flashed before my very eyes. His soul had remained the same with each new life, he always held the same deep blue eyes, eyes that held so much turmoil, and yet I knew that he would never remember the horrific things that his kind have done to him. Instead, he is forced to be an outcast, to spend his days on the run-in hopes that no one tracks him down and destroys everything that he holds dear.

They will all die and I will make every last one of them watch and rejoice as bloody tears poured from my opal eyes, they will feel the pain and wrath that I had once felt each time they took his soul from me. This man was mine by birthright, I was no longer a small bird locked away within a frozen cage and forced to watch as the world above me spun on.

I was once but a delicate and fragile creature whose tears turned the once lively sea dead and salty, nothing thrived there anymore once I had been cast out into the harsh waves as an infant.

This man is mine, and mine alone, I thought to myself as I shifted my gaze slightly and shot daggers towards the woman whose scent continued to linger upon his skin.

He was never meant to become one with another being, his hands were not meant to roam another woman’s body or caress her cheek as he imagined he did with her. I would rather die than allow him to lay a claim on another beast’s body who was not my own.

My black opal-like eyes glimmered with hatred and betrayal as my gaze became locked with the blonde who stood just behind my mate. I took that moment to finally place my lingering hand upon my mate’s chest, his pupils dilated within seconds as I felt his heartbeat race from within his chest. If he had been a normal man, then he would have been dead by now as I closed my eyes and ignored the scornful woman as she proceeded to make her way over to us.

I smiled slightly as I imagined her cheeks burning red and her murky green eyes glaring at me with rage. I wanted her to burn with all the envy and hatred that her soul could produce, I wanted to watch as it consumed her and eventually rotted her from the inside out. She was a virus upon the world of Gliese, and I was more than happy to erase her existence within that moment.

I finally opened my eyes after a moment and smiled at the brave woman as she finally stood before us with her cheeks bloated with the breath that she had not known she was holding. She began to reach out before her, with her hand just inches away from mine as she was intent on removing my palm from Odin’s chest.

“No,” Odin and I said in unison as he finally turned his head to look at the woman, he had called Essen.

Essen's hand faltered slightly as she glanced up at Odin with confusion spreading upon her face. Odin glared down at her as the emotions that I was feeling deep within me were now openly displayed on his face with a deep and endless rage burning within his eyes.

“You are no longer wanted here Essen,” Odin said as I mouthed the words.

His voice was deep and demanding as he glared down at the shocked young woman.

I shifted my gaze from Essen and glanced up at my mate’s face and took in his features for the first time in our lives. His jawline was chiseled as if created by the gods, with deep blue eyes that resemble the Dead Sea where I had resided for so long. His lips formed a deep frown as he glared down at Essen as if wanting to bury his canines into her neck and rejoice as the blood flowed down her chest.

I would like to see that, I thought coyly as I almost felt convinced to allow the man before me to commit the action.

He was mine and I would do anything before I allowed her to touch him again.

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