The first friend

What ? He brought me back to palace.. How.. And why..?

" How did you. " I wasn't even able to complete my sentence, when he interrupted me.

" Well, I know there's hell lot of questions going inside your head right now.. But for now you need to get inside.. Before your wicked husband finds out.. That you were all alone roaming in the city

at night without any security.. This is the back door of the one will get to see you if you'll enter from hurry.." The handsome stranger said... Well now I at least know his name..

Eddie.. But somehow.. His name doesn't goes with his personality..

And how does he knows a lot about me..

How can he call William a wicked... Well no argument there he is wicked and far worst than that.. But how some random stranger could know about him..

And how he even knows that.. William doesn't allows me to go anywhere alone.. And held me like captive in his house..

" How.. Do you know so much..? " I asked completely confused and puzzled..

" Alizeh, look.. I know there's a lot going inside your brain.. But for now.. You should get inside. Cause you would not like the consequences.. If you don't.. Get inside right now..

And for your queries.. I'll answer them tomorrow.. Same place same time.. I'll wait.. Till than. Good night.. "He said and winked at me.. Then he left..

Now I'm too confused and restless, who is he.. How does he knows this much about this palace and William..

But before that I need to get inside , but still William was supposed to be on tour.. So how can Eddie say that.. He will find out about me being out in the night.

Well, for now I need to give my mind a little rest, first I need to get inside before anyone finds out about me..

I entered from the back door, as still I didn't have seen the complete palace, I find it little difficult to find my way back to the room, after a little hardship I found my way back.

I entered the room, as soon as I closed the door and Walked to closet.. To change.. I heard the smashing of the door.

" Where the hell were you..? " William barked..

Startling me to hell.. Damn it... He is back.. How..? Did Vaughn lied to me..

"I was in the washroom.. " I said stuttering.. Well one of my traits , I stutter when I lie..

Thank god he doesn't knows that..

He must be taking it as my stimulus reaction, of being scared.

" In the washroom.. Really, I was calling out for you, since past five minutes.. " William said.. Angrily

" Ohh, I didn't heard,"due to lack of anymore excuses I just responded this..

I need take his mind off from this.. Or else soon I'll be pouring out the truth and digging my own grave.

" Vaughn told me you'll be back after a week..? "I asked.

" Ohh, so you were expecting me to be gone for long. So that you can run wild... Well to your disappointment.. I'm gonna be around..for very very long.. " He said mocking me..

Enough just because I don't respond, he thinks I'm weak. No.. I don't even want to talk to him. That's why I don't respond.. But now he is taking it too far..

" Well, yes.. Cause I really like it when you are not around.. Who the hell will like the presence of the devil around them.. Certainly no one.. " I snapped at him for the very first time.. Since the day he has entered my life again..

His jaw dropped seeing me all brave and bold in front of him..

His ego was hurt and I was ready for whatever was waiting after that. To come to me.. He has done every worst thing possible by now.. And if he wants to hit me.. He can but I will not even flinch..

" Ohh so now you are learning to how to use your new found vocals.. "He mocked me again.. Trying to suppress his anger..

But how the hell he could make fun of my disability.. The one I got only because of him..

I was furious, I hated when someone made fun of my disability..

" You scoundrel, what do you think of yourself.. You think you can insult me any way you like.. " I almost barked at him..

I must say a very wrong move at the very wrong timing.. But I was ready to take it all. I'm done being that pitiful girl..

" You, filthy little piece " Saying so.. He pounced on me as if he was going to slap me.. But instead he took a good hold of my hair.. And pushed me on to the bed by force..

But now, I won't allow him to degrade me like that.. I know I can't win him in physical fights.

I can only win over him by using my wits.

" Go on... Go ahead and rape me one more time.. And show.. How much of man you are. Go on Mr William Henry.. Please do not stop.. But remember one thing. A man who forces himself on a woman is not a man.. But a coward. You may win over my body.. But you'll never be able to defeat my soul.. " I said seething.


" You... " He was raging with anger that he could not even find a word to call me out.. But I knew that I have hurt him.. I have hit him right on the spot..

After smashing the flower vase.. He left..

Finally I got to learn at least one way to tackle him.

The next morning was quiet.. I got up, prepared myself and went out..

As soon as I finished my breakfast, Eric arrived..

" Good morning ma'am, sorry , I wasn't available at your service yesterday, but from now, I can take you where ever you like.. " He said in his robotic style.

" It's okay, Eric thank you, " I said and dismissed him.

All the day I tried hard to prey some information about William, but none of the workers in here dared to speak anything..

I even started looking around In the house to find something but to my disappointment I found nothing..

It was, eight in the night, no sign of William's arrival..

Eric was there so I asked him.

"Is William going to be late. Tonight. ? " I asked him..

" I'm sorry ma'am I didn't get you..? "He asked, confused by my question..

" I asked is he going to be late..? "I emphasized

" Ohh,, I'm sorry ma'am I didn't know that you are unaware of his tour to the state, he'll be back by tomorrow.. " Eric said.

What a relaxation.. I don't have to see him even if it's just for tonight..

Thanks heaven..

Suddenly I remembered Eddie. He promised to answer my question..

Immediately I asked Eric to drop me to the river side..

But he was hesitant to do so because of William's strict order to not to let me stroll in the night.

But I forced him and somehow it did worked..

Finally he dropped me.. To the river side..

I was standing there and looking around searching for Eddie's presence

When I heard him..

" You are late.. "

" Ohh, I'm sorry... Actually I lost the track of time.. " I said.. Stuttering cause I was lying, I wasn't able to come cause of William.

"No need to lie Alizeh.. " He said.

What how did he figured out..

" What.. I'm not lying, well, I didn't came here for a chit chat.. You promised you'll answer me.. " I said sternly.. I hated when he called me liar..

He fell silent and was gazing at me with something in his eyes that I couldn't figure out..

" What? " Irritated by his silence I asked..

" What.. What.. I'm waiting for your questions ... You only said that you want the answer so provide me the question first.. "He said countering me..

Well beside being handsome there's nothing else to adore in him.. His cocky mouth Is what I hate the most.. In him.. Every time he taunts me.

. " How did you knew all that.. About palace, William and everything..? "I asked..

" To answer your question.. My father works in his firm.. So I definitely do know about his house, I usually visit it from time to time with my father.. And the next one about William Henry.. Five minutes with him and everyone will get to know about his arrogance.......... There satisfied.. I answered your questions.. " He said.. Again sarcastically remarking me..

" Well thank you " Saying so I started to walk out of the place..

I had enough of his cocky remarks..

" Wait Alizeh.. I answered your questions.. But what do I get in return.. "He asked.. Baffling me..

" Excuse me. What do you get in return...? "I repeated his statement

" Yes... I gave you what you asked but you didn't gave me what I asked.. "He said..

" What did you asked..? " Seriously I don't remember he asked me for anything..

" Your friendship remember.. "

Damn man.. I thought he was kidding..

" You are kidding right.. Why do you want to be my friend.. How am I any good " I said.

" Well, I liked.. Spending time with you so I asked.. To be your friend.. Alizeh.. Trust me I'm no harm, I can sense it in you that you are afraid to be my friend.. " He said.. In a concerned way.

But why does he wants to be my friend.. Why.. He can be friend to anyone.. He wants.. I mean look at him.. He has got all traits that a girl would just start drooling over him by having just a look at him.

. But seeing the situation.. And my state of mind it will be good to have someone to talk to and take my mind off from that monster.. Having a friend is no harm of course when I'll provide him with the information that only I want him to know..

So finally I agreed.

"Okay.. Friends.. " Saying so I offered him my hand..for a handshake

Which he delighted took

" So where are you from.. " I asked him

" Why are you asking me this.. " He countered..

" Well, because you don't have that thick Scottish accent and I have seen a lot of American series so I can easily guess you have an American accent.. "I said smiling at him.

" Wooh... I didn't knew you could notice such an odd details.. But yes.. I certainly didn't lived here but I was born here.. I lived with my mother.. In California.. " He answered my question with a grin

" So what do you do here.. " I asked him.. I know I was bombarding him with questions but it was necessary for me to know him as much as I could.. I can't let him be my friend until I have known enough about him.

" You ask too many questions.. But to answer that.. I'm a racer.. "

" Racer.. Like horse riding or something.. "I said puzzled.

" Really. Horse riding.. Are you leaving in nineties.. No girl.. I'm a car racer.. I love speed.. " He said laughing at my petulance..

" Not funny.. It must be risky right.. " I was looking at the sky while asking him this..I was just trying to get to know him..

When I suddenly heard William's voice coming from my behind.

"So this is your new hiatus.. " He said.. As a mockery..

Ohh my god if he saw Eddie.. He might hurt him..

I turned around instantly to explain William that he was just here I wasn't talking to him..

When I noticed Eddie was already gone.. Not to be seen anywhere..

Who is this man... Where did he disappeared all of a sudden..

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