A ray of hope.
" So what do you think.. " Eddie asked me..
Showing this beautiful place.... I didn't knew that scotland has something this beautiful.
" Amazing " That was all I could say to define the beauty of this place.
It was a forest.. But beautiful.. I could hear insects chirping..huge green trees.. Mountains caps covered in early winter snow.. And the most beautiful..
A water stream in between..
It was peace full to watch such a delightful sight.
" So you liked it.. " Eddie asked..
" Of course.. "I mean what's not to like in this.. Beautiful place.
" I thought so.. " Eddie said..
"How.. You thought so.. I mean how can you be so sure.. About it. That I'll like it. . "
I asked.. Curiosity engulfing me.
"I know a lot more, I know Alizeh, you love to be surrounded by nature.. And I know you love one more thing. " He said..building more curiosity in me when he came and blindfolded me using his hands..
. "What are you doing..? " I asked bewildered.
And when he blindfolded me by just using his hands... His touch created a sparkle in me.. That I was unaware of.. I wasn't scared from his touch... But more like enticed..
" I'm going to show you something more beautiful than this.. Trust me.. " He said.. Or asked I'm confused..
He said trust me. It sounded more like a request than statement.
Finally we reached.. Where he wanted to take me, than removed his hands from my eyes..
I felt a loss ,when he took his hands off my eyes.
But what I saw next was... Breathtaking..
I always wanted it.. But can never have it...
A pony... I always loved horses.. Specially a pony.. When I was a child.. And my mother was alive. I always used to ask dad to bring me a pony.. Just to make me happy he bought me a wooden pony and promised that.. He'll get me a real one, when.. I'll be an adult..
Than the incident made my life hell but still I used to draw them.. On paper.. And after mums death I used to make not just a pony.. But a unicorn.. Who would fly to God and tell my message to my mum in heaven..
My love for nature was undying. And for ponies and horses it was infinite.
" Wanna ride... " Eddie asked giving me a playful smirk..
"What.. Ride... You must be kidding right.. For one it can be a wild one.. And two I don't know how to ride.. " I said still reeling in the surprise.. That this new found friend got me.
" I'll teach you.. Come on.. "Eddie said offering me his hand.
" But you told me that you are a car racer.or rider... Than horse.. How..? " I asked..
Eddie walked towards me and stood so close.. My back was facing his front.. And I could feel his breathe on my neck.
" Alizeh I know a lot more.. And I can teach you too. Only if you allow.. "He said.. In a tone that made me feel ticklish inside my belly.
" Come on.. Let's go and ride this horse.. " Eddie said moving away from me..
And again offering me his hands.
Seeing my Reluctance.. He himself took my hands in his.. And than pushed me on top of that pony..
And he himself climbed on it.. Holding me by my waist..
He said. " Ready to take the adventurous ride of your life.. "
I was enjoying being so close to him.. For the first time I was feeling safe and secure..
The thing that was surprising was, I was finding these all comfort in the arms of a stranger.
" Umm Eddie it's going to get more dark now.. And do you think it's safe to ride in this dark.. And what of Eric my driver came looking for me.. Aren't we going to get late.. "I said.. In a rushed manner..
I don't get it.. Why I was feeling such a restlessness.. Being this close to him was very new to me.. Only touch of opposite gender that I got was of William.. And he brutally destroyed my innocence..
But with him.. It was all a new experience.
"Don't think too much Liz.. Just enjoy... " He said... Cooing me a little..
" Okay, " Hesitantly I said..
Than he took me for the most beautiful ride of my life..
And as he promised me.. He dropped me back on the River side.. Before Eric arrived.
That was the first time.. I laughed genuinely after this horrendous wedding..
The ride was more than amazing.. Every time when the horse paced up he held me a little more tighter. Giving me goosebumps all across my body..
I was happy that. William was gone for a week..
I felt free with Eddie.. And that was the start to my new found friendship..
From that day onwards.. I met him consistently for three days back to back.. Same timing same place.
I was learning a lot about him..
Like he loves sports a lot and beside being a racer.. He is a footballer too.. He loves to play football.. So besides being.. Extraordinarily handsome he has got tons of talent. That makes me doubt him more than I should..
He made me feel happy in the time of distress.
A boy so talented like him.. Comes all the way here just to chat with me.. I'm sure he must be having. A girlfriend.
But a thought of him having a girlfriend was kind of unsettling to me.
I wanted to know that though.. So I asked..
"Do you have a girlfriend..? " I asked innocently.
He laughed a little...
"Really that's the first thing you asked me, otherwise all the things you got to know about me are the ones that I myself told you... Sometimes you amaze me to heaven liz.. "
Liz... The way he says my name gives me chill down my spine..
"Well, that's not the answer.. And if you don't want to tell me than don't.. I can understand privacy matters. " I said trying to sound not offended but I was..
He must be thinking that I'm interested in him..
Okay fine I'm interested in him.. But how does it even matter.. Even if want him.. I can never have him..
" Hey,,... Liz don't get offended.. I just said.. Anyways leave it... You want to know that do I have a girlfriend... Than Liz... No... I don't have a girlfriend.. "He said... Looking straight into my eyes.. I could see some unknown emotion swimming in his.. Ocean green eyes..
Before I could figure out.. Eddie suddenly got up. And left.. Without saying anything..
After that. For two days. I didn't saw him..
I went to that place each day.. But he did not came..
Today was the last day.. From. Tomorrow William will be back.. And my ride to hell will resume.
This past week went so fast.. Except the last two days.. When I could not meet Eddie.
That stranger.. Made me so happy in such a short period of time that I almost forgot , why I was here for.. I forgot about.. William and all other stuff that were drowning me.. He was a escape from this brutal reality .. A beautiful escape..
Today again I decided to go to the river side to see if he'll come today or he is done being my friend.
Too my surprise... He came.. I almost expected him not to show up again.
"Where were you..? " I asked... More like demanded..
" Wooh.. You are bossy today.. I get it.. "He said.. Totally ignoring my question.. And sat beside me..
He was somehow looking more handsome..
In his black t-shirt with half sleeves.. Which were properly showing his build up biceps.. And in his blue denim.
He came and sat beside Me..
" I asked you something.. "I said.. Again..
" I heard you the first time Liz.. No need to repeat. " He said nonchalantly..
" Okay... Than why not answer it.. " I snapped..
"Don't Liz.. Stop.. ".he said irritated..
Stop what.. What have I started... That I need to stop.
" What" I asked perplexed..
"This Liz... This. I'm trying to clear my head out.. But you are not helping it.. I stayed away for two days thinking that... I would stop thinking about you . If I'm not around you. But guess what... You are all I think now... There you got your answer where I was.. " He said.. Irritated.. Brushing his hair with his hands in a rushed manner..
What did he mean by that..?
" I thought we were friends... " I said confused..
"Liz... I don't think I can ever be your... Friend.... Your just friend.. " He said.. Instantly cupping my face with his hands.. And caressing my cheeks with his fingers.
And that was my undoing..
I was reeling into his touch.. When suddenly he crashed his lips... On to mine....
Holy.... Hell.. What did he.. Do....?