Preparing for the disaster

Hearing the noises coming from the outside. I rushed downstairs.

The sight in front of my eyes were.. Appalling.

All the furniture were thrown out on the road.. The flower vase was thrashed on the floor.

I saw two to three man... Were explosively throwing our belongings outside the house.

My father was pleading them... Not to.. Do so.. But they were implacable.

They ignored his plea and did what they were ordered..

It all was abominable for me.

I walked towards my father.. Who was kneeling down on the floor.. Pleading them.

My brother was trying hard to fight them just to get himself hurt.

I got down and picked my father up..

" I'm sorry lizeh, I failed your mumma.. I failed you . I failed myself.. I promised her to give you all a better life... To protect you all with everything I have..but what I did instead... First I let her die all alone... And now I can't even provide you and Danny a home.. I'm a failure.. " My father said sobbing..

Every neighbors were looking at us.. Enjoying the sight.. None of them walked up to help us.. .

" No dad, you are not a failure... You are an amazing father.. And I'm sure if mommy was here, she too would have said the same.. You did all you could...don't blame yourself... " I was consoling my heart broken father... When the devil walked.

" You are right Alizeh, he did all.... All he could, to take you away from here.. " The monster Henry remarked sarcastically..

Seeing him boiled my blood. I was dyspeptic by his presence.

He is the reason for all that is happening..

He is the reason why my father is so broken right now... Above all he is the reason that my mother is not with me anymore...

" What are you trying to say Mr Henry... I thought you agreed on our terms last night.. That will be talking today... But what I see right now... Is exasperating me. " I barked at him.

" Ohh, Alizeh, didn't your father told you.. He was planning to fly you away , somewhere else , away from here... But he doesn't know.. Once I decide to have something than nothing could stop, me.

He is very well aware that he can't pay the price.. So he thought to escape, but even if he would have. I would have easily found him. But why to waste time in that. When I could do this. " He said.. Laughing at our pitiful condition.

What.? father was trying to escape... Damn.. I wish I could tell him the truth.. There's no escaping from this man.. When I thought after killing my mom he must have escaped to save himself that's why no one did found him. , but actually all that time he was following us...

" What... Is this true dad..? " I asked my father dumbfound by his action.

" Lizeh, what did you thought, that I'll sit here watch him destroy us.. I had to do something.. Well, I know I can't pay him the amount so I did this.. " My dad said explaining his actions.

How can I explain him.. It's of no use.. But the thing that was astounding me the most was, why William Henry was doing this, when he could easily kill us all.

What are his plans now. ?

" Daddy, you already know.. Nothings gonna work.. It's better for us to agree to his terms please try to understand dad... I can't see you or Danny like this. You both have already did a lot for me... This is the least I could do dad, please... " I tried to convince my dad.

This is the only way.. I can save them.. And I'm ready to die even if this monster would let them be all alone.

" No, lizeh,... Over my dead body... " My dad barked..

" Well if thats what you want then....I'll grant you this wish Mr Smith... "William said... Pointing a gun at my dad...

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