The disaster.

All the oxygen evaporated from my lungs when I saw him, pointing a gun at my dad.

This horrible sight again in front of me, first my mother and now my father.

Me and my brother were watching them in horror.

" Don't... Please no... I agree... I agree to each and everything... You want. Don't do this.. " I rushed towards my father and sat down on my front of the gun point.Somehow I gathered my strength and spoke, to stop him ,in complete horror, my voice was faltering... Even though I have already witnessed his brutality.. But still I wanted to try one last time.

" No, lizeh,... Don't he can't do a thing to me... Can't you see besides his men, there is public... If he dared to shoot me.. He knows well, he would not be able to walk back safe.. " My father.. Exclaimed.

" Yes, lizeh don't be scared of his empty threats... " My brother also supported my father..

Only if I can agree with them.. But somehow I doubt them.. There's so much more to this man standing in front of me, pointing the gun at my father..

" Ohhh, really Mr Smith... What a pity.. But let me tell you one thing... The people you are referring as public are no one but.. People who are living here on my account... In short ....they are nothing but my slaves... So don't even think for a second, that this would stop me from killing you ,what do you think...why they never dared to come for your help....ever..".. William.. Sarcastically remarked at my father... With an evil smirk..

What the hell... Ohh my god... Now I understand it all..

Why these people never walked to help us in time of need, why they always kept themselves at distance., all along while we were living here.

Holy crap.... Now I can connect all the dots... Each and every incident that happened.. While we were in the search of the one who killed my mother... The same person was actually following us all the way to here...

Holy Lord...

...that's why we easily got everything here.

I still remember when we arrived in here from Scotland, one of our dad's business partner helped us.. To settle in here, we just lived in his house for only couple of days. Then we got our own house here in Ottawa.. And to my surprise, without any difficulty, we actually got a house, my dad could easily start his new business in this all new city... Without any obstacles..

But holy crap... One statement from him.. And now everything is crystal clear.. He made us have it all. Without any problem.

He kept us there from where he could have an easy access to our life's.

All this time, when we thought... It's all over, the man who killed my mother has escaped, but no... He did not.... Actually he was chasing us.... But why....???

What is it that he wants from us.? For which he is using all his power putting so much of effort into it..... Why do he wants us to suffer...?.I can't remember all his conversation with my the time he came to kill her, all I remember is..that from the way they were talking...they seemed like arch..rivals.but he already did killed my why is he doing this...And above all who is he.. ?

" Mr, Smith. For your own benefit I'll suggest you to stop with your stupid bravery.. You alive or dead... Doesn't matter.. Alizeh will walk down the aisle for me. So if you want to see your daughter in a bridal dress than I would advice you to shut your mouth.. And follow my instructions.. " William snapped at my father.

" You think.. I'll allow this..perhaps, you may have to kill me, cause till the time I'm alive.. My daughter would never be your prey.. " My dad snapped at him..

Little does he know ,he can actually do that to him.. He might kill him.. And if he does that... Than I'll die too.

" And.. I can't understand, how just for the money you started demanding my daughter.. I have taken loan.. If someone has to pay. It has to be me... Not my.. Daughter.. " My dad walked close to him.. And stated sternly. William was still holding the gun in his hands, but now he wasn't pointing it at my father.

.. I don't know who this man is... What he actually wants.. But one thing is clear, now.... He planned this all... Our house... Business... This loan.... Everything..

How much of power does he actually hold..

Only I can figure his evil plan... No one else can.. Cause no one knows the past... And now after seeing what he is capable of.. I should better not tell anyone now..if I didn't do this, since this long.

" Dad... Please... Stop it... You know we can't fight him dad... Please... Just agree... And let me get married to him.. " I intervened diverting everyone's attention towards me. I was crying vigorously . Knowing how messed up this all is... But still clueless why he was doing so..

" No lizeh, not happening... He can kill me, if that's what he wants.. But I won't allow this... Till I'm alive.. " My dad angrily screamed at me.

" Yes, lizeh, you don't have to do this... He can't do anything to us... There's a thing called law.. He won't be able to get a free pass from there.. " Danny said angrily.

" Really, how foolish you people are.. Do you still think anything or anyone could ever stop me from achieving what I want.. " William said laughing wickedly.

No way.... This man... Is something else... He is too strong and way more powerful. No argument could ever make us a winner in this condition now..

It's better to surrender, he has already killed my mother.. And wouldn't hesitate to kill my brother and father too.

If I can give them a peaceful life... By marrying him... Than why not... I can do this..

" Mr Henry... I'll get married to you... When and wherever you want.. Please let my family live peacefully please... " I begged him.. On my knees..

" No lizeh,.... Stop.. Stop being so submissive.. " My dad and my brother both remarked simultaneously..

Ignoring them, I said.. " Mr Henry I agree to marry you.. "

" Good Alizeh, I'm glad that at least one of you has an actual brain.. And uses it properly.. Tonight..then. "

What tonight?.. How desperate is he.. To marry me..

" Tonight... " I said Astounded..

" Yes, tonight... You'll be coming with me to Scotland.. Now you have a full day for your packing.. I'll see you tonight.. " Saying so he left with his men. All the neighbors were here just for the show.. Actually they were here only for the show.. They all are no one but only his men.

" What the hell is wrong with you lizeh? " My dad barked.. Dragging me inside our house.. My brother followed and closed the door behind.


" Dad try to understand.... There's only this that I could do to keep you both safe.. " I said.. Crying and pleading.

" Stop it... What do you. Think. After that man gets you under his claws I'll be in peace.. No way lizeh, I'll die thousands death every single day.. I don't know why he is doing so... How can a person.. Become so vindictive just for a loan. " My father said... Hopelessly..

Only if I could tell him.. It's not just the loan.. I don't know the real reason.. But it's long living rivalry.. If I even dared to speak the truth than I might be left with no cherish.

" Dad, please try to understand.... He will harm us either ways.. Please... For the love of Lord , do try to understand my plight dad... I have seen you both... Doing a lot for me... Even If I wasn't able to speak you both understood me so well... Please dad now I'm begging here and you are not even listening... "

I was trying to convince him... When my brother.. Got so angry that he pushed the Hall table so hard that it fell on the floor..

Me and my father both looked at him... Totally shocked by his outburst..

" For God sake, lizeh... Stop it . Hell man... He is of dad's age and thinking of him with you... Boils my blood... Stop this all... We'll figure it out.. " He barked angrily.

" How... How. The hell we'll figure out...?.. We don't have money... Every thing we have here... Is already under him.. So how we will figure out... By escaping... Well. Guess what dad did the exact same thing Danny and we can see the outcome... " I snapped at my brother..

I turned around and looked at my dad... With complete confidence and in a stern way I said..

" Dad, this is the least I could do... And even if I have to die... I will.. If that's what is needed to keep you both alive and safe.... So please dad... I'm going to marry him.. For you both... Doesn't matter if you agree or not... Cause you also know it very well by now that we are in deep mess... And this is the only way.. Out... "

" You know lizeh, all this time, I prayed with my each and every breath to Lord to give you your voice back... But now when you have it... I don't want you to have... May be than you wouldn't be defying me like this.. " My dad said.. Disappointed with my constant denying and defying him.

I too wish that... Why God is so harsh on us.. Why didn't he killed me.. Why just a trauma attack.. Instead of just my voice Lord should have taken my life... Than I wouldn't be living to see this..

" Dad,.... Danny.. Trust me.. Though I know you both think I'm weak just because of the accident... But I'm not. Yeah.. I didn't spoke for a long time.. But I have my own strength.. I can fight him... Please... Don't take this away from me... The last chance of saving you both... " I pleaded both of them crying...

" No,lizeh, I can't... And if you do this ... Then just get this inside your head... We are dead for you... "

Saying so my dad and Danny left and went to their respective rooms..

While I was all sobbing and..sitting on the cold floor of our beautiful but now horribly disheveled Hall.

For whole day.. I just tried to talk to them and convince them.. But nothing was left that I could do convince them..

Finally the clock struck eight... Time for his arrival.. The monster arrived sharp at..eight.. My father and brother were still in their rooms.

They even tried hard to convince me making me believe that we all together can fight him... But till now.. There's not a single sign to prove or support what they were saying.

I already did made up my mind.. For the benefit of all this has to be done..

I opened the door leaving a note behind me on the table.. For my father and brother.

And walked up to him..

He opened the car door for me.. And I hopped in.. He came from the other side and joined me in the passengers seat.. The driver started the engine and now..

We were going to the place where this all started.... The beginning of this disaster.. Scotland.

We just had.. Crossed our.. House lane... When suddenly.. The car stopped..

"What the hell.." . William barked... And hopped out of the car..

Damn... It.... What are they doing here...???

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