The.. Execrable wedding.
I was sitting.. In a white gown.. This wasn't something I expected.. My wedding day to look this dreadful. The girl in the mirror wasn't me.. She looked lifeless and pale..
But the only thing that was keeping me intact ... My father and brother... Today they both are here .. We all are in this together.
That day.. When the car halted.. At the end of our house lane..
William went out.. And
Damn.. My brother and father are the one who blocked the way to stop the car..
William.. Was talking to them.. The three of them were in some deep conversation.. Finally.. They all started walking towards the car..
William took a seat in the car next to driver while my father and brother joined me in the back passenger seat..
" Lizeh, I might get angry over... You ,,love.. But will never ever leave you.." My father said.. Kissing my forehead..
" We are in this together lizeh, how could you think that we'll leave you.. Don't forget we were born together... We faced ever situation together so now how can I leave you alone in this.. " My twin said.
And we three embraced each other..
I know I was entering a life threatening danger.. But now I wasn't sacred anymore.. My family is with me.. And that's all I want to have in this battle against this evil spirit.
He was looking at us... In disdain.
Finally we reached airport.. We all boarded the flight... And now were leaving. For Scotland..
Leaving behind our home. Here in Canada.. Everything else.. That we made since last fifteen years.. Was now left behind..
After a long flight we all reached Scotland.. The place which was now dreadful for me.. This is the place where I lost my mother.. I lost my happy life.. And I'm back here.. With all the determination, to get all the happiness back, that my family deserved, which this monster destroyed dreadfully.
As soon as we arrived at the airport, I could see few people rushing towards us, with cameras.. They seemed like media persons..
What...? Why are they clicking us...?.. Then I noticed.. They were not clicking us... But him.. William... Henry.. Who the hell is he...?
Suddenly a man in well stuck suit and tie came, along with 3-4 men who were looking like a bodybuilders.. I guess they were security guards.
" Sir... Please this way.. The car is waiting for you at the back door.. The front passage is full of media and camera.. "The man in suit and tie said..
" Okay.. Vaughn. " William said.
Then the men guarded us while the man in the suit and tie.. Guided us out.. Of the airport..
We reached the car...
Damn the car..... It was a Limousine..
I should not be surprised.. He has shown enough to let us know that he is super rich... But who is he.. Why the media was clicking him... Is he some celebrity..? I wanted to ask this all.
When suddenly he.. Sternly ordered the three of us to get inside the car..
Then we finally were dropped to a house..
He came out of the car.. And said..
" Alizeh, just for tonight you'll be living in this farm house.. Tomorrow will be a new start to your new life. So my to be beautiful wife go get some beauty sleep..tomorrow will be our day..our wedding day" He said.. Every word sounded like a threat... More than an information.
William left there after, with his body guard and the stuck up suit.. I guess he is his personal Secretary.
We entered the house, although my house in Canada was a big one... But this house right in here it's.... Humongous.. He called this mansion a farm house...well, it doesn't qualifies for that.. It would be degrading it's value to call it just a farm house.. It was huge well decorated, with chandelier and white designed marbles.. Imported crystals embedded on the wall adding to it's beauty..
But.. It makes me feel hollow.. Knowing my situation and the circumstances...
This house was already well equipped and server were already present in our service.
They guided us.. And showed us the house and asked us to have rest.. In our respective room.
But I was too restless to sleep.
I walked into the main Hall.. Well it wasn't a Hall... It was more like a auditorium.. It was huge.. This only Hall can be qualified for a house..
My brother and father were already sitting on the huge couch. Looking all worried and deep in thoughts.
" Why did you both risked your life.. When mine was already at stake.. You should not have came along dad .. I just need your support. And you being here.. Is a risk. He can harm you any time.. " I said bringing them out of their thought and diverting their attention towards me.
" Lizeh, what do you think, we would have been safe there.. After all that happened you still feel that we could have an easy life there without you.. And lizeh, for one.. I'm still against your decision , I will never willingly allow you to walk into the mouth of a monster.and two. I'm here to be for you... In this.. I can't leave you all alone. " My dad said.. Pouring all his..love for me..
" Yes lizeh, how could you even develop a thought like this.. That when you'll be here rotting in hell. We will enjoy.. Our lives on your account... You mean the world to me lizeh, remember what I always told you.. You are not just my twin... But my soul.. " My twin said.. Trying hard not to cry..
For whole of the night neither me nor my brother or father could sleep.. All the time they were deeply thinking how to get all of us out of this hell..
But I knew now nothing can save us... This wedding is my last hope... To save my family. And to revenge on him..
Yes... Revenge... He thinks this wedding is going to make me his submissive but... This wedding is going to destroy him forever.
I'm strong enough to fight him... And I will ,...his desire to have me will only be a death of him.
The tensed night passed..
We all didn't slept ,not even for a single minute.
In the morning..
The stuck up suit, man came.. While me dad and Danny were sitting in the Hall.
" Hello.. Madam. I'm Vaughn.. Mr Henry has sent me to pick you all and take you to wedding Hall.. "He said.. No emotion in his voice.. He more of a sounded like a robot. So finally I got his name... Vaughn..
He looked all strong.. Well developed physic.. But such a submissive behaviour.
I can already sense dad and Danny were about to do something stupid.. Before they could create any stupidity in here I intervened.
" Okay, Vaughn thank you.. For coming all the way to here to pick us.. Just give us a minute we'll get right back to you.. "I said dismissing him.. So that I could talk some sense into my father and over aggressive brother.
Thank god.. I got my vocals back... I really had to pay a heavy price in the past.. For not being able to speak.. Most of the time my dad got me everything that he liked to have me.. Rather than what I like to have. Due to my inability to speak.. They both have really made some horrible decision for me on their own. Cause I wasn't able to put my input into it.. I didn't liked to write a lot.. To convey my message to them..So most of their bad decision I accepted as a part of my fate..
But thanks heaven I can speak now.. And can save these two aggressive men of my life..
Their love for me.. Has grown not more but collosal.. That's why they react out of impulse..
" Dad, you know.. It's not gonna help.. You know.. He is just a messenger so why you both are trying to argue with him.. Now let's go... Or else the devil himself will arrive to take us to hell. " I said..
After a little argument dad , Danny and me left in the car, which Vaughn got for us.
After driving for I guess half hours ,we reached the wedding venue.. Vaughn guided us to a room, he stopped dad and Danny at the entrance and asked me to get inside and get ready for the wedding.
First my dad and Danny both were reluctant to leave me all alone but after I requested they begrudgingly let me go.
I entered the room... And what I saw...
Tears pooled up in my eyes..
This white gown.. It was beautiful..way more beautiful than my imagination...exactly how I wanted it to be...if I ever thought of a wedding. This would have been the exact gown I would have wanted to wear...simple and elegant..netted..at the back..with plunging neck line..,full sleeves..and slender at the hips and wide long at the bottom..the gown looked heavenly..to add to it's beauty a diamond necklace was placed right beside it,a beautiful white heels perfectly matching with the out fit..I never thought.. That I'll be wearing it forcefully.. I never dreamt of a wedding like this.. I never even dreamt of being married.. Due to the disaster in my life.. I never ever dreamt of a wedding without my mum's presence.. On top, a wedding with her murderer..
Finally two women came and helped me in getting dressed up and did my make up.
After they left. Dad and danny came..
"Ohh my god.. Lizeh... You look..... Look.. Look.. Beautiful love.. But I never... Imagined to see you like this in such circumstances.. " My dad said sobbing.. Holding me tightly in his embrace.
" Will her twin also get the chance to admire the beauty.. " Danny said..
" Shut. up Dan.. I'm not beautiful.. " I said... Trying to lighten up the tension in the air
It wasn't our happy moment but I already did promised to my self that from this day onwards it'll be a start of our happy moment and an end to his evilness.
" Well, like a typical brother I would also like to call you ugly but.. No lizeh... You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.. Why do you think that.. I never had any friend in the school and now not even in the college , well because.. My lovely sister they all just wanted to be my friend so that they can get a chance with you... Believe me or not lizeh, you are... The most beautiful girl... I have ever seen.. And right now you are looking... Like an angel, a fairy... Out of a fairy tale..I wish.. Mum was alive to see you in this dress well just the dress not the circumstances.. " My twin said.. Embracing me in his warm and loving hug.. I could feel the wetness on my shoulder.. From his tears. I too was crying , my dad was also crying..
But I can't let them live this monotonous life even for a second , from now onwards they'll be laughing and living a cheerful life..
" Okay, enough of this crying... And you.. Dan.. That's why you always fought in the school.. With the boys.. You donkey because of you only I was never able to have a boyfriend.. " I said.. Trying to cheer them up.. Though the situation was against it. But we have to learn to be happy.. That's what mom always wanted for us.. To learn to be happy regardless of the situation.
To be strong and loving..
" Yeah, how can.. I let my little sister have a boyfriend.. " Dan said teasing me..
Well, he knows that I hate to be called little sister.. Cause I'm two minutes elder than him.
And for a matter of fact I'm thankful to my brother for protecting me from those perverts in school.
I know regardless of my inability they all tried to approach.. Me. I know the reason why.
I know I look beautiful... I don't know..if I look way too beautiful as Danny described.. But if I had to believe the majority than I would say yes.,I look way too beautiful.. Cause I resemble my mother the most.. I have acquired all her heavenly traits not just her patience filled nature and her beautiful character.. But her.. Chocolaty brown eyes... Her golden dark brown long hair.. Her beautiful long height, her creamy texture skin.. By gods grace my body is well designed with curves at right place..
That's why even my inability was never a turn off for any boys around me.. They all just wanted me as an object and my brother knew that. That's why he always protected me.
Soon our happy family moment ended when Vaughn came and informed us that, the priest is waiting for us..
The wedding rituals are to start soon..
The horrible moment arrived, when I'll be entering into lions den on my own..
We all walked down to the wedding Hall.
My dad took a hold of my hand led me all the way to walk down the aisle and unwillingly he has to hand me to the demon..
The wedding Hall looked like as If it was out of a fairy tale.
Huge Hall decorated with chandelier, and white flowers, lavender and Lilies..
A beautiful fountain behind the stage.. Sprinting colour full water and the stage.. Ohh my god.. It was heavenly.. Decorated with roses of all colours ,, white, red , pink yellow.. All of them..
It all looked magical.. But.. A magic that is going to turn my life into living hell.
But something caught my attention...
Ohh my. God....
What are they doing here..... Holy Lord....