Chapter 2: Mr. Valor


When he sank into an elegant crouch directly in front of me, I was close to combusting at the heat that was exchanged from his eyes to my body. I could only stare in pure astonishment.

His eyes revealed a scorching force that sucked the air from my lungs. The pull between us was intense and it was a power that I'd never experienced up close.

Unable to hold my balance any longer, I met the beautifully polished marble with my ass, but the pain was nonexistent as I continued to be entranced by his eyes. Deep and penetrating. His eyes were astute and judging as they gazed into mine.

My heartbeat was quick and unsteady; my lips were parted to accommodate faster breaths.

He extended his strong hand out to me, exposing the diamond cufflinks and a beautiful Hublot Big Bang watch.

I felt time stop and with a shaky breath, I placed my hand in his. My pulse intensified as our hands connected. His touch sent a spark through my hand, up to my arm and straight down to my core.

"Are you alright?"

His voice was a husky baritone; smooth and with a fiery rasp that made my stomach flutter. There was only one word to associate with his voice, sex. Deep, domineering, extraordinary sex. If he were to as little as whisper in my ear, I'd melt right here.

My mouth was a desert due to the temperature that was burning inside of me. "Yes, I-I'm fine." I made the words out in a breathy whisper.

He stood with economical grace, pulling me up with him. He had me under a trance and I was afraid if I blinked, I'd miss something. I felt drawn to him as if he was the flame and I was the moth.

Finally, I was able to pull myself away from his gaze and his hold. I could quickly become infatuated with his enthralling nature. It was needless to say that he was what wet dreams were made of.

He bent down and retrieved the ID card I hadn't realized I'd dropped, freeing me from that provocative gaze. I was completely in awe of him.

"Are you sure you're alright?"

I could feel my cheeks turn a shade of red. Was I blushing or recovering from an orgasm?

"I'm fine, I just lost my balance." I had to pull myself away from him, even if it meant I may lose balance again. "May I have my badge, please?" I said as he stood only a few feet from me.

"Here you go." He offered it back to me.

Although I made an effort to retrieve it without touching him, his fingers brushed mine and the spark ignited once again.

"Thank you."

I handed the woman her paper and scurried to the office. Just a few moments with the sexy stranger and I was set alight with desire. I could still feel the pull of him, the inexplicable urge to go back and breathe him in just a little more.

One touch more and maybe even- I let out a sigh and then pulled out my water bottle. I took a long sip of ice-cold, berry-infused water. Just as I was beginning to gain composure, he prowled towards me and sent that charge of awareness into me all over again.

“Mr. Valor isn't in yet. How can I help you?” I said quickly, gathering my composure.

With all the confidence I was lacking, he replied, “I am Mr. Valor. Grab your Ipad and we can get to work.”

Without giving me a second glance, he entered his office and the glass unfrosted with a touch of a button.

“Yes, sir.”

I entered his office. His office was, of course, stunning. The sumptuous executive desk was a brilliant shade of pearl white. The shade complimented the marble floors and the eye-catching chandelier that hung above.

The sitting area housed two armchairs and a chaise lounge that was in direct view of the city's skyline. This office was as exquisite as he was. As I stood admiring his office, I felt his gaze heating my skin by the second.

I cleared my throat and quickly went to the seat directly in front of his.

“Are you ready to start?” He says with a raised brow.

“Yes, sir," I said attentively, waiting for his commands.

“I’m sure Constance went over the daily duties, so I won’t bore you with explaining them again. I will need everything regarding the Maddox merger from Bethany by the end of today.” He paused and then continued with his personal schedule.

“Is there anything else, sir?”

“Are you always this efficient?” he said leaning back into his chair.

“It’s my job to be adept, just as it is yours.”

Before I knew it, that beautifully sinister smile of his was plastered across his lips. I uncontrollably shifted in my chair and his eyes flickered with awareness. I knew if I held under his gaze any longer I’d combust.

“Is there anything else?” I said as I lifted from the chair, his eyes following me as I rose.

I was standing and still felt the intensity of his gaze, if not more so than when I was seated.

“I do have something for you.” He said as he reached into his desk, retrieved a phone, and put it on the desk in front of him. “This is for business purposes only. If you need to contact me after hours, my direct contact info, as well as my calendar are synced here. You will keep this phone on at all times.”

I reached out to retrieve the phone and his hand brushed against mine. It was like watching the wick of a candle become lit with a flame.

“Do you understand, Seraphina?” He spoke in a smoky tone while holding my hand. My skin was beginning to warm and my core was aching.

“Yes,” I said in a breathy whisper.

When he released my hand, I gathered my new found ache and exited his office.

A part of me wished he’d tell me to stay, but I rolled my eyes at my own thought. It was that part of our brain that only seeks pleasure. I realized that from leaving his presence, the air was cooler and I was in need of that cool air after being surrounded by him.

Although the day went on like any other day at an office, I was able to steal a few glances at him. In between phone calls and errands, I’d look up to find him either on the phone or with his eyes glued to his computer screen. Constance came to see Mr. Valor around lunchtime and he gave me the OK to take lunch.

There was a small break area just before the restrooms, where I took solace in the peace and enjoyed my chicken cobb salad. I looked around the small room and found different pictures of structures. I took a bite of my apple as I began to examine the images.

Under each picture was a plaque with a blurb and there were many with the name Dimitri, but one stuck out more than any other.


I packed up my things and headed back to my desk. In between working, I searched the internet. I had to know more about him, even if it was just the history of his company. After searching the internet, I found a few articles, but the company's website provided the information on how it was started and his vision.

Alexander was the founder of the company and Dimitri’s grandfather. He left the company to his son Jameson after he passed, just four years ago. I was interrupted by the ringing phone and decided this could wait for after hours.

“Dimitri Valor’s office.”

I had to have said that name over one hundred times today. I may not have done strenuous labor, but I was mentally exhausted. I took a quick restroom break and when I’d returned, his windows were frosted.

I glanced at the clock and it was 10 minutes to 5 p.m. Just as I checked the clock, I received an email from Bethany Sanderson with the Maddox merger information he’d requested. I sent the info to him and prepared to leave for the day.

Shutting down my computer, I cleared out. When I reached the bank of elevators, I pulled out my cell to check social media. The elevator’s ding alerted me to which car was stopping and I moved over to stand in front of it.

I briefly returned my attention to my phone and when the doors opened, I took a step forward. I glanced up to look where I was going and was struck by the cool grey eyes that now met mine. My breath caught and the flame in my core was reignited.

By none other than the fire starter himself.

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