Chapter 5: Need


My lips part on a stalled breath when he appears. “Good morning, Mr. Valor,” I say, standing to my feet.

“Hold all of my calls. No interruptions.” He said, heading straight for his office. The glass remained frosted after the doors closed.

I was grateful that he didn’t stop. The dream I had about him last night feels like it’s written all over me.

Time passed and he never left his office. I imagined he was working on the new merger, but the time was now 1 o’clock. I took it upon myself to go through his previous assistant’s notes and found some restaurant orders. She was a gem, leaving behind little tidbits on the phone.

I met the delivery guy at the elevator with a tip for the urgent delivery. Walking back into the office, I took in a deep breath. I smoothed my dress before I opened the door.

Looking up at me in absolute frustration, I smiled and continued to move as if he wasn’t there. He was also on an earpiece and was unable to chew me out.

In his sitting area, I placed his lunch on the table. An extra meat steak burrito, stuffed full of cheese, beans, and rice. With a glass of Watermelon Agua Fresca. I walked up to his desk and placed a sticky note on his desk.

“Please eat.”

It took everything in me not to collapse from his heated gaze as I walked away. I exited the office and closed the door, letting out the breath I’d been holding.

“Everything OK?”

“Oh, yes. I was just bringing him lunch,” I said as I made my way to my desk. Constance never took her eyes off of me.

“Is he still on ‘Do Not Disturb’?”

“Yes, he is. Can I take a message?”

“Oh no, I’ll send him an instant message later. How are you?”

“Things are good, no complaints.”

“Alright, well, you let me know if there’s anything I can do for you.”

“Of course, have a good day.”

Before I knew it, the day was coming to an end and the glass doors were still frosted. I contemplated getting him dinner, but I could see he had a meeting with Thomas Armstrong later that evening. I felt, unlike him, I’d like to let him know I was leaving for the day.

I wavered over where I should text him on his personal line or if I should send him an instant message.

“Mr. Valor, I’m leaving for the night and if there is anything else you need, don’t hesitate to ask. Have a goodnight.”

I hit send before I lost my nerve. The message was delivered and I was on my way out of the building. On the subway ride to see my gran, I fought the urge to check if he had read my message.

My days begin to blur together. I’ve fallen victim to the same routine, although, I repelled it like the plague. I’ve been working under Mr. Valor for almost a month and each day, it gets easier for me not to daydream about ripping his clothes off.

Especially when he wears his short sleeve polo shirts and displays his delicious biceps. I just want to dig my nails into them as he engulfs me in his flame.

“Seraphina, this is Thomas Armstrong.”

“Good afternoon, sir,” I say, extending my hand out to his.

Thomas stands about even 6 feet and his hazel eyes are intoxicating. He has broad shoulders and a head full of thick, black hair. His caramel skin looks edible and his lips are full and luscious.

“It’s nice to finally put a face to that beautiful voice of yours.” He says with the all too familiar voice I’ve come to recognize.

“You’re just as charming in person as you are over the phone, I see.” I see sweetly.

“Are you trying to steal my assistant from me?”

“Well, if you ever need a job, I always have a place for you.” He says, placing a kiss to my hand that I hadn’t realized he was still holding.

“She’s a temp, so it’s possible she will need the position.” Dimitri practically snarls his response.

“I should get back to work,” I say with Dimitri’s eyes practically burning a hole into the side of my face.

“Until we meet again.”

The men retreat to his office and I shake his snarky response out of my head.

“What a sexy asshole.” I looked around the office to make sure no one else heard what I’d said aloud.

The day was finally coming to an end and I was, in fact, happy that it was Friday and payday, no less. We were able to end the day an hour early, which was perfect for me.

Although it was just an hour, it helped with squeezing other things in before going to see gran.

I made my way to get my manicure and pedicure and after seeing gran, I was going to curl up with a bottle of wine. My wine of the month was at home waiting for me.

“What color are we thinking?”


“How about we spice it up with one or two with this champagne glitter?”

“I trust you.”

I sat back and enjoyed the different conversations around me as I relaxed. May, the nail tech paired the colors to my skin perfectly. I tipped her before I headed out and made my appointment for the next visit.

Gran was sleeping this visit, but I sat and waited in case she woke up. They told me she’d had a bad day and may need more care. They gave me brochures about the unique memory unit further up north, but I knew what that meant. They were struggling to care for her and the care would be more expensive.

There were days when she was more combative when the confusion set in.

“Hang in there, Sera.” The nurse said as I was exiting the unit.

The ride home was quick, but not quick enough. The weight of the world was weighing heavily on me. I entered my apartment and immediately went into unwind-mode. Shoes off, clothes off, a glass of wine, and a bubble bath brewing. I grabbed the brochures, but I knew that there was no way I’d get to them tonight.

I lit my favorite lavender and thyme-scented candle with an herbal and soothing aroma. I was in my mode with the crisp wine hitting the spot and all of my worries were gone. For now.

Buzz. Buzz.

I looked around the room and searched for the nuisance of a phone. Fumbling around on the bedside table trying to retrieve it, but it was nowhere to be found.

Buzz. Buzz.

Stumbling down my hall, I made it to my bathroom to the caddy next to the tub where the culprit was. The phone illuminated the room as I unlocked the phone to see that it was 12:23 a.m. I nearly collapsed when I read the message from Dimitri.

“I need you.”

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