It took me about half an hour to arrive at the company because of a wreck on the highway. The traffic is nothing to play with early in the morning! Not to mention people that leave home late and in a rush, causing other people trouble on the way.
I'm not sure how I survived in this city for this long. Hell, it even surprised me.
When I got there I was beyond amazed at how tall this building was standing. The foundation and height of the building resembled a skyscraper! Whom ever owned this company sure liked to show off. I'm guessing mainly to show off their ego, I would bet.
though I would personally say, that this was the largest company building that I had ever seen, let alone been to!
I started to get really nervous for some reason and even though I hadn't even entered the building, my palms were beginning to sweat.
When I first walked in I was greeted by the bell hopper. He took my coat and bags and led me further inside the building towards the lobby, where I sat and waited with the others to be called on.
I took a look around the room and noticed a couple of women, and men, sitting here to have their interviews taken as well.
They were all dressed in very short skirts, well except for two, and either showing too much skin or just having too much of a spoiled brat attitude.
The men that were sitting there were obviously given their desired positions because not many were walking out of the office with their heads held low.
The names were called one by one and most of the girls that were once sitting there came out either upset or just bawling their eyes out.
Jeezus, I really hope that does not end up being me. I mean I don't really cry but when I do, its because I'm beyond mad and I wouldn't want to be around anyone when I was. I guess you could say that I had an attitude and demeanor like a devil when I got mad.
I sat there for a while playing on my phone, trying to take my mind off of whatever the outcome of this situation was going to be and I believe I waited about thirty minutes before I heard my name being called.
"Miss Aria Hayden?" I stood up, straightened out my skirt, packed away my things inside of my bag, and walked up to the assistant.
She was standing in front of the closed office door, carrying a notebook, and I was guessing that was a reason for that. When she took a look at me, it was almost like she approved of what I was wearing. This woman didn't even know me, aside from my resume, so how could she judge someone just off of their apperance? Maybe that's what my mother was speaking of when she told me to never judge a book by its cover?
"Yes Ma'am. That's me!" When I walked up to her, I couldn't help my eyes bulging out of my head. All I thought was, damn this woman is gorgeous. My thoughts seemed to present themselves alot lately since I got here. I wonder why? I thought to myself, thank goodness she wasn't at all bossy looking and I was glad I didn't have to be a bitch on my first interview. That'd certainly get me fired way before I even started.
"Hello Ms. Aria! I've heard many good things about you. By the way you look absolutely beautiful my dear, not at all whore-ish looking like those others." She said by whispering in my ear.
'Good things'? Good things by whom?
She stood there in a relaxed posture and with a smirk on her face. Did you know something I didn't know?
"Hmm, I bet Mr. Williams is going to like you.", she said with a smirk. I wasn't too impressed seeing that she was very professional and she was his very first secretary. I did wonder, however, why they were hiring for another assistant. I, of course, was trying to be selected for an accountant position. I doubt they would select anyone that wasn't skilled in that position, right?
"Thank you." When I walked into his office, I stood in front of the door waiting to be seated. I had a lot of manners and a lot of respect for people in higher positions than me. He was reading over some papers and on a call so I decided to wait and stay quiet while he took care of his business.
Yes, it was my time for my interview but like I said, respect goes a long way. Who knows, maybe he'd hire me just because of my manners? No? Okay.
"Miss Aria Hayden, have a seat please.", he said once he hung up the phone. He didn't bother to look up at me and pointed to the chair in front of his desk. I took a seat and waited for him to ask about any questions he had about my resume'.
He began flipping through the stacks of papers on his desk, like he wasn't really interested in the sheets of paper that occupied his hands, and I couldn't help but to stare at him. This man was incredibly, just....too freaking sexy.
This man is built like a God. He has bluish green eyes, with jet black hair which I thought was extremely sexy.
Why was I thinking about this now! It wasn't the time to be drooling over my future boss, if everything goes well..
"Miss Hayden?"
"Yes Sir?" Crap, I spaced out again! What the hell is wrong with me?!?
"I said how long have you been an accountant?" Ah! and his voice was so deep and rough.
"I had been an accountant for 7 years. I started straight out of high school."
"High school? Soo, you don't have any college experience?"
"No sir. I graduated earlier than my class and with honors so I didn't have the need to attend college. I had a couple of scholarships awarded to me, but I didn't really see a point, at that moment, to extend my education. "
"And why was that?"
"Sir, as I have said. I was given many opportunities to attend college but it wasn't my time yet. Since I graduated early ahead of everyone else, I had a choice to what profession I wanted to go into and I chose accounting. I worked for my previous job for 5 years under a close sibling of mine. My grandfather owned a company so I studied under him for the rest of those 2 years."
"Hmm.", is all he said and I began to get nervous.
God, I was so hoping that I answered all his questions correctly and that I wouldn't get turned down for this job. I needed it to further my studies!
"Miss Hayden? If I were to give you this position, what would you bring to my company and how would you help my company benefit from you?"
"Yes, Mr. Williams, I am very skilled in accounting and I am able to complete other tasks, if in my skill range, that's given to me. I will make sure that your company has the upmost authority and ownership over others and to keep a steady balance of agreements with fellow companies. I will make sure that every company beneath us knows their positions and their worth. I will be sure to make all financial and investments into intelligent companys to more benefit funds and employees relevant to this company and mostly, to you....Sir..."
He looked at me with a smirk on his face and something else, that I couldn't quite put my finger on and I smiled back at him. Even if I am not given this position, I know that I've offered all my skills and abilities to him bare, with nothing hidden.
I will walk out of this office with my head held high and know that even if I am denied, that I have done and said all I could possibly say.
"Ms. Aria Hayden. You are very interesting to me and seeing how you've just answered my question, to the best of your ability I assume, makes you even more of a great candidate for this position. I see you as a key member to benefit not only this company but to myself as well.
I see that you've been quite interested in this job for a while. I see no problems with having you here in the future. You're hired."
I was so shocked when he said that I had gotten the job, that I could barely offer a thank you at the moment.
Of course I didn't doubt myself at all in the beginning, but the rumors about the infamous CEO of this company would've definently changed my mind.
And seeing how the others were denied, it wondered in my mind. I didn't let that bother me but seeing how those other girls walked out, it left a lot to be reminded about.
" Thank you so much Sir, for allowing me this job. It really means a lot to me." We stood and shook hands as he led me out the door, towards the lobby.
"Great job! The elevator is towards that corner, take a left and its on the right hand side."
"Thank you so much. I didn't catch your name."
"Its Bella. Nice to meet you Aria."
I shook her hand and left towards the elevator. I was so giddy and I couldn't wait to call and tell my mom about the good news!