Chapter 9: Bedroom Eyes!
Damien's P.O.V.
Holy shit!
Leslie's dark hair fell around her shoulders in loose beautiful curls. Her blue eyes seemed brighter than usual, thanks to the dark colors that were swept over her eyelids, and her full lips were painted a bright shade of red that perfectly matched her dress." Damn she looks good enough to eat.
A dress that hugged her body from her breasts to her knees, revealing curves I didn't know she had hidden.
I knew she was beautiful, but right now, she's downright sexy and breathtaking.
And a part of me wanted to rip the dress right off her.
"I don't want to know," she said, fiddling with her dress.She peered up through long eyelashes, pausing when she saw me looking at her. "Hi." Her voice was a little squeakier than normal. "Do I look okay? Your Aunt was quiet vague on the details of the dress code, and honestly, I was too busy wondering how not to fall over in my heels when you told me. " She say breathlessly , looking quiet nervous and ready to bolt out of the room.
If it's too much, I can just go change or something "she says, licking her soft lips.
I smiled slowly. "You look Perfect "Deliza Mia."I say...
"Oh." Shock flashed in her eyes. Her cheeks turned a rosy shade of pink as she briefly dropped her eyes. "Thank you."
Let's go then before I change my mind about this trip"She literally yanked me through the door and slammed it behind us. Her sigh was heavy, and she met my eyes with a resigned look. "I am so sorry."
"Don't worry about it." I touched her arm.
" There's no need for you to be nervous besides I was totally giving you bedroom eyes for a second back there."
Her jaw dropped.
Laughing, I touched her back and guided her to my car. "Come on. Let's go before we're late and my Aunt loses her mind from all the party. We're presently on the way to my aunt's place for a fundraiser she's currently hosting , Aunt Mildred called during work hours to inform me about her fundraiser and also just had to invite Leslie. I guess it's not bad tho , I get to stare at her pretty face all night.
You were giving me "Bedroom eyes"?" She stared at me with surprise and shock written on her face .
I stopped us a few feet from the car opening the car door for her. "Eyes on where you're walking darling, pretty sure you don't wanna trip and fall. Besides I don't want to be responsible for you breaking your ankle in those high heels."
She shoved me in the arm with a half-smile. "Thats right , have forgotten for a second how clumsy I am"She say testily.
"True." I released her to open the car door. "Which is why am your escort tonight and I don't want to be responsible for a broken neck ."I say gruffly.
She grinned and got into the car"I closed the door behind her then walked around to the other side and got in myself. "Let's go, shall we?".
Leslie's P.O.V.
I'm definitely not cut out for this, infact introvert Leslie right now would prefer to be at home curled up on the couch with her Kindle and a bag of chips. That can't be possible now, because I've been invited by Damien's aunt to attend this fundraiser.
Although am pretty sure am going to blow it and maybe embarrass Damien and then he'll see how much of a disaster I am.
I hadn't even stepped foot in the vast, wooden double doors that were apparently the entrance to this huge-ass luxury, expensive looking house or should I say mansion, and I'm already having the feeling that am probably going to stick out like a sore-thumb.
Agreeing to this was a terrible and huge mistake.
The fact that am feeling all jittery and nervous doesn't help matters especially with Damien himself admitting he'd given me the "Bedroom eyes".
I'm pretty sure he was just teasing me, but the way he gave me a long, good look I thought I saw I flash of desire evident in those iris . It's not like I'm an expert at flirting, I've always looked a little out of my depth when I actually tried, and that included eyeing people up . Am quite terrible at it.
Morgan the sex therapist and my best friend once told me I looked like I was plotting a guy's murder instead of sending sweet signals. What did she call it again?
Oh now I remember , "A Big Turn Off" and it's definitely not sexy.
So maybe he had been giving me bedroom eyes.
That just made this event a worse idea of me coming than it already was.
I hesitated a little as Damien reached for the door. Nerves fluttered in my stomach, mostly because I wasn't sure I was ready to meet his Aunt. At least, not in a formal setting like this or maybe the thought of being surrounded with unknown people made me feel clastrophobic.
Where is Confident Leslie when I need her.
"Hey." Damien stopped me with his hand on the door. "You'll be fine. I promise I won't leave you alone all night , am your escort so just stick with me"He says flashing his gorgeous white teeth.
I'm not sure if he said those words just to reassure me cause it only did the opposite. It Magnified my awareness and attraction to him . The fact that we were not in office tonight which means he's technically not my boss right now and am not his secretary , That we're just two individuals attending a social gathering."Damn it all , I thought. I hope I don't do any drastic Tonight.
"Look." He released the door and stepped toward me. "Don't worry about anything ok?
Just try and relax.
"And I should probably refrain from mentioning my current list of mishaps and me being jinxed."I say cheerily.
His eyes glinted with humor. "Not that your ability to create mischief isn't adorable, but yes."
"You think the fact that I'm a total klutz is adorable?" I asked
"I'm not entirely sure how to respond to that," I said, eyeing the door right before it opened.
As we stepped into the giagantic house i knew at first glance instantly that the woman in the frame is Damien's Aunt obviously it is because we're currently in her house.. .
She looks tall and slim and looked ten years younger than she's supposed to be. I guess all Italian women and men are real georgous it's like a genetic thing. She has dark Auburn brown hair that was pulled back into what seemed like an elegant chignon at the base of her neck with a few wisps framing her face.
She pursed dark red lips and turned her attention to him, sliding her hands over her blue dress as she did so. "Why are you standing there on the steps? Don't you know I have things for you to do inside?"She says , with a voice that emitts authority .
"You look beautiful, Aunt Mildred," Damien says, stepping forward to press a kiss to her cheek. "We were just talking about tonight, not delaying anything."
Shrewd blue eyes darted my way. "If I didn't know better, I'd say you were avoiding introducing me to your assistant, especially since the poor woman is still standing there while we talk."She says with a teasing glint in her eyes.
Good God, the woman was intimidating.
Damien took a deep breath and smiled. "Good thing you know better, huh?" He tossed me a wink and touched a hand to the small of my back, forcing me to take a step toward the woman who, I was almost sure, is probably the devil's incarnate. "Aunty Milly, this is my new assistant, Leslie Ruffle. Leslie sweet this is my Aunt Mildred."
"It's a pleasure to meet you," I said, extending my hand to her.
She took it, her lips twitching as we shook. "The feeling is mutual, Miss Ruffle. As I said on the phone, I've heard wonderful things about you."She says , again with that same look in her eyes . Okay she's freaking me out .
"Oh, please just call me Leslie" I shot back smiling.
Shall we go inside before the neighbors pry?" Aunt Mildred says, inviting us in being the host.
She led the us into house where the party is being hosted Anyway. How is work? Are you keeping busy? Leslie, how are you settling in?"
Wow. So many questions.
I glanced nervously at Damien.
He half-grinned at me, directing me into the kitchen after his aunt. It was freaking huge-the white cupboards all gleamed, and the island housed both a wine rack and some seating for four people. The other end of the kitchen held a huge television on the wall and a large, U-shaped sofa in cream leather. Through a large archway I could see a dining room with a long, rectangular table, and another arch led to what I presumed was the living room.
"Work is good," Damien says, taking the lead on the conversation. "The deal with our Shanghai partners and the one in Dubai has been signed and also we're presently working on reviewing the contract with Lasar group of companies pretty sure we have the upper hand on this very contract"He says grinning with pride , hearing him talk business made him look all the more sexier.
She nodded.
He then nudged me, and I realized it was my turn to answer the question she'd directed at me.
"Oh-I think it's going well. I've done a lot of admin work before, starting with my old company before it went bankrupt and I've also got a lot of working experience since I started working when I was just a teen so it's more a change of setting than anything. I haven't spent a lot of time with the others, but Boyce oil and shipping company made me feel very welcome."
"As he should. That's his job." She nodded and turned around. "I'm glad you're settling in, darling. It's a gratifying job.
I took a deep breath and nodded. I guess am on the safe side now since have not managed to trip myself and embarrass the hell out of my boss. I'm seriously not going to lie, I'm incredibly intimidated by Aunt Mildred, but at the same time, I kind of really wanted to be her friend.
She looks very prim and proper, almost stereotypical British-like in her mannerisms despite being an Italian, but I could see that she had a good heart beneath her somewhat cold exterior.
She strucks me as the kind of woman who liked things done, but only if they were done her way.
I can relate tho. I'm also partial to having things done my way.
Although that was probably more of a female thing than it is an individual trait right?
"Thank you," I managed to speak out when Damien handed me a flute of champagne.
He gave me a smile that made my heart thud real hard and my stomach flip like there were butterflies in it. You know the kind-slow and lazy but stupidly sexy.
Or maybe it's the suit, Or both. I don't know. Who am I kidding one thing I know for sure is that I'm developing a crush on my boss that I seriously need to get over pronto.