Chapter 15: Family Reunion!

Leslie's P.O.V.

So here yet another gist.

After that hot scorching kiss, I felt all hot and cold through out my day in the office.

Thankfully, it's a weekend and I don't think I can handle being in the same room with Damien without devouring and climbing him like a tree.

Though we've not yet straighten out what we are yet because we go interupted with a call saying there's been a change in one of Mr Boyce schedule.

So today being a weekend I got a text from dad saying they wanted to have a word with me. I feel a bit guilty because I left the other day upset and angry without even properly saying goodbye.

After hearing the news of my mom being pregnant it just sort of tiled my world in an obscure way. It felt like I couldn't breathe and I was upset because once again it seems like they've made an irresponsible move.

Not to be a bad child because every daughter or son must be dutiful. I know the kind of people I have as parents now for them to handle to responsibility of a child seemed real bizzaire and just hearing the news made me feel like I would be the one cleaning up after them again.

With guilt mixed with frustration I replied back to my dad's text. After snubbing and ignoring them for a while, although the attraction and chemistry between Damien kept me all busy to even think that some part of my life has been shifted.

So right now with a cup of coffee filled with shots of caffeine from Starbucks am on my way to my home.

My childhood home to see my parents and welcome the new addition.

Although I do hope this new ruffle won't be as clumsy as me cause if that be the case then we've got a hell of a journey to cover.

30 minutes later

Taking a huge sip from my coffee for a huge blow of courage. I knocked on the wooden door and there stood my mother.

As radiant as ever with a new glow. No single white thread can be found on her head. A slightly older version of myself stared at me in the eye looking a bit hesitant before going in for a big hug.

I then smiled all my worries disipates into thin air, her familiar lavender scent mesmerized and wafts through my nostril ever so slowly.

In my heart I could feel that hot warmth cloud all over me. In this moment all I could feel was how I missed her even with all her flaws.

Hy mom"I murmur as I hugged her dearly, I then felt her lip on my forehead encasing it with a soft kiss.

I missed you buttercup"She says sweetly, I could hear the tears in her voice.

I missed you too Mama Bear"I say softly laughing out loud at the nicknames. Ever since I was little mom calls me buttercup and I call her my mama bear.

Oh, forgive this old lady. Come on in I seem to want to hoard you when your father hasn't even had a chance to see you"She says smiling as she releases me from her embrace and opens the door widely for me to come in to the house.

I then laughed out loudly, maybe coming to see them wasn't so bad and maybe I was a bit harsh the other day when I moved out.

After giving my dad a huge hug telling him how I missed him. I settled on my favorite sofa accepting the cup of tea she hands down to me.

Don't drink too much caffeine my dear, it might help during working hours to make you active but too much of everything kills you know"She says with a knowing look as she and dad settles together staring at me .

Okay?"I say a little skeptical still not grabbing the full meaning of her words.

Okay what's with the weird look guys"I say, noticing the way they keep assessing me all over as if I'm about to be sold off to some auction.


Or are they?" A secret voice says teasingly.

You look good Leslie"They both said smiling warming.

Okay this looks like a scene from the movie I watched yesterday fantasy land. Where it was all smiles till disaster comes rolling in"I thought to myself quitely.


There I go again!

Overthinking , assumptions and promiscuous.

Okay baby, it seems we're both scaring the hell out of her with our Expression"Mom says to dad laughing out loud.

Yea, seriously Leslie. Brighten up girl the way you look right now could make a hell of a picture"My dad says laughing so warmly and relaxed.

Okay okay , look am really sorry. I overreacted the other day and spoke rudely"I say, a little ashamed

Ahh don't worry, we get it. We understand it's not easy taking care of us and we're glad you're always here when we need you. The whole orgy party was a mistake"Mom says timidly with a red blush rising in her face.

We probably shouldn't have held it here since you were living with us. It just kinda happened that we decided to host it in our house and we're sorry about that"Dad says like a teenager admitting his crimes to the principal.

Well I'll accept that one, because it was partly the reason I was so upset that day"I say now more relaxed with the fact that we're now in the same ground.

We were worried about you tho especially when you found out about the baby and then you just up and moved without even properly telling us where your new apartment is. As your guardians it was terrifying seeing our baby mad and upset and just zooming off like that."Dad says.

So am happy you decided to come today, because me and your mother has decided to not keep the baby"He says with a sad expression on his face as he holds mom hands .

What?"A little surprised with the drastic turn of this whole conversation.

Yeah, you heard right. We've decided to become responsible parents to you. So to achieve that we aren't keeping the baby"Mom say so bluntly although with the strong ass facade I could see a bit of hurt. Getting a view of this new side of mom I get to see a bit matured part of her.

Sweet Lord!

Are you guys freaking me?

Jesus, just when I leave them for like a week or two they've decided this?"I thought

Heaven save me!

Mom please tell me the procedure hasn't been done yet?"I asked with fear in my mind. Even if I didn't expect to have a new sibling I definitely don't want him or her dead.


I better make a mental note not to leave my parents do the thinking from now on!

No I haven't, which is why we called you here"Dad says smiling at mom like they've been Granted an award.

Okay you two listen to me.

Here's what we gonna do.

You guys are keeping the baby and no one and I mean none of you are to mention that word ever again"I say with a word of finality.

My parents gave birth to me earlier during their teenage years and with the stress of taking care of me. They didn't get to experience the life of a hot blooded young teenage life experience. With taking care of me and juggling through school they missed out on a lot of things. Which is why now am stuck with them like this"I sigh out in tiredness.

I may have been upset but I do want a new sibling. It might have been unexpected but I want the both of you to take up responsiblities now" I say softly, taking both of their hands in mine. Kneeling before them with tears in my eyes.

I love you Mom, I love you Dad " I say with tears in my eyes as I held their hands tightly bestowing a soft sweet kiss on both hands.

We love you too sweetheart"They both said.

We're going get through this together"I say laughing out loud amid tears.

Yeah we will"they said giving me a hug.

But I'm definitely going to be the one to name her"I say teasingly

Who told you it's a her, definitely a boy"Dad says with a look of joy on his face.

Hmm well if it's God wishes"I sigh out.

"No smoking for you two" You hear me, I say a bit sternly.

Yes ma"They both say.....

Now this is the kind of family I come from.

Lord help me!

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