Chapter 3: Penguin panties
Damien's P.O.V.
Goodbye." I finally hung up and set my phone screen-down on my desk.
I rubbed my hands down my face and blew out a long breath. I had a day full of meetings and a business conference call with one of my most difficult clients ever based in Dubai. I don't need another rookie on my back just because he can't seem to secure the business deal with one of our clients...
You'd think managing this huge company is easy , when it's actually not especially when you have some worker who can't seem to do there job right."i sigh, picking up my phone I call the human resources department.
If Mr Miller fails to secure that business deal make sure to inform him that he'll be sacked , you all can explain me to settle every little thing when I pay you a huge amount "I say tersely, ending the call .
Am super stressed and top of all that, my new assistant just started today. Thanks having to do everything myself I had not properly introduced myself. There was no doubt in my mind that my just a hand up and quick glance had been nothing but rude.
But the new girl?
The one who'd been sitting behind the desk?
She seemed a bit familiar to me. Oddly so. I hadn't gotten a long enough look at her to be able to place where I've seen her, but I knew I'd seen her before. Recently, too.
Who the hell was she?" Not been able to place where I've seen her keeps bugging me.
I dropped my hands and looked at my desk. There was a stack of paper draped over my keyboard, and the first sheet had a bright blue Post-It note slapped in the middle of the page.
Pulling them toward me, I tugged at the yellow square and read Sage's immaculate, script handwriting.
Leslie Ruffle - your new assistant. Read this "Typical sage.
I grunted and balled the note up. Whatever!
What's the use of she won't last long . They never do, nobody did. I'd had three assistants since Sage had gone on maternity leave six months earlier.
Still, I sighed and picking up the resume she'd left for me to read. I scanned it. She was twenty-five and had recently lost her job when her previous company folded. She had lots of experience as an admin assistant, some waitressing, and one short stint in a call center. Lots of casual jobs, but no real direction, despite having a degree in business.
The only good thing I actually noticed here was the admin assistant experience and the fact that, excluding the call center job, she'd lasted a long time in each of her jobs.
Just reading her resume I knew one thing , she's damn hell resilient.
She had potential.
She was still looks familiar to me.
I put the paper down and stared at the wall. It was times like this I wish I'd put a glass panel in. Surely, if I stared at her long enough, I'd figure it out, wouldn't I?"Damn now I sound like a stalker.
Not that staring at your newest employee was the way to go. Despite my recent track record with personal assistants, I did actually like to keep my employees.
A knock rattled my door, and I took a deep breath as I said, "Come in."
The door creaked open to reveal sage holding a steaming mug of coffee. "I made coffee," she said unnecessarily, raising the cup like an offering to please a deity.
"Thanks." I waved her in. "How's the new girl doing?"I asked nonchalantly.
Sage clicked the door shut behind her. "Her name is Leslie."she says arching her eyebrows
Didn't you read the sheet I have you?"She asks, hands on her hips giving me a Stern look.
"Nope "I say feigning ignorance
She clicked her tongue like a mother reprimanding a child. "You're such a child."
"Then stop acting like my mom, I receive enough scolding from her" I grinned like a child, taking the coffee from her. This is what am going to miss about Sage she's more than just a Personal Assistant, she's like a mom and my big sister there's nobody who doesn't know about our childish banter.
"You'd be a nicer person if you actually listen, so it's my job to straighten you out like your babysitter" She rolled her eyes and tucked her skirt under her thighs and sat down.
"She's doing good, just overwhelmed but doing great"Sage says softly .
Who?"I ask, knowing she was referring to Leslie . "Leslie" such a sweet name.
Leslie you chuckle head"she says
Just be gentle on her, don't bombard her with too much work besides it's her first day and help her through somethings"Sage says .
I sighed. "I wish I could. I'm not here all afternoon. I have two meetings before lunch, then immediately after, you know the conference call I've been procrastinating with one of our huge and difficult client am doing it today. It's an hour each way, so she'll be gone by the time I leave."I say grimacing , the new secretary is a mystery tho .
Sage winced. "Damn it. She needs someone here who knows what they're doing."she says a bit too loudly.
"I pinched the bridge of my nose. "I know her from somewhere, Sage She looks familiar."I say .
"Did you sleep with her?"Sage says with a mischievous look on her face.
"Nah , you know me I'm a virgin."I say playfully.
"Yeah, me too. Ciara is actually baby Jesus, born by immaculate conception," she drawled, sarcasm tilting every syllable.
That's just like saying a didlo is a virgin when you and I know it's gone to place you can't imagine"she says smirking, hell am no rookie besides I like my women tall soft beautiful and sexy.
"so did you sleep with her"Sage asked .
I shook my head and looked over her head toward the wall where my new assistant was sitting-behind a few inches of brick.
"No. I haven't slept with her. I'd have remembered her name if I did."
"Yeah right, knowing you"she says.
"Shut up. Can you find out a little more about her? I don't have time to get to know her today."i say.
Sage grinned. Slowly, she leaned forward on my desk on her elbows, touching her fingertips together in an evil genius pose. "I already know how you know her."
I quirked an eyebrow. "You do?"
Before I could ask , the sound of my phone begin ringing as I picked up the call , sage leaves .
Few hours Later.......
Sage stormed in and slammed the door behind her. "so how did it go with Mr grumpy?"Sage asks , Mr grumpy is non other than our Dubai business partner.
"Ok , actually"
"So what's the problem , or who made you upset "I ask she looks like she could run me over.
"The problem?" she hissed. "You bailed before I could introduce you to Leslie so I had to ask my mom to look after Ciara until three!"And so I followed Casey out into the hall. The woman I assumed is Ciara was sitting behind the desk, looking up at her and nodding.
Dark brown hair fell in curls over her shoulders, and her attractive features gave her the perfect profile .Pouty lips, a button nose with just the right amount of curve on her nose, and a sleek jaw that was currently slightly dropped as she took in whatever Sage was telling her.
She nodded again, her hair bouncing as she did so, then paused. As if she could feel my eyes on her, she turned her head toward me and met my gaze.
She is so fucking beautiful.
Her dark-blue eyes widened, recognition and panic flashing in them, and her cheeks flushed pink in a wave that started at her neck and finished at the top of her high cheekbones.
Hell, I think it ended at her hairline-half of which was obscured by bangs that swept over her forehead in a style similar to Casey's.
Speaking of... My Sage's eyes flitted between us for a second before she stepped forward. "Damien this is your new assistant, Leslie Ruffle. Leslie, this is Mr. Damien Boyce the founder and CEO of BOYCE CORP."Sage says making the introduction.
The new girl stood slowly, her cheeks still flushed. It took her a good moment to meet my eyes again and hold my gaze. When she did, though, all hints of recognition and shyness were gone.
In their place was resolute determination.
She put her hand out in an offering. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Boyce."
I couldn't help the slight upturn of my lips as I took her hand in mine. She had a surprisingly firm handshake, but I couldn't tell if that was her actual handshake or her gripping onto me for dear life.
Either way, it was endearing.
"The pleasure is mine, Miss Ruffle. Or would I prefer that you prefer if i call you Leslie?"
"Ruffle is fine." Another blush colored her cheeks as she dropped her hand, but it seemed as though it didn't bother her. "Unless you'd prefer Miss Leslie?"Damn she's real beautiful up close.
It's nice meeting you Miss Leslie, if you'll excuse me."I say as I step right back in to my office.
How the fuck did I know her? I couldn't imagine a situation where I couldn't remember meeting her.
Rubbing my hands over my face once again, I pictured hers.
That dark hair that sat in loose curls around her face. Big, dark-blue eyes. Bee-stung, pouty lips slicked in red lipstick. Cheeks pink like red roses.
A knock sounded at my door, and I sat up straight, instinctively adjusting my tie. "Come in."
The door creaked open, and the epitome of my imagination peeked inside, holding a coffee mug in her hand. "Am I interrupting anything?"
Yes. Thinking about you."I thought to myself.
"Not at all," was what left my mouth.
She smiled, her entire face brightening with it. "I checked your schedule and saw that you're free. Caroline dalibara asked that you return her call as soon as you had a moment, if it was sooner than first thing tomorrow morning." She hid a laugh. "I thought I'd bring you a coffee before you tackled that conversation."
"I appreciate it, thank you." I moved the coffee cup from this morning so she could put the new one down. "I'm sorry she was one of your first conversations today."
"Oh, it's fine." Leslie took the mug without batting an eyes" She shot me a smile before pausing at the sound of the phone. "I should get that. Sorry."
She darted off, leaving my door ajar before I could ask her to close it.
Oddly enough, it was only at the sight of her leaving that I froze, my memory flashing with the events of two days prior.
A beautiful brunette woman, on her ass on the curb. Her Starbucks cup flattened on the sidewalk with the hot, fresh coffee splattered over the concrete, and big, dark-blue eyes staring up at me with pure embarrassment.
Holy shit.
The crazy woman who'd run in front of my car was my new assistant.
And, no matter what she'd said, after meeting her, I had no doubt in my mind that those ridiculously cute peguins panties had been hers.
There was only one word for this situation.
And that word was: Holy Smokes!