Chapter 4: Definitely Screwed
Leslie's P.O.V.
I'd been staring at the clock for fifteen minutes, just waiting for the big hand to tick up to the twelve. The little hand had been firmly edging its way toward the five for far too long.
I needed to get out of here.
This new job is a freaking disaster and a tough roller coaster ride .
Meeting my new boss Damien Boyce had been nothing short of utterly embarrassing. After Sage had introduced us, I wanted to run and hide in the bathroom and attempt an escape out of the window.
He freaking saw my underwear, and am pretty sure when I did deny it. He knew I was the owner.
I may as well would have runaway if I'd had my purse with me.
Thankfully, I'd been saved by the bell. The phone, if you wanted to be entirely specific. Just that Phone call had saved me from further embarrassment It'd pulled my attention away from the hottest man I'd ever met who'd almost run me over and was now my boss.
Up close, he was even more handsome and looked real young.
I mean, it wasn't like I was able to stare unashamedly at him when I was on my ass on the curb, was it? I'd been so humiliated I'd wanted to run away, and I'd done it. Complete with a portion of my ass on show,it's bad enough that he saw my panties but it was real dreadful when I got home and found out that the skirt I had on that day ripped and am pretty sure he definitely saw a generous potion of my ass that day as I ran.
Today, I had no escape route, and I'd had no choice but to make eye contact with him numerous times and it got me all hot and bothered.
All am real thankful for is that he seems oblivious and have no idea it was me the other and he hadn't recognized me. Not yet, anyway, and I hope like hell it stays that way.
The last thing I need is my new boss to know that I was a complete and utter walking disaster. Much like sex, that was something you saved for later on in a relationship. Like when I was six months in, and he liked me to enough to not fire me for being a hot mess,Hell no.
Granted, I probably couldn't keep my disaster tendencies under control for that long because, soon am pretty sure he'll start seeing the signs that am the wrong person for the job, but since I only need this job for like three to four months I just pray things fall in place for me .
I can do this right?' I can totally not screw this up I don't want to take any chances. Just for three months , three months for me to make enough money so I could move out of my parents' place before i go blind permanently.
Setting attainable goals and all that." That should definitely keep me going.
The big hand ticked onto the twelve, and I grabbed hold of my mouse so hard I almost crushed it. I took a deep breath controlling the excitement of getting the hell out of here and made sure I had all the programs and files saved and shut down before I turned off the computer. Trust me as disastrous as my life can get I don't want to risk deleting anything important.
Then I'll be screwed, and it will definitely take me weeks to get another decent job with a pay as delectable as this particular job.
Taking another deep breath, I made sure I had all my things, remembering I have to check in with the boss before leaving. I head into Mr. Boyce's office. I knocked on the door, holding my purse against my body like a shield.
A clunk came from inside, followed by some gentle scraping, and I heard a deep hum of agreement as the door opened.
Then a muffled "come in".
He's sitted and looks magnificent in his powerful suit more handsome than he looks this morning with his suit jacket off , his shirt not buttoned all the way. Damn he is one fine sexy Boss"He seems to be on phone speaking with someone but he waved me in. "I'll call you back," he said into the phone before he tapped the screen and put it down.
"Am I interrupting?"i say.
"Not at all. Just a friend." His blue eyes darted to my purse. "Are you done?"
"It's five," I said, clutching the strap of my purse tighter as butterflies swilled in my stomach. "I was just checking if you needed anything before I left."
"Is it? Crap." He checked his watch. "Well, I'm running late," he said with a chuckle. "I'm all good, Leslie thanks. See you tomorrow?"
I nodded. "What time will you be here?"
"Around twelve thirty. I have an early business meeting" He paused. "Would it be wrong of me to ask you to get me breakfast and put it in the fridge?"
Uh... "Depends. Do I have to cook it?"i ask stupidly. Arghhh . He won't eat it you dummy people like him eat those kind of three course meals I thought reprimanding myself. Besides where have you heard about secretaries cooking for their CEO except maybe they've got somekind of intimate relationship.
"Stop thinking to that direction”i berate myself .
He laughed, his whole face lighting up with amusement. Pressing a hand to his stomach, he said, "No, you don't have to cook it. Just go to this place and pick it up. I'll call ahead of time and pay for it."He says handing me a note
"I can do that." I smiled. "Is that everything?"
He nodded once. "Thank you. I appreciate it. I'll see you tomorrow."
I stepped out of his office with another smile. "See you tomorrow."
"And, Leslie? Good job today. You did great." He grinned right as his phone rang again.
Dipping my head, I smothered a laugh. ". Goodbye, Mr. Boyce"
I dropped my hand from the door and headed for the stairs, feeling his eyes on me long after the phone had stopped ringing.
With any luck, he was looking at my ass and not trying to figure out if he knew me from somewhere." Whispering out a silent prayer
And there was something I never thought I'd think.
Few hours later.....
Am presently at home thankfully today I didn't witness anything yucky . Praise God.
Work today was real stressful but I think I've now got a hang if it but I just hope I don't mess things up "I sigh taking a big sip from my wine .
In this house the only place I know my parents haven't had sex is my bedroom which am thankful and grateful for. It's like my sanctuary and it's not been tainted at least just not yet" I look back at the laptop on my lap and took a deep breath. I've been contemplating on whether I should make more research on my new boss.
Strangely have got this itch of wanting to know everything about him which is so strange and new to me . Maybe it's the way we met but I want to know everything"I kept my fingers poised and raised and I begin to type his name slowly and with determination.
When I pressed enter, i hadn't been sure exactly what i was really expecting, but the barrage of photographs, press articles, websites, profiles, and not to mention, a goddamn Forbes cover, was all kinds of overwhelming.
my eyes couldn't comprehend what am presently seeing I raised my hand to cover my mouth as it opened in shock, and then i leaned in closer with wide eyes.
No wonder he had looked familiar and real sexy too bad he's the Playboy type.
He's a fucking Romano
Of the infamous Romano family.
I felt a chill roll over me and my mind begin to race. Wow he really came from a deep real old money. Their family's name is so well-known around the city I wonder why I didn't really remember. In fact, there family is famous around the world. I clicked on an article and opened it wide; he even had his own Wikipedia page, and the photograph in the top left corner was one of him bleary eyed and drunk, staggering out of a bar in London with his hands wrapped around a blonde bimbo and him sticking his middle finger up at whoever was holding the camera.
Seems he founded BOYCE CORP by himself without his parents help. I wonder why he's called Boyce when he's surname is Romano.
From the article am currently reading he seems to be the black ship of the family the guy is clearly a little bit different to the rest of his family, I then remembered that I had once seen a show about them, of how they had been one of the first families to settle in the Greece and of how they had made millions through the oil and shipping industry. Since they had acquired their wealth and other generations had been born, they had diversified into other industries, and as i scrolled through the articles, I could see they even owned their own NFL team.
"Yikes," I said as i sipped my wine and leaned in closer to the laptop screen.
There was so much information about his family, but it was almost as if Mr BOYCE was the one who had held the headlines on the society pages for all of the wrong reasons. He's actually a well-known party boy, a bachelor, and a complete disaster."Hmm nice just like me, exempting the partying.
He's pretty high profile and considered the most eligible bachelor, and he has been snapped countless times drunk, partying and leery on nights out across the world. It was clear he didn't hold back when it came to his behavior, and he was the kind of person who would tell anyone and everyone what he thought of them without engaging any kind of filter.
As i scrolled through the photographs, i could see him sunbathing on beaches in the South of France, i saw him partying in New York, Budapest, and Shanghai, and the most recent snippet of news was about how he has decided to go out on his own and develop the abandoned and derelict riverside warehouses of the city.
I felt my heart race a little.
He really is big news, and now i feel even more nervous than i had been. Before, i had been prepared for a character, but i had no idea he was going to be this famous or this much hard work. The more I scrolled, the more i realized he appeared to be a complete nightmare, and was, without a doubt, the black sheep of his family.
"Oh great," she said as she held her head in her hands. "What have I gone and gotten myself into?"
Even after reading all these stories about him, I still can't find him less desirable "I moaned just thinking about how his muscles looked in his suit , in the way he had looked at me when he cocked his head to the side... at his ice blue eyes that had pierced right through my and looked into the deepest parts of my soul.
This is pure torture!
All the signs are seriously blaring , but my body can't seems to abstain from thinking about him"it's been quite a while I've felt much desire for someone.
He's so damn sexy, and he was going to tear me apart.
I flip my hair over my shoulder and took a deep breath.
All I need is to make sure my panties stay on.
I can do that right?
Besides there's a clause that states no dating work colleagues"I thought.
Fuck , am definitely screwed this time.