Chapter 7: The Tempting Offer

Leslie's P.O.V.

Can my day seriously get any worse than this, it wasn't bad enough that I spilled hot steamy coffee on one of our potential important business associate but now I don't even have a place to sleep tonight.

Yeah yeah , I know I stay with my parents I still can't comprehend that, which is why they just texted me that I shouldn't bother coming home , I mean is that a responsible thing any parent should ever say to their kids.

Am pretty sure it's not. Well since my parents aren't even the slightest bit responsible neither are they like your everyday normal parents you see , I'll have to look for a place to spend the night maybe an hotel

You might want to ask why?

Well here's the thrilling part, they are throwing what they call their once in a month Ruffle Orgy party . If you know what I mean which means they are going to have different people in the house tonight screwing everywhere both gays and lesbians that's just seriously shows how fucked up my family is if you know what an orgy looks like am pretty sure you'll be able to imagine the picture am trying to paint here.

Hey, I thought you'd already gone off work, what are you still doing?" Damien says with his jacket on and his briefcase with him, seems his getting off work.

I was just about to, I guess?" I thought to myself , i guess I'll stay with Morgan Tonight . Grabbing my phone I texted her if she was alone and if I could crash at her place .


Girl , you home ?


Yeah what's up?


It's that time of the month...


Ughhhh really ...

You seeing your period


Am so excited.


Ha ha ha

Not funny

You know what I mean.


Oh ,it's the ruffle Orgy night

Awwn , I would have invited you over but I have a special visitor at home .

Whom am planning to ride all night 😉



Lucky you

Well please do continue.


You sure you going to be okay.

I can always send him back.


Don't let me spoil your fun ..

Continue ...

Hmm Leslie, Still here"A familiar baritone voice says .

Sorry, I just needed to check on my friend Morgan am in kinda of in a bind right now"I say feeling a bit embarrassed to tell him about my situation.

Oh ok , how was lunch with your friend?"he asked.

It was fine, haven't seen her in a while so we had a blast"I say smiling.

So you say you're in a bind, please do let me know if I can help?"he says , he's blue deep ocean eyes gleaming in the exact way I love.

Hmm I don't think I wanna bore you with my story besides it's late you should head home and I'll follow after"I say, pretending to busy myself with something on my desk.

Spill Leslie ,I think we're way past this boss and secretary thing. Besides I'll love to hear what you have to say"he says smiling.

Okay so my mom and dad are having this orgy party tonight , it's like one of their sexual exploration process or thing they normally do and I don't think I can sleep in a house where I'll keep hearing moans and groans of strangers behind my door . That's just downright disgusting" I spat out , why do I have to be the one with hormonal parents who don't even seem to acknowledge their way too old for stuffs like that.

Woah, now I understand the pained look on your face"He says Chuckling.

You know what, just follow me ....

He said. And I did just that.

I can't believe this is happening. One minute I'm panicking and looking for a place to stay the night and the next, I'm sliding into the backseat of a private car that belongs to my boss who is the sexiest man I've ever laid eyes on. My bare thighs skid against the leather upholstery as the driver closes the door behind me.

Mr. Romano's door opens and pulls me from my thoughts. Immediately my eyes flick in his direction as he settles in next to me. The side of his thigh presses against mine, which at first throws me off but it makes sense. The man's gigantic and his thick thighs take up more than half of his own seat. I swallow back a sense of fear that's lined with something else. Excitement?

Damien leans forward and raps his knuckle on the glass separating us from the driver. The car rolls forward and we begin our route through midtown's constant traffic. My teeth gnash into my bottom lip, as I fight to find the right words to say. The silence between us creates even more tension.

"Where are we going to?" I finally ask.

Damien doesn't take his eyes off of his phone. Hmm don't worry I don't bite?" he says

Before I know it, we pull in front of a very large building with a fancy green awning.

"shall we?he says

I'm quiet dumbfounded but did decided to follow him Hot on his heels, I do exactly as he tells me. That's what I signed up for, right?

The minute he told me to follow him, although it seems he's not going to jump me or anything but my hormones can't stop singing.

And damn it all there isn't a part of me that doesn't wants to follow his every command and do his bidding. There's just something about him. Maybe it's because I'm in lust over him but I can't quite put my finger on it.

Inside the lobby of his building, my jaw nearly hits the floor. It's one of those apartment buildings that you see in the movies, but no one in NYC actually ever lives in. There's a man at the front desk who smiles and nods, giving me a second once over. His eyes shoot directly to my ass. Heat flushes to my cheeks.

I'm not the only one who notices. Damien takes off his jacket and throws it over my shoulders as if that will help.

"Wrap this around you." He whispers forcefully. "I don't want anyone else looking at you, do you understand?"He says, seeming to realize what he just said .

He corrected himself , sputtering "I mean you might feel uncomfortable will the way his staring at you" he says with a guilty look on his face.

smiling I take the jacket and pull it tight, who knew Damien had a possessive streak and hot damn I could feel myself hot and wet from his words.

Damien stops at the desk and leans over the counter. "Keep your eyes on your crossword, Martin." He grunts.

Martin's eyes go wide and he nods viciously. My apologies." Mr. Romano"He says .

Damien gently grips my arm and pulls me toward the elevator.

"If you're going to be living here, I need them to know that you're off limits. You're here to work for me and they are not to look at you unless I have told them that it's okay." He's nearly huffing, panting like a wild animal who's had his food threatened to be taken away. I nod in response still slightly perplexed by this new found trait and side of him.

I know I should be running in the other direction with his behavior like this, but I like it. The way he makes me feel, wanted, like I'm the most important person on the earth is intoxicating, though God knows why. I know I have the chance to just run over to Morgan's place but I don't wanna.

Once we were in the elevator, in this small compact space it feels like he's a giant towering over me. I'm not a small girl, not by a long shot. Especially compared to the tiny waifs running around Manhattan sipping vodka and eating salads. But, man I feel almost petite next to him. I pull his jacket around my body.

He then hits the button labeled 'PH.' Of course, I should've known he'd live on the top floor. He's a multi-billionaire from what I've read. He rolls up his shirt sleeves as the elevator ascends, showing off an array of tattoos I never knew existed.

Am pretty sure my eyes just bulged out but I don't care, he has a freaking tattoo. That is so hot.

Oh Lord , save me and my damn ovaries.

The dark ink accentuates the grooves in his forearms, and again I'm left wondering what kind of man he really is. Clearly, there's a bad boy underneath the shiny exterior. The thought excites me .

I never could resist a bad boy.

A smile spreads across my lips. "What's so funny?" He asks. There's no humor in his tone.

"Nothing," I say.

"Don't lie to me."

I roll my eyes. "It's just...this is really bizarre."

"Which part?"

"All of it. Our first encounter was quite bizzare and queit dramatic now you decide to take me home with you?" I turn toward him. The darkness in his eyes catches my breath. He's staring down at me, those tattooed arms of his thick and sexy.

"I can't let you just sleep in the office, Leslie it's bad press."he says

"Bad press?" I repeat. Then it hits me like a full-blown sucker punch in the tits. Of course, he's helping me out. It would make him look like a total dick if anyone found out his personal secretary slept overnight because she had nowhere to go. My chin raises to the ceiling and I suddenly feel very stupid.

He's helping me out to save face"I guess .

"I see." I say. "Well, I appreciate your hospitality."

"It's my pleasure." He says, and the elevator dings. His thick arm blocks the doors from closing. "After you."

I nod and step out into the fancy hallway. I'm certain that just one of the sconce's on the walls cost more than everything am putting on right now.

He punches a code into the keypad, and after a series of beeps, the door unlocks. Again, he holds the door for me and I take a step into the dark room. Right behind me, he taps a panel in the wall and the entire place erupts in soft, dim lighting.

"Holy shit." I whisper. This place is bigger than any place I've ever seen in my life. The entire space is monochromatic in shades of grey, white, and beige. Contemporary and stunning, it's equipped with modern appliances and soft, plush sofas in his slightly sunken living room.

"You haven't seen anything yet." He says and clicks a remote lying on the console table. The entire far wall buzzes and spreads open like theatre curtains. In front of me, is the most beautiful view of the new York skyline that I've ever seen.

Mesmerized, I'm like a zombie staggering toward the floor to ceiling windows. "This is unreal." I say, thinking of how much money it would actually take to acquire living in a place like this. I can barely scrape by a deposit for an eight hundred dollar a month room in a three bedroom apartment .

"You like it?" He says.

"Are you freaking kidding me?" I gaze out the window, suddenly feeling out ."It's perfect.

Well good , cause this will be your apartment from now on " he says nonchalantly.

What?"I gasped out surprised.

You serious?I asked again , still in shock.

Yeah , you can start living here just think of it as one of the benefits for working as my personal secretary.


It's a nice penthouse tho , but I can't accept this kind of generosity it's too much"I say , although I love the idea of being neighbours with my sexy as hell boss but if I do accept this offer o won't be able to hold back any longer .

Well you need to , it's an order .

You can sleep here tonight and think about it, it's all yours if you want it "he says strolling out .

Damn you , Damien if you keep doing this I won't be able to hold back"I muster sliently to myself with an internal battle raging in me.

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