Chapter 3: I am not late!
Nicolas walked into the corporation's building, seeing it is usually empty in the early morning. Janitors are regularly the first people to step into the building, so it came to a surprise when he was stopped by his former assistant," Ms.Henning? Why'd you arrive today?"
Her breaths were heavy as if she ran a mile. Her red hair was put into a ponytail, not one single strand lied in front of her face. She handed Nicolas a warm cup of coffee, "Sorry, Mr. Anderson, but I came in today to speak with your new assistant." She paused for a moment and swigged, "However, I couldn't quite locate where he or she was."
The two friends strolled towards the elevator as Nicolas sipped his coffee, "You mean he's late?"
"He, sir? Did you choose Mr.Ochoa?" The elevator closed in front of them. Ms. Henning was anxious, being unable to stop moving. Nicolas' eyes peaked at her, raising an eyebrow, "Are you alright this morning? You seem rushed."
"My job begins in a few minutes. I'm afraid I'll be late on my first day."
The elevator opened, Nicolas rolling his eyes at his former assistant. The two strolled out," Ms. Henning, please go. You shouldn't be here." he advised, "And I did pick the man because like you said, he did meet my expectations."
She chuckled as the elevator closed behind them, "He might've forgotten to come early, sir. I trust you will give him a free pass today. It is his first day on the job."
Nicolas sighed, "I'll just have to lecture him then."
"Yes, Mr.Anderson."
"Ms. Henning, your job."
She stopped and pouted, "What time is it?"
"6:37," Nicolas responded, walking towards his room.
She sobbed jokingly, "Right. Thanks for everything."
She rushed back towards the elevator as Nicolas opened the door to his office's waiting room.
"Good morning, Mr. Anderson." a soft voice echoed in the room.
What the hell? Nicolas thought as the door behind him closed, "You're here?"
Serene rested on a chair, gripping a cup of coffee. He wore the outfit similar from the interview, "Of course I'm here. You told me last night to come at 6 in the morning."
Nicolas grabbed the keys that opened the door to his office, Serene standing behind him, "My old assistant ran into me telling me you were late."
Serene chuckled, "I guess she forgot to check your waiting room huh?"
"She didn't forget, Mr. Ochoa." Nicolas sat his suitcase on his organized desk and strolled behind, taking a seat on the office chair, "My waiting room is locked every morning. How did you enter?"
Serene glanced at the coffee that his boss held, licking his lips nervously, "I asked one of the janitors. You told me to have your coffee at your desk, but the janitors said that only you have the keys to your office."
Nicolas shook his head with a careless vibe. He wasn't interested in the new assistant that stood in front of him. Of course, in his mind, there was no assistant like Ms. Henning, "Very well. At least you weren't late."
"I suppose. However, I can see you got your coffee. What do you suggest I do with this one?" Serene asked calmly, standing straight and professionally.
Nicolas shrugged and turned on his computer, "It's all yours, Mr.Ochoa."
"May I be excused back to the lounge then? I like my coffee with cream."
Nicolas scoffed, squinting at the male that stood in front of him, "As my assistant, you have many duties to attend to. Now, perhaps on your lunch break, you may go."
Serene's eyes narrowed, staring at the boss that laughed at the request, "Understood." he acknowledged.
"It's too soon, but my father is hosting a formal party next week. I want you to email some organizations and convince them to come."
"Yes, sir."
"However, I suggest important organizations. Companies that are willing to donate a few dollars to our business."
"Yes, sir."
Nicolas reached out to his bottom drawer and pulled out the latest communication device. He turned it on and watched it reboot itself, "This phone will be your work phone. Your email is set and your number and other important contacts. I suggest using this device for any work-related issues. Not personal."
Nicolas handed it to him and stared into his assistant's eyes that the sun rays shined on, "If I see any family members on there, Mr.Ochoa, I will more than like to message them a nice 'fuck off'."
Serene's eyes widened at the warning, not expecting his boss to use foul language during work hours, "Understood, sir."
"Go ahead and start emailing the organizations about the party. There are a few numbers in your notes app."