The Billionaire's Contract

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"I Am Here My Love.."

Isabella's Pov

His place is so huge !

And he lives here all alone doesn't he gets lost ?

It has expensive drawings and antique sculptures all around, with costly wood carvings done on the walls. The hallway is too big for just one person to live in,it's almost as huge as the ballrooms they show on television.

There are maids roaming all over the floors looking as if on a mission to keep everything polished and devoid of a single spot.

I find myself carefully walking over the lush carpet,as if I could spoil it by walking over it.

Mr. Fernando seems to notice my sudden decrease in speed, he pulled the hand he was holding to keep me beside him.

Why doesn't he let me just breath into this world of luxury for a second.

Huh !

He guides me through the spiral staircase which I guess leads to his room,the master room as he called it before.

All the things around me scream royalty,making me feel small.

The occasional glares and stares that I am receiving from the staff makes me feel uncomfortable and out of place.

Ofcourse they expected some rich woman to be his girlfriend not some middle class girl with a foreigner tag on her.

I just felt like running back to mom's arms back in New York. The thought makes me all teary.

Mom and Dad are going to hate me for doing this and I can't even tell them the truth. I have signed a Non-disclosure Agreement with the powerful devil who could destroy me and my family in a blink of an eye.

I will have to act that I love him,in front of the whole world and also my parents.

I glance at his calm demur, walking beside me while nodding to the greetings of the passing maids and servants.

How can someone be this inhuman ?

Why couldn't he just get one of the girls who are ready to do anything for him,why me ?

Why make me seem as a gold digger in front of the entire world ?

"Stop giving those expression Bella," He spoke in his usual stern tone,while glancing back at me.

I wanted to speak back at him,but I have no more energy to do that. I have given away one year of my life to him, which has taken away my ability to fight back.

Nodding, I lowered my eyes towards the lush red carpet below my feet.

He seemed to be surprised by my reaction,but quickly let that go.

Did he want me to fight him ?

Didn't he just say he is going to go over the rules ?

The thought of rules did make a shiver run down my spine.

Is he going to torture or hurt me ?

Too many questions with no answers at all.

As we got to the top of the staircase two doors came into my view.

He opens the mahogany door and leads me into the first room.

If what I saw till now were magnificent the view of this room blew my mind off. The length and width of this room would fit in almost three times of the apartment I was accommodated in. The room looked like a perfect blend of modern and vintage style giving off the classy finish.

A large king size bed in the middle with plush comforters, velvety curtains and smooth soft flooring. The big dangling crystal chandelier almost took my breath away,the little detailings of it made it look so beautiful. There are bean bags and an entire little art studio towards the left.

"Welcome to my room Bella."

His sudden voice brings me out of my trance of admiring his room.

I close my mouth which had involuntarily widened seeing how beautiful and luxuries this room is.

Coming back to the reality I realized I am going to be in this room for an entire year before abruptly leaving all these and my child behind with Mr. Fernando.

My child !

How can I not think about this earlier ?

I will have to leave my own child behind with him. My child who will mean nothing to him except a stepping stone to his success.

Will he let me at least meet him or her afterwards ?

Will my own child hate me for leaving him or her behind ?

I almost wanted to ask him these questions. Even request him to let me at least meet my kid,but I did not.

He will not.

He is cruel and inhuman. If he can force me into this he can surely keep my kid away from me.

"You need to stop zoning out so often Little Honey Head or I will need to enforce certain way to avoid you from doing it," he spoke the last words in my ears as if trying to hypnotise me.

His closeness does hypnotise me, as if I forget that he is my black mailer.

"You entire focus should just be on me for this entire year Bella and nothing else. You are going to earn me the company," he spoke while softly caressing the top of my head,as if I am his precious possession.

"Well now we need to start discussing the rules soon,which you are going to fully obey and disobeying any of them will earn you a sore ass," he ended with a smirk making my breath hitch.

"Why should I obey any of your rules ?" I asked him while trying to keep my heartbeat steady.

"Well because you have agreed to obey them,by signing the contract," he replies me while taking out the contract from his coat and handing it over to me.

"But but..there were no rules it was about.." I felt as if a rush of panic hit me as I processed his words in my mind. How could I miss this part of the contract !

'Now that you hae the contract in your hands I would like you to read the set of rules that are set for you,loud to me and yourself," he almost commands me before seating himself on the armchair,with his icy-blue eyes set on me.

I know I don't have any other option other than to obey my cruel would be fake husband.

Clearing my mouth I turn to the page four of the booklet. The words written shocking the day light out of me !

He's a kinky bastard !

Oh fuck !

What have I even gotten myself into !

"I am waiting to hear you Bella," he spoke out with his eye colour turning dark.

"Miss Isabella Addison will in all sense belong to Mr. Julien Louise Fernando for the agreement tenure and would do everything he desires.

Miss Addison is expected to follow the below mentioned rules. Going against them can lead to receiving punishments as seemed fit by Mr. Fernando.

  1. Miss Isabella Addison has to fully respect Mr. Fernando and his family both in public and private.

  2. Miss Isabella Addison cannot drink or intake any sorts of harmful drugs that can affect her fertility without Mr. Fernando's permission.

  3. Miss Isabella Addison should not swear.

  4. Miss Isabella Addison will have to accept all the trainings that Mr. Fernando arranges for her to groom her into the eligible bride.

  5. Miss Isabella will never go anywhere without letting Mr. Fernando know of her whereabouts," I finished reading out the section of the contract, the words making me squirm.

"Very well Bella. I hope the rules are clear to you now. Breaking any of these is going to land you over my knees," he told me with a dark colour of lust in his eyes.

Surprisingly his words turn me on.

I should be scared of all these but I feel tempted to go ahead and try my luck and experience the consequences.

But I am not going to give in this easily.

"I do have some conditions ," I tell him to find him curiously looking at me.

"Go on."

"You won't cheat on me during the agreement tenure."

"Deal,I was not going to do that anyways."

He wasn't ?

The kind of news that roams around him,he seems to change his women every other day. I thought he was going to weigh the options a bit but he seems confident with his answer.


"Well leave this,I will give you five blank chances. Leaving the conditions and rules made by me you can enforce five of your own rules and I will respect them. Sounds better ?"

This surely sounds as a nice deal. I nod to him making him sigh in relax.

Losing his tie he moves about across the room.

"You can roam about anywhere in the house but for now get yourself comfortable in this room,by then I will take a shower and come," he told me before entering the washroom.

This is when I realized that probably Mom and Dad have already seen the news about me and Mr. Fernando.

Shit ! I am doomed.

I quickly take out by phone from my bag only to find it dead.


I don't have the charger with me. It's back in my old apartment .

I did notice a telephone back downstairs. Should I just go and call up mom to inform her ?

No, with the amount of nosy maids and servants they would surely try to listen to my talks.

I guess I can just wait for my belongings to come over.

I seat myself at the left side of the bed. I closed my eyes while resting my head on the headrest to ease up the little headache.

"I see you have already made the choice of which side of the bed you are going to take," Mr. Fernando's voice hits my ears making me look back at him.

Holycrap !

He just has the towel covering below his waist,with the few droplets of water trickling down his chest.

The sight before me makes me suck in a sudden breath.

"I umm.."

I badly stammer.

No one in my place would be in their right minds seeing the handsome Devil in front of them like this.

"Am I tempting you little Honeyhead ?" He slowly and almost seductively walks up to me before taking in my right hand and placing a kiss over my knuckles.

He slowly caresses my face with his fingers before his jaw stiffened suddenly.

His bare chest comes in contact with my clothed igniting a pool of fire in me.

"I will leave my imprint on both your soul and your little body by the end of our contract,Bella"

He breaths into my ears while making my back touch the wall behind us. His blue-orbs meet mine with such intensity as if looking through my soul,making a mockery of me for giving in to the Billionaire's Contract.

"From today You are mine Bella" he smirked, placing a kiss on my collarbone before leaning in to finally kiss my trembling lips.

As our lips are about to meet there is a sudden noise which makes us both jolt away.

"I am here my love."

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