Part 2 : The Local Thug
"You're an idiot. You should have played along, man! When a fairy likes you, you can do whatever you want with them! They won't even complain if you just fuck them once or twice and then leave! They are too dumb!"
Eric dragged a bit on his cigarette, frowning. He had been listening to those assholes for five minutes now. They hadn't noticed him. It was rather late, and he was standing against the wall, in the shadows. Those three idiots were laughing under the lights of the bus stop, unaware of his presence. Only the red tip of his cigarette would glow in the dark from time to time.
He hadn't expected to run into the jerk who had made Daisy cry earlier. Actually, he had almost forgotten about the pink-haired fairy for the last two days. He hadn't gone back to school, avoiding her on purpose, but now those idiots were under his nose, and it was hard to ignore the kind of crap they were saying.
Moreover, he was a bit annoyed to have been right about the guy the innocent fairy had a crush on. Some idiot soccer-boy blondie. With jackass friends, too.
"I don't know, dude, fairies are a pain in the ass. They're super clingy and so freaking dumb... If I can pick, I'd sleep with a pretty girl from our class, but fairies? I hate dealing with girls when they get all emotional and stuff. You know, the pretty class president? She was laughing when I rejected her. I bet she's into me too. I'd rather fuck her!"
"Well, you can always get back to fairy girl if she ends up sucking in bed. I've never slept with a fairy, but I bet that one's a virgin. They are so naive, it's funny. Do you know they can't even stand blood and violent stuff?"
"Oh, now that you mention it, I saw it! Pink hair was covering the picture from our biology book with her hands! Who does that? It's a stupid image!"
"See? She's a fairy who came to a school full of dirty, naughty humans like us. No one is going to blame you if you sleep with her, they know fairies are that dumb anyway!"
"I don't know, it's a bit bad... It's like sleeping with a retard. I bet fairies are so boring in bed..."
"Oh, yeah, didn't think of that. I can imagine pink hair just laying there like an idiot. Girls are so skilled those days, while pink hair would just be..."
"Her name's Daisy."
All three boys jumped, surprised to hear the fourth voice nearby. They turned their heads to where the voice came from, frowning and trying to see in the darkness who it was. Eric shook his head, exhaling some smoke, annoyed.
"W... What did you say?" Repeated one of the guys.
"I said, her name is Daisy, not pink hair or fairy girl, you deaf piece of shit."
"Who the fuck do you think you are to call me a...!"
Before he finished his sentence, Eric stepped out of the shadows, finally revealing himself.
All three guys immediately stepped back. It was easy to recognize him, with his piercings, black curly hair, and murderous eyes. The School's thug, as a lot of them called him. He was infamous for brawling around, being defiant to the school staff, and yet never be kicked out. He was repeating the Senior year, too, but most of his classmates found themselves lucky when he'd skip classes. Some urban legends said he had been to jail, some that he was part of some underground organization, or that he was too rich for the chairman to afford to kick him out...
Hence, it was impossible for those three guys to not recognize him. They had never seen him fight, but the rumors preceded him efficiently enough to scare them a bit. They exchanged looks, unsure. However, the guy who had been insulted was not willing to simply forget about it.
"What do you care about whatever we call that fairy!" He said.
Eric clicked his tongue, annoyed, and blew his smoke to their faces, making them cough a bit.
"It annoys me to have to listen to little shits like you. This was my last cigarette and you fucking ruined my good time with it with those dirty mouths of yours. So, apologize."
"Man, just fuck off and leave us alone!"
The fact that they were three of them, and this guy wasn't being particularly aggressive, was growing on them. Despite all the piercings, the tattoo on his torso, and his bad boy looks, the young man didn't seem particularly menacing. Just a bit pissed off about his cigarette. However, asking them to apologize was too much.
"I'll give you another one, fine? Just leave!" Said one of the guys, searching his pockets for another cigarette.
"I'm waiting for my bus. You pieces of shit leave after you apologize."
"What the heck is wrong with you? We are waiting for the bus, too!"
Eric sighed, and took his cigarette between his fingers, glaring at them.
"I said, apologize and fuck off. Last chance. I'm not that patient."
The guys exchanged looks but, no matter what, neither of them felt like apologizing for their crude talk or whatever! Wasn't this guy just being too annoying and nosy? They didn't know him, and he had stepped into their conversation like that!
Eric didn't give them another minute once he realized they wouldn't apologize. He took out his cigarette and crushed the burning tip on the closest guy's forehead with a sneer. The guy screamed and stumbled back while Eric was already kicking the next one in the stomach.
"What the heck you fucker!"
The third friend tried to run to him, his fist up, but Eric avoided it with the ease of experience. Instead, he returned the fist, though he didn't miss this one. Right on the lower jaw, where it made an awful bone-breaking noise. The third guy started screaming too with his destroyed jaw. The first guy, the soccer boy, was holding his forehead with the cigarette burn, tears in his eyes from the pain. Eric snickered and grabbed his hair, making his face brutally meet his knee. Two teeth fell on the ground along with some blood.
"That's for playing with a girl's feelings with your stupid face, asshole," he said calmly.
Then, it was the second guy's turn to try and fight back, but as soon as Eric turned to him, the guy stepped back, unsure, and Eric used that time to throw another punch. The three guys were down on their knees or the floor, crying or screaming in pain. A couple of passersby watched the scene, horrified, but he didn't care much. Eric sighed.
"You little pieces of shit..."
Soccer boy, with his face covered in blood, was bawling. He wasn't attractive at all now, just looking disfigured and in an awful amount of pain.
"You... you..."
"Shut up," said Eric, annoyed. "Or apologize properly."
Suddenly, a loud whistle-blower was heard from across the street. A young policeman came running, out of breath, putting himself between Eric and the three guys he had just beaten up. He kept blowing his whistle until Eric took it from him with a frown, annoyed.
"Shut up with that thing, Felix," he groaned.
"You can't beat up people in the middle of the street, you thug! What is this!"
"He was defending me!" Suddenly said a cute voice behind him.
Eric almost jumped, as Daisy appeared out of nowhere next to him, with a little smile on.
"What the... How long were you there?" He asked.
"I was just on the other side of the bus station, behind the ad panel with the burger on it. I was waiting for my bus... I wanted to come out and say something, but I heard you start fighting, so I waited..."
Eric glanced down at the guys, but actually, Felix the policeman was blocking the view from Daisy. He sighed and turned to her. She was just as cute as before, maybe even more since she didn't have puffy eyes and her snout coming out. This time, some of her hair was put into two cute little buns, and she was wearing some pretty but flashy butterfly earrings. Eric sighed. He hadn't expected to see her again so soon, let alone in this kind of situation.
"You didn't watch then?"
"No, I closed my eyes and waited for you to be done!"
She said that as if he had just gone out to do an errand instead of beaten up three guys until the bled, screamed, and cried. That idea made Eric smile a bit. Daisy smiled a bit too, with her cute rosy cheeks. However, between the two of them, Felix the policeman wasn't smiling at all.
"What is that now! This isn't funny! Eric, do you realize how bad this is? I have to take you to the station! Again!"
"But he did this to defend me, mister policeman..." Said Daisy.
Her adorable voice and big green eyes took the young policeman totally by surprise. Looking at her, he was a bit confused about how to react. Her expression seemed so pure and genuine, he was not prepared.
"Uh... We... It's still a bit against the law..."
"Does he really have to go to the station?"
"W... Well..."
Eric chuckled, seeing Felix completely taken over by Daisy's charms. He pushed the policeman's arm out of the way and went to one of the guys, searching his pocket until he found the cigarette batch he had mentioned earlier. He took one and lit it up.
"Eric! This is theft!"
"He actually offered me one, mister policeman," said Eric with a little smile.
"Stop mocking me! I'm taking you to the station anyway! Those three too, we need to sort this out!"
"Oh, can I come with you?"
Felix turned to Daisy, looking desperate. This time though, Eric shook his head.
"It's not a school trip, Daisy, it's a police station. It's full of mean people like me, and probably a few worse, too."
"Do they fight inside?"
"Of course not!" Replied Felix. "We are the law, and we make sure to..."
Eric rolled his eyes.
"Shut up, Felix; Just drive us there, she won't change her mind anyway and you'll save us the bus fee."
"Yes!" Exclaimed Daisy, happy.
She walked over to Eric's side, making sure not to look at the three guys. A defeated Felix started helping them up to the police car parked a few meters away.
"Did you get mad because of them saying mean things about me?" She asked.
"I got mad because they ruined my smoking time," sighed Eric, looking away from those dangerous green eyes of hers.
"But you said they shouldn't speak of girls like that," insisted Daisy, a bit too enthusiastic.
"Yes, all girls, not just pink-haired, clingy, and curious fairies..."
It was too late, however, the young fairy was already beaming and smiling from pointy ear to pointy ear. Eric decided not to argue any further, as it was already hard enough to try and discuss with a stubborn fairy... They finally got into Felix's police car, the three idiots packed at the back, while Eric sat next to Felix, and Daisy right behind them. She frowned as Felix started the car.
"Aren't you going to put him in handcuffs?" She asked, looking a bit disappointed.
"Why would he put me in handcuffs?" Chuckled Eric, opening the window for his cigarette's smoke to go out.
"I know they do that on human TV when they arrest people..."
"He knows I'm not running away," laughed Eric.
"Well, you did the first times! Handcuffs are completely useless with you anyway, you always manage to take them out whatever I do..."
"You know how to take off handcuffs! Can you teach me?" Asked Daisy, excited.
"It wouldn't be fun if everyone knows the trick, sweetheart."
However, stubborn as usual, Daisy kept trying and begging to have Eric teach her until they finally parked in front of the Police Station. Felix sighed, turning to Eric.
"Here we are... Seriously, I didn't know fairies where that stubborn..."
"Tell me about it. And clingy, too!"
They all got out of the car. While Felix was yelling at one of the boys who had spilled blood on the back seat, Daisy was looking at the entrance of the Police Station with wide eyes while Eric finished his cigarette. That worried him a bit, though, and he quickly finished smoking to turn to her.
"There are scary things inside of a Police Station sometimes, so if I tell you to close your eyes, you close your eyes right away, okay?"
He was still worried. The fairy was way too excited about just walking into a Police Station... Felix pushed the three boys inside, and Daisy followed right behind Eric, looking everywhere, curious. They were taken to sit in front of a desk, but to her surprise, on the way, a lot of policemen seemed to recognize Eric.
"Are you really a big criminal?" She whispered.
"Of course. I made headlines a couple of times for breaking into and robbing a bank."
Daisy pouted, vexed. She kept wondering why all the policemen knew him but didn't seem mad at him. She frowned, a bit confused. It was actually a rather quiet evening for the police station, the men were watching some game on the tv, and another one was solving a dispute between two drunkards.
"They said you went to prison..." She muttered, confused.
"The girls I asked, at school."
Eric rolled his eyes again. She couldn't just forget about him, she actually had to go and ask around... He couldn't even imagine how many rumors should have started from the cute fairy asking all around about the school thug.
"So? What were the results of the investigation, Detective Daisy?"
"Two of them said you were expelled from three schools, and they also said you went to prison. Though another girl said it was rehab, so I'm not sure. Oh, and there was one who said you are probably working for the mafia, too. They said you sell drugs and now you are too rich to be sent to prison. "
Eric chuckled, his hands in his pockets. Since Daisy had to avoid looking at the guy covered in blood, she was facing him and had her back turned to them.
"So? Which of those do you think are true?"
"I don't know... I don't think you are rich, though."
"Really? Why?"
"Because your pants are ripped a lot..."
This time, Eric laughed loudly, unable to hold it in. The Fairy's logic was really too cute and amusing. Once again, Daisy pouted, unhappy to have him laugh at her, and she didn't even know why!
"You think this is funny, Eric?" Suddenly yelled a voice from across the room.
All the nearby policemen suddenly stood straight, and one jumped on the TV remote to turn it off. Felix had just come back, preceded by a tall woman in a uniform. Eric sighed.
"Hello, Captain..."
"This is not funny! How many times did you come here this month? Uh? You think we have nothing else to do but settle the little disputes you create?"
"They deserved it," he said.
"I do not care! You are not a cop! Let us do our job and go to school like normal children, you little thug!"
Daisy felt a bit embarrassed letting Eric be yelled at by the Police Station chef, so she brutally stood up, surprising everyone.
"It is not his fault! Those guys were talking badly about me, so Eric defended me..."
"Daisy, close your eyes."
She obeyed immediately, and the next second heard a brutal slap. Daisy jumped. She couldn't see it, but the Police Chief had just slapped the back of Eric's head. He was apparently used to it enough to warn her beforehand...
"You! Do you have girls taking your defense now? And a fairy, too! What were you thinking, bringing a fairy into a police station! You think this is funny! Didn't I teach you better about how to treat girls!"
"I'm treating her just fine, mom, and she's the one following me around!"
"Don't you talk back to me! You..."
Daisy was so surprised, she opened her eyes, staring at Eric, who was rubbing his head, and the woman next to him. He sighed.
"Yes, Daisy, meet this adorable mom of mine..."