Chapter 9
Rumi'S P.O.V
I was in class with Chad and the rest of the students waiting on the teacher to arrive for about half and hour now. While the other students were doing their own thing I was telling Chad what happened yesterday.
"And he ran his finger over my lip. Now tell me,doesn't that sound gay to you?"
"Well....". Chad trailed off". I mean it...maybe he does it to everyone."
"You show me a guy touching another guy's lips".I huff
"Well maybe he's bisexual". Chad said
"Maybe, but when we first met he made it clear he didn't like gay people."
"or maybe he just didn't like you."
I was about to replied the class door open causing me to look. Its was Isaac and his squad. They came in after him while his eyes roam the class, when he spot me he tried his best not to smile but gave up when I smiled at him. What really caught my attention was how his eyes sparkle with adoration. I never thought I would see in the eyes of Isaac especially when looking at me. That cause me to think hard on him. Isaac have a soft side and I think this whole bad guy act is to cover it up and does he have a thing for me too? I was a little excited to find out but what if it's just my imagination because of my growing crush on him.
Lunch time came around and Chad and I were sitting at the lunch table. Isaac and his friends were about two tables from us. I took up a French fry and threw it at a dude at the table next to ours he took it up and glared at me, his friend looked at me and I winked at him and he blushed looking down. Half these guys that claim they are straight are even sure. I turn and saw Isaac looking at me and he looked away when he realize that I was doing the same. Isaac and I are kind of cool but his friends irritates me, especially Damien. The guy is always angry for no reason.
After lunch I was walking by myself to my next class, Chad's class was doing some observation crap in the community near by. I spot Isaac going to class, I got an idea to do what I always do to Milli when his back is turn. I ran and jump on his back, he stumbled a few feet then caught his balance and held me up.
"Rumi what the hell?".he yelled.
"Wassup".I giggled.
"Get off idiot".he replied.
I got off and stood in front of him.
"How did you know it was me?" I pout
"You always smell like coconut".he said
"Oh".I smell my self and shrug.
"You know you're really weird and childish".Isaac shook his head.
"I know and so are you that's why we're friends".I punch his shoulder.
"We are?"
"Unless you want to be more than that...."I wiggled my eyebrows
"Whatever,let's get to class"he said and we walk off to our class.
When we reach class I saw Isaac's friends sitting in a group,they called to Isaac and he walked over to them but not before grabbing my hand and pulling me with him.I tense a bit because I hated them.
We sat beside them and they all stared at me like they were waiting for me to do something. I know Isaac wanted me to get along with them but I wasn't feeling it.
"Why are you all looking at me?" I roll my eyes. That's when I realize Isaac was still holding unto my hand. His hands and much bigger than mine but soft. The way he grip my hand I felt like a girl.
"What are you doing here?". Damien ask rudely. I smile.
"How rude of you to talk to your best friend's boyfriend like that". I smirk and Isaac eyes widen as he look at me.
"Best friend boyfriend?!" Damien almost yelled and the rest looked at Isaac who just blush and couldn't form a word.
"You are a handful." He whispered to me
"Later babe".I got up and kiss Isaac's cheek and walked to my usual seat. I look back and saw that they were all talking to Isaac. He shook his when they won't let him answer but kept throwing questions at him.
'Since when are you guys friends?'
'Since when are you gay?.
'Are you kidding me?'.
'You're his boyfriend?!"
I laugh.
"Would you all just shut up he was just joking!" Isaac finally spoke.
He turn to me and mouth 'you're so dead'.
I only blew him a kiss and turn to my phone.
Rumi just told my friends that I was his boyfriend and now they won't stop annoying me.
School was over now and I haven't seen Rumi,boy if I see him I don't even know what I'm going to do because we're friends now but gosh he knows how to get under people skin.
I park my car in my drive way and walk up to my front door. I stop when I heard yelling. I groan and push the door open. My sister was back. The house is never quiet when she comes back.I walked in and my mom was sweeping out broken glass mixed with some white powder.
"What is that?"
"Melissa bought cocaine here. I was arguing with her and I snatch the bag from her and it spilled all over the floor and she got mad and knocked over the vase. She tried to take the powder off the floor but I manage to stop her. She just stormed upstairs when you pulled up."
"Why do you keep letting her in if she's going to act the same way and won't stop doing drugs?"
Melissa is my big sister and a drug addict, she refuse to get help. She was in rehab just last year but nothing has change. She comes to steal our money then disappear after and this have been going on since she was seventeen and she is twenty four now. I can't stand her and right now I don't even want to see her.
I grab my jacket and put some stuff in the pockets and walked back down stairs.I looked at my mom and she gave me a small smile knowing I can't cope with my sister being here.