CH. 1
Before you start reading you should know that most names aren't capitalize and there are a lot of errors and grammar mistakes.But I hope you still enjoy this book 😌
I stood up and swung my bag pack over my shoulder. The whole class was watching me in amusement, silently. My best friend, Trent, had a smirk on his face.
I got up walking towards the door, but stopped at Ms. Samuels. She was red with anger and her eyes were filled with annoyance and disgust. I gave her one of my best smiles and flick her nose, which made her glare at me.
"Catch you later, sweet cheeks." I opened the door and walked down the hall.
Ugh, my dad is going to kill me. This is the third time this week...and it's Tuesday. Good thing I can get off the hook easy, because he's the principal.
I walked into the waiting room. When the lady at the desk looked up at me I gave her a smile, but she rolled her eyes.
"How are you not expelled, yet?" she sighed.
"This school loves me."
I winked and walked into my dads office, not even knocking. When I opened the door he didn't even look up, but spoke.
"What did you do this time, Jace?" He asked in an annoyed tone.
I sat down on the chair beside him and he gave me his attention.
"Dad, I swear, I didn't do anything."
"I punched, Bradly." I mumbled playing with my fingers.
"You punched Bradly, is he okay?"
"Yeah, can I go now?"
"Nope, you have a detention tomorrow after school." He took out a detention slip and wrote it up.
"Don't you love me, anymore." I pout
"Yeah, I do, but you need to learn to control your self. Papa won't be happy that you served a detention yesterday and now you've gotten another one."
"I won't have to if you didn't give me a slip."
Before he could answer there was a knock on the door and he told whoever it is to come in. Ms. Samuels walked in and gave me a stern look.
"Mr. Taylor, I would like to speak to you in private, please." She spoke and my dad turn to me.
"Oh, don't worry, you won't even know I'm here." I smiled and place my feet on his table.
My dad sighed and told ms.Samuels to continue because they don't have a choice.
"The new transfer student is here, he's waiting outside should I call him in?"
"Yes, please."
Ms. Samuels went back through the door and I turn to dad.
"So, transfer student, huh?"
"Yes and I don't want you setting any bad examples." He push my feet off his desk.
"No promises, Mr. Taylor." I put my feet back up and he sighed.
The door open and Ms. Samuels walked back in with a kid almost too close to her, it's hard to see his face because his head was down with his dirty blonde hair, but you could see he had on glasses, the nerdy ones and he had on a hoodie that had the word 'Cody' designed into the front. I kept my eyes on him the whole time just wanting to see his face.
"Mr. Taylor, this is Max Jackson, the transfer student, like we agreed on, I will be his guardian during school because of certain things." she looked at me as if she didn't want to specify this certain things.
"Good morning, Max, I'm your principal Mr. Taylor and this is my son Jace Taylor." My dad nod to me.
The kid slowly look up and must I say.
My dad and Ms. Samuels turn to look at me but I was looking at the kid, he was CUTE! Just gorgeous. His features were just perfect.
"Jace, don't even bother thinking anything. You're not bringing him in to any of your games. No offense Mr. Taylor, but I wonder about him sometimes." Ms. Samuels said making me smirk.
"Non taken, I wonder too, and more, sometimes if he's even my son." That took the smirk right off my face.
"Hello I'm right here."
I roll my eyes and the kid blushed with an amuse look on his face.
"Jace get to class." Dad sighed.
"Whatever." I said and got up, walking past Ms. Samuels and the kid, who held his head back down.
"Stay away from him." Ms. Samuels pointed a finger at me.
When I went back to class I was smiling like a goof. My best friend, Trent, looked at me suspiciously as I sat down beside him.
"Who's your new toy now?" He raise an eyebrow.
Trent knows me too well, we've been friends since diaper days and he knows when I like someone, but the word toy made me frown. For some reason I want to have a steady relationship with max, he's just...different.
"His name is Max, he's new, and I think I'm going to settle down, now, with him. I really like Max and I just met him, he's different from other crushes and you're going to help me get him."
"I don't think you know what you're saying. I'm not helping you hurt the kid, he's new he doesn't need to hate anyone or be heart broken so soon." Trent glare at me.
"Wow, you really think that's what I do?"
"Uh, yeah."
"I just can't stay in a relationship too long I either get board or see some one else I like, but I think this one is different."
"Prove it."