CH. 6
Where the hell are you? get here now!.
It was a message from Trent and from the looks of it I better hurry.
I parked my car and met Trent at the school entrance.
"What's up?".I groan because he didn't look worried,he was just on his phone texting.
"Oh um.....,Max has a black eye and a sprained wrist ,Ms.Samuels is talking with him about she needs to have a word with Ms.kay".he said quickly as if he just saw me standing there.
I don't understand,Max was fine yesterday when he kiss me and ran off,it must be someone in the orphanage and Ms.Kay didn't see and obviously didn't do anything about it.
"Where are they?".I asked.
"We have chemistry with Max now,its his first Time in chemistry and Ms.Samuels has a 6 form class now".
How does he know all of this?
We walked to our lockers quickly,when we reached the classroom door the bell rang and we went in.As soon as we went in I spotted Max at the front the class,he had on a baby blue wrist band on his left hand and his hair in his face as usual with that hoodie that over his head and his glasses on the desk.I sat beside him but he didn't look at me,I touch his right hand gently and he turn and look at me.His left eye was black and blue with light shade of faded pink,my heart ache at the sight and I felt anger building up.
"Max who did that to you?".I demand gently.
He flash his hair out of his eyes but then glance at someone at the back,a guy I don't know his name but he's always walking with that Noah kid.Whoever he is he makes Max nervous along with Noah.
"Who's that Max?".i ask caressing his hands.
"J-jack".he stuttered.
"Did he did that?".
He lift his wrist up,telling me that jack did that to his wrist.I grip the edge of the desk to hold back my anger .
"I'm going to have a talk with jack".I said but before I could get up Max stop me.
"No,you'll make it worst".
"Trust me,i won't".
"Just please,they'll do it again,when you're not there".he pleaded with his eyes,even with a black eye he still looks beautiful.I sigh.
"Max,the next time something like this happens,I'm kicking his ass and anyone else".I warned.
"Okay but not now".
"Okay".I turned and smirk at him.
"But I want to talk about last night".
"I'm sorry".he blurred out.
"What are you sorry for?".I chuckled at his cuteness.
"I kiss you,I'm sorry I kissed you".
"If anything I should be sorry I didn't but I wish it was more than just a kiss on the cheek".I winked and he blushed.
The teacher came in and came straight up to Max and I.
"Oh you two are friends that means you can help Max with all his work so he can catch up with us".
"Of course I can".I said.
"You just have to come to my house again".I said to Max.
"Okay".he replied with a smile.
"Great then,I'll begin my class now".sir nod and walked to his desk
After that class was up I was on my way to study hall, Trent was already there because I walked Max to his history class.I was almost at the door when I spot jack down the hall.I narrowed my eyes and walked past the door straight to where jack and a kid was standing.I couldn't help my self,he hurt Max,my Max. Possessive much.
When I arrived where they were, they turn and both there smiles were gone.The kid looked nervous but jack kept a blank expression.
"Wanna tell me what happened to max?".I demand.
I was about two inches taller than him.
"He's a fag,I kicked his ass".he shrugged like it's no big deal with a stupid smirk on his face.
"That wasn't the best answer".I raise my fist to connect it with his mouth but I heard Trent voice behind me.
"Now is not the time Jace".Trent groan and tugged at my shirt.
I sighed and look at him,he raise a brow with a smirk on his face.I roll my eyes and look back at jack.He was looking at Trent,his expression soften with dreamy eyes.I cocked my head to the side confuse but shook it off.
"I'm not done with you,hurt Max again and that will be the last of you".I threatened before I walked off with Trent beside me.
"What did Max told you not to do?".Trent asked in annoyance.
"I couldn't help it.He made it worst,smirking at me and he hurt Max".I huff with a pout.
Trent chuckled and we walked into the class room,we went over to our friends where they were talking about the game next week Monday.I ignore them and went on my phone,watching my favorite show at the moment.The walking dead.
When school was over I went to Ms.Samuels class where I knew Max would be,he was there sitting in a chair in front of Ms Samuels. I couldn't see his face because of his hair but he was pouting with his arms crossed,when I knocked on the door he looked up and blush and smiled before pushing his glasses up on his face.I returned a smile and walked into the class avoiding Ms.Samuels as she glare at me sat on her desk.She roll her eyes.
"I don't like the idea of Max near you,but it seems like there isn't a choice since you're his chemistry tutor".
"I'm glad you see that now I would like to take max and get home".
I hop off the desk and took Max's hands,he waved at Ms.Samuels with his other hand and we walked out to my car.When we were on the road he broke the silence and asked.
"Your friend Trent,how did you guys met?".
"Well his real name is Daniel and we have been friends since we were in diapers,my dads and his dads have been friends since highschool".
He nod,in understanding then smile.
"I like your dads".
"They like you too".I took his hand in mine and he blushes fiercely.
I stop at the stoplight and a question popped in my head.
"What happened to your parents?".the question slip from my mouth.
When I turned and look at him,he was pale,he looked like he was going to have a panick attack and before I could think twice he was having a panick attack.
The light turn green and drove,parking the car at the corner.
"Max,calm down breath!".I pulled my seat belt and wrapped an arm around him.
He covered his face and shook his head widely.
"Deep breaths".
I pulled his seatbelt an pulled him into my lap,I caress his arms while he tried to steady his breathing,soon he was breathing normally and close his eyes.
I regret asking his that,it must be something bad ,something horrible to get him like this.
"I'm sorry max,I'm so sorry I won't ask again".
"Its okay".he whispered.
Leaving us with huge gap of ackward silence,I looked over at him and his breath was even, meaning he was fast a sleep,I can't believe I hurt my baby it wasn't intentionally done,but I still hurt him.
When we got to my house,I lead him inside and into the kitchen.
"Want something to drink?"
He lean again the counter and nod with his hands over his face.I got a milk shake from the fridge and handed it to him
After sitting there in silence,he smiled at me.
"I didn't really wanted help with chemistry,I already know everything I'm smart you know".he smiled cheekily,he acts like nothing didn't happened half an hour ago.
I just smile.
"So if you don't need my help....why are you here?' And the next words that came out of his mouth surprised me.
"I want to be with you"