• | 5 | •
I got out of bed when my alarm clock started ringing, I walked to my bathroom, brushed my teeth and took a shower.
I got out of the bathroom and picked out the first outfit that I found in my closet.
I put my hair in a high ponytail and I put a little bit of mascara.
When I walked downstairs I saw Mom, Dad, Brian and Sophia in the kitchen eating breakfast.
"Good morning Angel" Brian said.
"Good morning" I mumble back.
I took an apple and bit into it.
"Eww aren't you going to wash it first?" Sophia told me.
I just rolled my eyes and washed the apple then took another bit into it, I sat down on the island counter and finish my apple while scrolling through Instagram.
Yesterday during lunch at the neighbours house it mostly consisted of me playing with Cola, Rose complaining about her not being able to find her phone and Blake smirking and rolling his eyes.
When Blake was done with lunch he went up to his room so I had some time to talk with Rose, I found out that Blake is the quarterback in the football team and he's quite popular.
Oh and I also found out that Rose and Blake are twins, but Rose is 2 minuets older than Blake. But they aren't identical twins.
I looked at the clock and it was already 7:30 so I reached for my school bag, hugged mom, dad, Sophia and Brian goodbye and headed for my car.
Sophia was going to be dropped off by Brian later on, I just liked being early for school its better than being late right? Right.
When I walked to the front of my porch I saw Rose and Blake come out of the house too, Blake headed for his own car and Rose headed for her own.
"Hey Ava!" Rose says happily.
"Hey Rose" I greeted back.
"Hey Blake" I said.
He just groaned, got into his car and drove off.
Okay then... I think we all know who's a morning person and who isn't a morning person in the Reynolds family.
"Ava, why don't you just come with me to school, we're going to the same destination anyways" Rose explains.
"Eh—um yeah sure"
I walked to Rose's car and sat down in the passenger seat.
"I found my phone by the way, Blake had it" Rose says and then rolls her eyes.
"Oh—um, good" I reply.
You see, I get really awkward when it comes to interacting with people who I don't talk to on a daily basis.
Rose reaches for the radio the song Eastside by Khalid started playing and I started singing really quietly.
She used to meet me on the Eastside
In the city where the sun don't set
And every day you know that we ride
Through the backstreets of a blue Corvette
Baby, you know I just wanna leave tonight
We can go anywhere we want
Drive down to the coast, jump in the seat
Just take my hand and come with me, yeah.
"Wow Ava you have a nice voice! My brother knows how to sing too, you should sing together one day!" Rose says.
"Eh—uh umm—thanks but I don't sing a lot, my voice is whatever" I said nervously chuckling.
"You actually have a really nice voice, like on a serious note, you should sing more often. Anyways. We've reached!" She says.
I look out the door and I am greeted with a very big building outside where some students were talking and laughing while some other students are shoving tongues down their significant others mouth.
I get out the car and in a far distance I see Blake surrounded by many student, everyone desperately trying to talk to him.
I mentally roll my eyes and enter the school building with Rose beside me, oh yeah, he's popular I forgot.
"Let me take you to the reception so you can get your schedule" she says.
"No thank you, I'll find my way"I smiled at her.
"You sure?"
"Yeah, I might get you late if you come with me"
"Ok then, I'll meet you at lunch in the cafeteria!" She says while walking away.
I start looking around for the office and I find it at the end of the hallways, I walk in and a see a lady who looked around her early fifties, she had her black hair in a tight bun there were some visible white strands of hair,when she looked at me she had brown coloured eyes that were framed with big glasses.
"Hello sweetie, how may I help you?" She asks me.
"I am new here, I've come here to get my schedule" I say while smiling.
"Ok, what's your name love?"
"Ava Winters" I say.
She starts typing things onto her laptop then she prints me out my schedule.
"Thank you" I say while walking out.
I walk out of the office but I was soon hit by something that felt like a wall, I fell back and my butt hit the floor.
"Oww" I whimper while rubbing my butt.
I look up and see that it wasn't a wall but it was Blake's chest, he looked like he wanted to laugh but he was holding it in.
I just rolled my eye and got off the floor.
"You know it would at least be nice if you said sorry" I say.
"Sorry" he said with amusement in his eyes.
Then after a few seconds I hear him whisper "not" then walked passed me and entered the office.
How rude.
I looked at my schedule and saw I had math in room 3.5.
Ugh who has maths first lesson, I already hate how this day is going.
I walked further down the hallway.
Room 3.5.
I looked at the time and saw I was already 20 minutes late.
I take a deep, and flattened out the small baby hairs and opened the door.
As I walked in everyone was already staring at me.
"Ah you must be Ava,Welcome to my math class I am Mr. Smith!" A man who looked in his mid forty's said.
"Hello Mr Smith" I said shyly.
"Ok class this is Ava Winters, she's new in this school please treat her well" he says.
"It's ok that you're late today because it's your first day here but I won't accept It next time" he said turning to me with a smile on his face.
"You can go sit over there, your partner went to the principals office he will be back soon" Mr. Smith said while pointing to a table with both seats empty.
I walk to the table and sat down, I removed a note book and started writing some problems Mr. Smith put on the board.
About 10 minuets later the door slammed open and in came Blake Reynolds.
He walked up and started heading toward my direction.
Wait what? Why is he heading toward me? Is he going to kill me? Is he going to slap me?
While I was questioning his approach toward me he came and sat right beside me.
Ohh it's cause that's his seat dumb ass.
While looking around the class most of the girls were glaring at me.
What? Why are they looking at me like that? I didn't even do anything! I thought.
wait! Do I have something on my face?
I gasped am I drooling?!
I quickly started wiping my mouth roughly.
"What are you doing?" Blake whispered to
"Umm—I—uhh- I was checking if anything was on my face" I whispered back.
"Why?" He asked.
"Umm it's cause, if you haven't realised all the girls are looking at me"
"Oh princess, they are looking at you because they are jealous of you because you're sitting next to me" he said while winking at some of the girls.
The girls just giggled and looked away.
I just rolled my eye.
"Don't call me that you pig" I told him while glaring at him.
He just rolled his eyes and started typing on his phone.
This day can't get any worse.