• | 8 | •
As soon as we entered the house, Rose took my hand and led to to the kitchen.
She handed me a cup which had a liquid in it.
"What's in it?" I asked.
"Just beer, drink up!"she said while drinking her own.
"Umm I don't drink" I said.
Well that wasn't a complete truth, I did drink a sip of beer back in Australia but that was because I had mistaken it for Ginger ale.
I may be Australian but I don't really like alcohol.
"Oh well, you're going to drink today" she said.
I sighed and looked down at the plastic cup, I brought the cup to my mouth and took a small sip but before I realised what happed, Rose tipped my cup backwards which caused me to drink the whole thing which then caused me to have a coughing fit.
I kept coughing while Rose just tapped my back and said sorry but she didn't look or sound sorry.
I just rolled my eyes and got a bottle of water that was on the kitchen counter and I chugged half of the bottle down because my throat was burning.
"Who's party is this anyway" I asked Rose.
"I think it's a dude called Martin?, I don't remember" she replied.
After a few minutes Rose said that we should go dance but I declined because I'm very conscious about myself so I told her to go dance and I'll just sit on one of the couches.
When I was sitting on a couch I did notice Blake a few times in the crowd but I didn't pay a lot of attention on a rat like him.
Rose was dancing with some random dude I was sure she was drunk by now and I was getting hungry so I squished myself through the sweaty, drunk and high teenagers and I found myself back in the kitchen.
"Umm excuse me, do you know where they keep the food" I asked one guy who was leaning against the counter on the kitchen.
"Are you new here? I've never seen you here before" he asked.
The guy had jet black hair and grey eyes.
"Yup, I just moved here a few weeks ago" I replied.
"Oh really, well I have just the right kind of food you need" he said while smirking.
"Um okay?" I said I was a little bit confused as to why he was acting this way but I was really hungry so I brushed it off.
He showed me a finger to tell me to stay where I am as he walked away then after a few seconds he came back with brownies.
Omg brownies, I love brownies!
"Here, these are some special type of brownies I made with a little bit of my special ingredient" he said while winking.
"Oh my god I didn't know there will be brownies at this party" I said excitedly while taking a brownie and eating it.
It tasted a little bit weird but I shrugged it off because I would die for brownies, when I finished my first one I reached for another, and another, and another until I think I had 6 brownies? I wasn't sure though I think I had more.
At this point everything was getting very hazy and foggy, my eyes started getting dry as well as my mouth.
The guy was just staring at me mischievously.
But again I brushed it off.
Another song started playing on the speakers and suddenly I was in the mood of dancing.
I started my journey back to the living room but I stumbled a few times and bumped in to people on the way.
Once I reached the living room I walked up to a random guy and started dancing with him.
He looked very pretty, he had such pretty eyes and such and adorable nose.
I smiled and booped the persons nose, the person looked shocked but I kept on touching his nose.
"You have a very soft nose. It's just like a babies butt" I slurred and then giggled.
Wait what, why am I giggling? That wasn't even funny.
While I was dancing I almost fell over but the guy held me steady.
"How many drinks have you had?" He asked.
Ohh so he has a deep voice too? Nice.
I'm finding it hard to find a flaw in him.
"What? I didn't have any drinks, just ate a little bit cause I was feeling hungry" I giggled again.
Why the hell am I giggling that wasn't funny at all.
"What do you mea—wait what did you eat?" He asked another question, he looked shocked and angry at the same time.
He looks cute.
"Why are you asking me so many questions?" I questioned.
Then I started laughing because I asked a question about why he was asking me so many questions.
"Just answer the damn question, Ava" he replied sounding annoyed.
Omg he knows my name, he's a stalker, run Ava he's going to kill you.
I thought.
Then I just turned around and tried running away from this creep, key word is 'tried'.
He had a tight grip on my arm, it was tight enough for me not to escape but not that tight to leave a mark on my arm.
"Leave me alone you stalker" I yelled at him.
"I'll leave you if you tell me what you ate"
"Fine, I had some brownies a guy gave me and if I'm being honest they tasted amazinggg, the guy also said there was a special ingredient" I said while smiling.
The boy didn't let go of my had but instead he held it tighter.
"Which guy" He asked me with gritted teeth.
Oh snap this dude is getting angry.
I then giggled again, why?...I don't know
"That guy" I pointed to the guy which gave me the yummy brownies.
The boy looked at the guy which gave me the brownies and he started pulling me towards him.
"Ohh yay I'm getting more browniesss" I slurred.
"MARTIN, WHAT THE FUCK? WHY WOULD YOU GIVE HER WEED BROWNIES?!" The boy yelled at The guy which gave me brownies.
"chill bro, I was just trying to have a little bit of fun" Martin said while winking at me.
Ohh so the dudes name is Martin.
Martin makes nice brownies I am going to tell Martin to make me more brownies like that.
I've heard the name before, where though...oh ya! he's the person who is throwing this party.
I saw one more brownie left on the plate so I was about to reach it when the mystery boy swatted my hand away.
"Don't have those, they aren't good" he mumbled looking annoyed.
"Aw not fair! I want some more browniesss" I whine.
"You can have it don't worry" Martin said while handing me the brownie.
"DON'T FUCKING GIVE HER MORE YOU ASSHOLE" the boy yelled while snatching the brownie away from my hand and punching the boy right across the face.
Welp, I don't think Martin will be waking up anytime soon...
"My brownieee" I said while trying to reach for it.
But the boy just holds it high up in the air so I can't reach it.
"Let's get you home" the boy said dragging me to his car.
"I don't even know you, and I have to wait for Rose"I protest while trying to remove my hand from his.
"Ava, Rose is coming home later, let's go" he replied.
"But I want my brownie first" I pout.
"I'll make you brownies when we get you home" he sighed while putting me in the passenger seat.
He walks around the car and gets in the driver seat and starts the car.
"But I want the brownie Martin made" I said crossing my arms.
"Ava those are not good brownies, those are weed brownies" he explains looking at me for a second then looking back at the road.
At this point my mind wasn't working and I was starting to feel nauseous and dizzy.
"What are weed brownies?, I'm going to make myself some, do you know how to make them?"
I question.
"Just shut up" he said my eye lids then started getting heavier.
"That was not nice of you, I was just asking a question and you told me to shut up, you...you are not my friend anymore" I mumble the last part before I went into deep sleep.