Letting the warm water clean all that dried, disgusting blood on my body, I slowly fluttered my eyelids closed, that single moment repeating itself over and over again in my head...
Her brightly glowing eyes...
All that blood...
Those human limbs scattered everywhere...
Such force...
That pure, raw power...
Instantly snapping my eyelids open, I quickly got out of the shower and hurried to dress myself as a wave of strong, unbridled determination washed all over me, my mind now continuously revolving around a single thing.
I have to find out.
I have to know which one of my fallen brothers fathered her.
Keeping that thought in mind, I quickly put my boots back on then hurried straight towards the balcony railing, letting my body fall free right over it, the strong flapping of my wings pushing me through the air as I skillfully guided myself through the dark.
As I dove further and glided right above the dense forest, noticing the heavy darkness currently covering it like a thick blanket, my gaze slowly trailed up, just in time to watch the moon rise in its all splendor.
Always doing our job right aren’t we, little Selene?
I smirked, effortlessly landing my feet on the natural carpeted ground as I reached my destination, my gaze landing on the young goddess standing just a few feet away in her all might, her pale, completely nude body bathed in the bright glow of the moon rays.
Her also brightly glowing sapphire orbs ultimately landed on me, her delicate features giving away the tiniest frown, right before she simply picked her silk white robe from the ground and covered her lithe body, then started walking straight back to the mansion’s back door, blatantly ignoring me.
Allright. Time to get some answers.
I smoothly tucked my wings back, then strode right towards the same door, silently following her.
Standing completely still, I stared at my own reflection in the huge mirror, small droplets still dripping from my freshly washed curls down on the plush carpeted floor, all those horrible moments replaying themselves over and over again in my mind.
Another human...Another innocent human...
Trails of blood reappeared all over my towel-covered body, my hands lightly trembling at my sides as I blankly stared at my own reflection, too mentally drained to even try to cry again.
“I thought I told you to see yourself out!” My brother’s enraged tone suddenly reached my ears as it echoed across the whole house, drawing my attention, followed by another, much calmer voice,
“Shut it, blondie. You know I can easily take you down.”
My eyes instantly widened, my whole body suddenly freezing at the mere sound of that specific voice.
Him! It was him!
“Selene, I asked you a question.”“Who was it?”
“Which one of them?” That same, unmistakable voice suddenly echoed once again, my feet moving on their own accord right towards the door, my interest obviously piqued at the mention of my mother’s name.
What in the gods’ name is happening down there?
Utter silence drifted through the house after those two questions, my body on full alert as I struggled to move as stealthily as I could, exiting in the large corridor, to get a better hearing.
“Haven’t you already figured that out?”
“I mean, how could you not?” Her unexpected, also very confusing reply suddenly came, my brows furrowing in utter confusion, right before she started yelling,
“How could you fail to see?”
“Look at her! Just look at her!”
“She is a walking disaster! A monster, just like him!”
“She is just like him!”
My whole body suddenly flinched at those very harsh and hurtful words, quickly turning around to bolt right back inside my room, hot tears already gathering in my eyes as I slammed the door shut behind me, falling on my knees on the plush carpeted floor.
Letting out a few small sobs, those words echoed in my mind over and over again, feeling a pang of heavy pain strike deep inside my chest.
Monster...I’m a-
The sudden sound of the door violently slamming against the wall instantly caused me to startle, my train of thoughts momentarily forgotten as I quickly turned around, only to notice him standing just a few steps away, a hint of pure anger and determination marring his features.
“What-” The words choked in my throat as I ultimately noticed him taking a few, menacing steps right towards me.
Holy gods.
Failing to entirely control my body movements I clumsily scrambled backwards, crawling on the soft carpet, my entire body already shaking as I could only imagine what he was about to do to me.
Only once he reached me, my instincts finally kicked in and with a quick move, I rose up to my feet and took a run straight towards the stone balcony, in that specific moment not even caring that I was currently wearing only a small white towel and I was about to jump and run through a forest in the middle of the night.
I will do whatever it takes to stay away from him!
Taking a deep breath, I rose and pressed my left foot on the cold stone railing, but before I could even make a single move, strong arms suddenly wrapped around my waist, pushing us both right over the edge.