Chapter One

It's a Sunday morning, and again as usual I am being lazy. I stay in bed more or less all day on a Sunday. I wouldn't mind, but if it was summer I would bother getting up and having fun. This cloudy and miserable weather depresses me far too much. I'd rather just stay under the warm covers.

Mum is downstairs cooking and I can hear the faint bickering going on between her and Dad.

"Well, I told you to pack the food in there properly!" Dad exclaims.

My Mum groans, "It's not my fault the ham burgers were on a cheap offer! I had to buy them all, they were practically all going for only a few dollars."

I used the pillow to cushion my ear so I was unable to hear their annoying voices. This was like a daily routine for my parents, constantly bickering over petty things like food. Mum would see great bargains in the super markets and she just can't help but get it all.

My older brother, Mason is across the hallway in his bedroom. I'm aware of the soft vibration through my bedroom walls from his music. He was never the type of boy to play thumping and hard rock music, it was more calmly and melodic which was much the same music taste as mine.

As I began to drift back into a deep sleep, I heard a knock on my bedroom door. I sigh tiredly, "Come in."

"Hey, can I borrow your iPod today?" My brother's voice fills the room. I turn on my back, rubbing my eyes. Groggily, groggily...

"Wow." He chuckles. "You look rough this morning."

"I was sleeping." I mutter, hanging my arm over my eyes to shield my groggy bed face from the bright sunshine which shine through my bedroom window. He laughed at me and I heard his footsteps come closer to me. Then, I felt the edge of the bed bend and I removed my arm from my face, my eyes finding Mason sitting on the edge of my bed.

"What?" I ask.

He tilts his head and smiles with....amusement? I can't tell. "Nothing. You just look like a scarecrow in the mornings, that's all."

I roll my eyes in annoyance. Typical Mason, always knew how to make me feel very perfect. Not. "Right, ok then. Are you done insulting me?"

"Yes, I think so sis'." He grins and winks at me. "So, can I have that iPod of yours?"

"Yeah, whatever." I mumble, turning back on my side. "Just make sure you don't break or lose it."

"Yes Ma'am!" He says with a voice of authority. What a mock! I groan and flap my right hand at him as a sign to shoo out of my damn room. "Get the iPod and piss off, Mason." I warn.

I hear him grab it from my dressing table, but before he leaves I feel him kiss my head. I love it when he does that. Wait...what?

His footsteps retreat to my door. I hear my bedroom door creak as it closes and I sign in content.


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