Fuming millennia of profanities while marching down the halls with my face red and the holes of my ears and nose puffing thick smoke infinitely, I roamed my sight around every corner of the area furiously with my red, bloodshot eyes, finding the girls' locker room. Being the school's playboy he is, I knew he would be there, probably doing an ugly and disgusting gang bang with the school's cheerleaders. Just because his parents are the ones who contributed a lot of funds in the school doesn't mean that he could make himself the king of the campus, every student in this school his fucking slave and the girls' locker room his brothel.
Finding the door that had the huge sign LOCKER ROOM, I knocked-- oh wait, no, I banged my knuckles on the door furiously, not caring of the possible repercussions that are going to happen.
Seconds later, my jaw dropped hard on the floor, not because of how the door softly opened, revealing the leader of the cheerleading squad, Stacy but because of her current state. She is right in front of me, freaking half-naked! God, I cannot believe my eyes, her large boobs and pink, erected nipples flaunting out right in front of me!
"Oh it's you," she smiled sweetly at me that stunned me. What.the.fuck. since when did I ever see Stacy smile genuinely?! Like, NEVER. She opened the door wider for me, "Come in. We've been expecting you." Say what? Who in the world is we?
Taking the opportunity, I stood straight on my boots and made my way inside the girl's locker room, only to see a complete nightmare before me. I almost made the sign of the cross. Good Lord, Jesus Christ, everyone inside the girls' locker room was half of the school's female population, and they were all naked! As in completely naked! A lot worse than going in commando!
I looked around, gasping in horror until my eyes laid to him. There he is in all his fucking goddamn glory, Friso Drew de Vries. Sitting like a king comfortably on a spot, still completely clothed, chewing and blowing up another one of his pink-colored bubblegum. Oh, and have I mentioned his tattooed face is painted with loads of lipstick kisses of various shades? I guess not. What a fucking manwhore.
Glaring daggers at him heatedly, I strolled towards him, completely ignoring my naked female schoolmates and the two cheerleaders who were sitting on his lap who fitted perfectly due to his huge size, kissing his neck up and down simultaneously. He looked at me with a goofy smile on his lips, as if he was anticipating my intrusion. What a fucker.
"Hello, baby girl. Wanna join?" he asked me and reached his hand out to my right cheek, caressing it softly like a piece of fragile thing. He blew and popped his bubblegum right at my face. What a jerk.
I scoffed and slapped his hand away, "I did not come here to have a gang bang with you and your girls," I huffed at him, my anger resurging back when I remembered why I've come here, "I came here because I got an F on three of my subjects."
The room fell silent for a moment, and it soon erupted with a huge tsunami of ear-splitting laughter, a big thanks to Friso's sluts-- pesky cheerleaders, I mean.
"And?" he asked, his lips curling as if he was stopping himself from laughing, "How does your grade concern me?" he asked as if he was a victim of faux allegation. He has improved his acting skills now, huh? Wow.
"I know you have something to do with this!" I accused, stomping my foot in anger and my eyes burning holes at him.
"Oh, right," he gave off a knowing smirk, as if he now knows what I was talking about, "I did bribe three instructors to lower your A's into F's," he said cooly as if it was all nothing.
Hearing the confirmation come out from his lips, my blood instantly boiled and made a marathon to my face. How dare he do that?!
I seethed, "Well, what the actual fu--"
"I can even do it in the last quarter if I want to," he cuts me off, placing a hand on his chin while blowing up his stupid, pink-colored bubble gum. Fucking di--
I shut my eyes tightly, counting from one to ten to calm myself down, like what mom had taught me since I was young. Remember, Vanessa, just keep yourself calm and collected at all times, "What the fuck do you want, Friso?" I asked, saying each word slowly.
"My condition is very easy to comply, love," he told me, his pair of steel grey eyes boring to mine as if saying I already know what he wanted, though I do not.
"What?" I asked. It didn't take him a while to answer my question.
"Come back to me."