Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 9

woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. Still half asleep, I reached for the phone on the night stand.

"Hello?" I answered sleepily before letting out a yawn.

"Please don't tell me you were sleeping." I heard Tori said on the other side of the phone.

"Yeah, I was sleeping." I chuckled.

"I told you not to tell me that Ali." Tori replied.

"It's Saturday Tori, I think I'm allowed to sleep in if I want to." I told her.

"Yeah, I supposed you're right." she replied. I could just imagine her smiling right now.

"So is there a reason why you decided to disturbed my slumber?" I asked.

"Actually yes. I need you to asked that husband of yours for a favour. I'm taking a week off from work and I was thinking I could come visit you."

"Tori, I really want you to come visit but I'm thinking of renting an apartment or buy a house. I don't think I'll be talking to that man again." I replied.

"Why? What happened?" Tori asked concerned.

"Well, Thursday night I waited up for him to come home, I needed to ask him if I could get a puppy. Long story short Tori, he snapped at me and called me stupid. So if you're coming, I better go house hunting now.

"What!?" Tori yelled over the phone. "Did you answer him?"

"No Tori. I couldn't, I was just shocked and hurt. Plus, he just stormed off to his room instantly.

"Ali, I don't get you. Once you would have let him have a piece of your mind but now you're just going take his crop?" Tori asked. Rolling over and turning the other cheek isnt you Al.

"Tori, I'm just not like that anymore." I sighed. I gave up the confrontational Allison a long time ago.

"Allison, you need to start being your old self once more. Or else more people are going to walk all over you."

After Tori and I's conversation, I decided to get up. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I throw and some black leggings and a blue shirt and went downstairs to get some breakfast. I went to the kitchen and started to look after breakfast. After eating, I decided to wash up the plates I had used. A while after, I heard Christopher.

"Hey." Christopher greeted which surprised me.

I jumped with fright, turning around with my hand over my chest. What the hell was he doing here? He was never home on weekends as far as I've noticed from my time living here. And by the way, wasn't he supposed to be with his little girlfriend from the club last night?"Oh, hi." I replied turning back around to finish drying the dishes.

"I didn't see you yesterday," Christopher said unsurely.

I saw you.

"You don't normally see me throughout the days." I replied looking at him confused.

Why was he talking to me like we were friends now or something? Christopher had barely talked to me for the months I've live here. Except to insult me or passed on a message.

"I know, but I was waiting for you yesterday in the morning before I left but you weren't here and yesterday you weren't here when I came home either."

"I went to work early then went out afterwards." I replied.

"Oh," Christopher nodded. "About the other night... What I said, I was wrong and I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you.

I looked at Christopher shocked. Was I imagining things? Did Christopher Lee just apologized to me? This was not something I was expecting.

"And I wanted you to know that you can get the puppy." Christopher added.

"That's okay, I don't want it again." I lied.

Of course I still wanted to get a puppy but I'm sure that by now the one I saw at the pet shop was gone.

"Well I hope you still do because I got you something, wait here." Christopher said before exiting the kitchen.

I dried my hands then waited for Christopher to return. What the hell could he have gotten me? A bomb maybe?

"I wanted to make up for being an ass the other night, so I got you this little guy." Christopher returned with a puppy in his arms.

I was certain that this puppy was the exact one I had saw at the pet shop and had fallen in love with. How on earth had he known? I gasped looking at him surprised.

"Hope you changed your mind about no longer wanting him." Christopher said giving me the puppy.

"What? How did you know?" I asked as I took the puppy from him.

"I went to the pet shop to get you a puppy for being an asshole to you. Coincidentally the guy at the store told me about this young woman who came in and fall in love with this dog, turns out it was you."

"Thank you," I smiled before playing with the puppy who was happily licking my hand. "This means a lot to me.

"No problem," Christopher replied with a brief smile. "And I'm sorry again for what I said."

"It's okay." I sighed. "I actually wanted to ask you something else."

"Okay then. Go ahead." Christopher replied looking at me curiously.

"Tori... My cousin. She has a week off from work and was thinking about visiting me. I was wondering if it would be okay if she stayed here, with me?".

"Tori was the one who played maid of honour right?" Christopher asked.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Sure Allison. This is now your home too you know." Christopher replied.


"No problem. Anything else?" Christopher asked.

"No." I responded shaking my head.

"Okay." Christopher replied and turn leaving the kitchen.

"So..." I looked at the puppy that I was hugging in my arms. "How do you feel about being called Pluto?"

"Woof" he barked as if he understood me and wagged his tail with his tongue hanging out its mouth as if happy with my choice of name.

"I take it that you approve then." I chuckled. "Alright Pluto, let's go upstairs."

I took out my cellphone and dialed Tori. I had to let her know that I asked Christopher and he said it was okay for her to visit me and stay here.

"Hey Tori, I talked to him after all and its okay for you to come and stay here." I informed excitedly.

I could hardly wait for Tori to get here.

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