Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 10

"Tori, no. I have to go to work this morning, I can't just call it off." I said to my stubborn cousin.

She got here last night. I went with Nathan to pick her up from the airport last night and now this morning she has been trying real hard to convince me to call in sick today, and she was going to be taking me out for a makeover. I told her I was fine and happy the way I was, but she was so determined to have the old me back. She would not take no for an answer.

"I'm sure this Bryan guy wouldn't mind holding off for just one more day, besides I could be there with you tomorrow and help out." Tori replied.

"No I can't, I have to get to work I can't just throw away my day. Besides, I'm fine the way I am." I told her.

"Ali, listen to me. You are extremely beautiful but you're so dead set on hiding your true beauty and who you really are for years now." Tori said as she came and took my hands in hers.

"I know that you've been doing this since aunt Aileen died. I know you missed her Ali, because I missed her too. But it’s been years now, you need to try move on. I don't think she'd want you to be hiding and throwing your life away, I think she'd want you to be happy and the only way that can happened is if you decide to start being yourself once more."

I know that Tori was right but being this way and the drastic changes I had made was the only way I could handle mom's death. It was my way of mourning, but how do I know that I was ready to let go?

"Tori, I don't know." I said unsurely. Im not sure I am ready to let go.

"Ali, you don't have to know anything but that you should trust me. You do want to find someone don't you? Or at least have Christopher notice you for once?" Tori asked.

"Well yeah, I do but..."

"No buts Ali, I know you feel less and hurt when you saw Christopher with that other girl. I mean of course you said that you are area that your marriage wasn't real but still, maybe it could be. Maybe if you were being your true self he would start to notice you." Tori rolled her eyes. But right now, the truth is, this new you right now, is somewhat depressing. No offense hun.

Tori, I dont I began but Tori cut me off.

"Who knows, maybe your relationship with him would improve or you'd at least capture the attention of someone you could bring you happiness. And trust me I don't think you dressing like an old aunt is going to do much of that."

"And what if being my true self doesn't change anything for me?"

"Well you just have to try. Now pass me your phone, I'm going to call this Bryan guy on your behalf. Although you're redoing his office, I'll have to tell him you can't make it today but you'll definitely be in first thing tomorrow morning." Tori smiled. You said he is a nice guy right? Well I think hell understand.

Passing her my phone I couldn't help but pray that I don't regret my decision. However, maybe Tori was right, maybe it is time to show and be the real me once again. I finally agreed with Tori and allow her take me wherever she wanted for the day for this makeover.

A few hours after giving in to Tori, I was sitting down in a hair salon with people doing my hair and nails. They were also fixing up my eyebrows and doing makeup. The thing was that somehow Tori had managed to book the salon just for us. So now I had to undergo dying back my hair blond, then washing it and curling it. My face was being fixed with makeup by another makeup artist and stylists were also bringing in clothes and shoes that were my size to showcase to us. I have no idea how Tori had managed to organized all this in such short period of time.

I was not allowed to see anything that was being done. Tori had convinced them not to have any mirrors visible at the moment. According to her, my finished look must be a surprise. Like sure, I was going to be surprise seeing myself blonde or in bright color clothing once again. All I could think of while sitting there was; please God, let this be over soon. I was getting sick of just sitting on my butt for so long and having my hair being pulled and being tortured by these stylists. After what felt like forever, I was overjoyed to hear that they were done with me.

"Okay Ali, are you ready to see and embrace the real you after all these years?" Tori asked excitedly as she led me towards a covered mirror.

"Whatever Tori, it’s not like I'm going to be seeing someone totally different. All I'm going to be seeing is the same girl I've been seeing every day of my life." I rolled my eyes at her. It is just me.

"Are you sure about that?"

"Yes Tori, I'm going to see the same me only this time with blond hair once again." I sighed.

"Alright, here goes. Tell me if you're seeing the same you, you saw yesterday or this morning?" Tori smiled before pulling over the cloth which had the large mirror covered before.

"Oh my god." was all I could say looking at myself.

I was in a mini state of disbelief at the reflection in front of me. Tori was indeed right, I looked extremely beautiful and not like the same me I had saw yesterday or this morning. I was definitely hiding who I was. This girl staring back at me now didn't looked like the same Allison that I've been for four years now. This was now a woman, a very beautiful woman.

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