Chapter 12

"So, you do realize that Bryan was totally into you today don't you?" I said to Tori as we got ready to hit the club.

We were going for a drink tonight with Bryan. It was totally Bryan's idea once again to go celebrate. He was saying that it was celebration for his office coming along with the new decorations and designing but in my opinion I believed that Bryan just wanted an excuse to see Tori again.

"What? No way." Tori brushed me off with a blush.

"Wow, and then you're the one who calls me blind and naive?" I said to her with a cheeky chuckle.

"He just probably likes my company just the same as how he enjoys yours, it's no big deal." Tori shrugged.

"Well, he wasn't flirting with me." I winked at her.

"Okay, now you're crazy. Bryan was definitely not flirting with me." Tori chuckled. "He was being friendly. "

"Tori, stop being in denial, you were both flirting with each other."

"No we weren't." Tori denied again.

"Okay I'm done." I said throwing my hands in the air.

"So what do you think?" Tori asked doing a little twirl so I could look over her outfit.

"I think you look great, but do you really want fashion advice from me?" I raised a brow at her.

"Yeah you're right, probably not," Tori chuckled. "By the way you look hot."

Tori was wearing a strapless leopard print blouse with a high waisted short denim shorts and black heels. I was wearing a red sleeveless blouse and a tight black pants and black knee length high heels suede boots.

"Well thank you. My lovely cousin picked my outfit out." I chuckled.

"Well lucky you, I think your cousin is awesome."

"I think so too." I smiled.

"Come on hot stuff, I think we should leave now." Tori laughed.

"Eager to see Bryan?" I chuckled.

"Oh shut up Alli." Tori laughed as we took up our purses and left the room.

A few hours at the club and I was definitely tipsy. Tori had forced me to have more than one alcoholic drink and now I was either tipsy or slightly drunk.

I couldn't stop laughing at whatever either Bryan or Tori said to me each time. I was enjoying myself once again for the first in a very long time now.

I used to go out and party with Tori when I was younger and we used to sneak out and drink. Then once my dad caught us and was extremely mad at us, ever since that day I've never really been one to drink until the point of being drunk. However, I was sure that was changing right now.

"Are you okay there Ali?" Tori chuckled.

"Who me? I'm great, never been better!" I tried to say with a serious expression but failed miserably as I burst out laughing.

"Oh yeah, she's okay alright." Bryan said to Tori in an amused voice.

"I haven't had this much fun in years!" I laughed.

"No kidding. Its been years since you've last let loose like this." Tori chuckled.

"You know what? I have an idea, let's dance!" I exclaimed laughing as I jump of the stool I was on, staggering a bit before steadying myself.

Dragging Tori and Bryan both off their bar stools, I tried dragging them to the dance floor and getting them to dance.

"I don't know Allison, dancing was never my thing." Bryan said trying to escape back towards the bar stools.

"Oh no, come on. At least for tonight, make it your thing," I replied pulling him back and towards Tori. "Here, dance with Tori. She's a good dancer, she can teach you."

"Come on Mr. West, you heard Ali. She wants us to dance, so let's dance for her." Tori chuckled as she pulled Bryan closer to her and starting dancing.

Bryan laughed a little shaking his head before started rocking to the beat of the song.

"There you go!" I laughed as I started dancing as well. I was definitely drunk because dancing like this right now was something I'd only do because there was alcohol buzzing in my system.

I was dancing to the beat raising my arms above my head when I accidentally hit someone. Turning around quickly to apologize despite staggering a bit, I noticed Christopher's best friend--Clint.

"Oh Clint, I'm so sorry. I almost knocked you out!" I said giggling.

Clint looked at me weirdly as if he didn't recognized who I was before his eyes widened with recognition.

"Allison?" He said in disbelief.

"Yep, that's me." I said laughing as I continued dancing again while talking to him.

"What are you... How?... You look great... I see you've decided to go back blond!" he said although he had to be talking a bit high because of the loud music.

"Yeah I've decided to be me!" I said before laughing again realizing I probably made no sense. "I meant the real me!"

"Okay so this is the real you huh?".

"Yeah. I think, this is me?" I said laughing.

"Are you drunk?" Clint asked concerned.

"Pssh. Me? Drunk? Please." I said giggling. "I don't get drunk."

"Definitely drunk", Clint said more to himself with a nod. "Are you here alone Allison?"

"No. She's with us." Tori said from beside me,still dancing with Bryan.

"Oh," Clint replied looking at Tori then me.

"Guys, this is Clint! Clint, these are the guys!" I giggled as I pointed to everyone.

"Hi, Clint I'm her cousin Tori, and this is Bryan." Tori introduced.

"Hey nice to meet you." Clint nodded. "Okay, so I see you're having fun. I have to go but continue having a good time. I'll see you around."

Clint smiled at us before leaving.

"Who was that?" Tori asked smiling smugly.

"That was Christopher's bestfriend." I informed her.

"Interesting," Tori smiled evilly. "If he's here, then there is a possibility that Christopher is here too. And no doubt he's going to be informing him that you're here. You need a guy to dance with because it'll be time for operation make Christopher jealous."


Christopher's POV

"You're not gonna believe who I just ran into a minute ago and had a chat with." Clint said smiling as he came and sat down on a chair next to me.

We were upstairs in Jake's club hanging out as we usually do most evenings after work.

"An ex girlfriend?" Jake asked raising an eyebrow while drinking a beer.

"Oh no. Chris's wife!" he chuckled amused.

"My wife?" I looked at him as if he was crazy.

"Yep. Your wife." Clint smirked.

"Where?"I raised my brows at him.

"Here." Clint chuckled.

"Okay. You're way too amused. Why?" Jake asked.

"Dude you're in for a rude awakening." Clint said to me getting up. "Come take a look at this."

"What?" I asked looking at Clint weirdly.

"Get up off your ass and come look."

"What the hell are you on about?" I asked agitated but getting up anyway.

"Look there's your wife." Clint replied pointing downstairs on the dance floor.

"What the hell man? Are you crazy? Do you see Allison as being the type to be caught dead at a place like this?" I asked narrowing my eyes at him.

"Who is that then? Blonde in red?" Clint replied pointing to a hot blonde who was dancing with a guy on the dancefloor.

It was now obvious that Clint was either crazy or just enjoy teasing me about my life.

"Seriously man, you need to get a life." I replied shaking my head and started going back to sit down but Clint grabbed my shoulder stopping me.

"Look closer!" he said once more.

I turned to look down at the blonde once again and that's when I recognized her face.

What the hell!?

It was indeed Allison or maybe a long lost twin of hers. This girl was not the Allison I know.

"Yeah that is Allison," Clint nodded his head all the while smirking at me.

"I don't believed this." I mumbled in shock.

I didn't know why but I was suddenly aware of the guy she was dancing with and to say I wasn't feeling a bit jealous right now would be a lie. Infact, that would be an understatement.

"No way."

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