Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 1

Two months later

Allison's POV

"Aww, you look beautiful." my cousin and best friend Tori said to me as she came into the dressing room where I was.

"Thanks," I smiled at her briefly, before turning back to the mirror admiring my dress. I sighed sadly as I ran my hands down the front of the dress.

"Sweetie, come on. It's your wedding day, at least smile, pretend you're ecstatic." Tori said to me giving me a sympathetic smile.

"But I'm not Tori. I'm not ecstatic to marry the guy no more than he's ecstatic to marry me." I turned around to face her fully. "I'm only doing this for Dad. This is his wish."

"And you're a great daughter for doing this." Tori said as she came to hug me.

"And I'll have to move all the way to New York. Away from everyone, my family, Dad, you." I sighed.

To the rest of my family, this was supposedly a ‘real wedding’ and Christopher and I were ‘in love’. I just couldn't let on that this was all for business and that I had barely known the guy. No one else in the family here today knew any of this except for Tori. I could never have withheld such secrets from Tori, she is my cousin-Dad's niece and even more we've been best friends since forever. Tori was only two months older than I, so we were the same ages and growing up together made us best friends --bonded by blood. So there was no way I'd lie to her about this wedding. In fact, I couldn't lie to her, considering we told each other everything and both knew that neither of us were dating anyone.

It was hard to believe that it was just two months ago Dad had told me that he needed a big favour from me. Imagine my surprise when Dad asked me to marry his friend's son in order for them to merge their companies.

I can't believe I had agreed to throw my life away and settle for an arranged wedding all for the price of business. But I had to help my Dad, I mean I wasn't ungrateful enough not to. My Dad has always been there for me my entire life; he'd do anything for me. I would be a liar to say he wasn't the greatest father, even when mom died four years ago, he has been there for me even more so. The least I could do was return all his kindness by agreeing with this whole marriage charade. I remembered laughing at his proposition at first. I had no idea he was serious at first but look at me now.


"Dad are you crazy? Are you seriously asking me to marry a stranger?" I laughed not buying the serious expression on his face.

"He's not that much of a stranger. His Dad and I are good friends." Dad replied.

"Dad, is this really necessary? I mean marriage is a huge deal, shouldn't it be between two persons who love each other?"

"Alli, I know. And I shouldn't even be asking you this but it’s a huge opportunity." Dad sighed.

"I know what I'm asking is a big deal and I should allow you to find your own happiness but it would be nice and really beneficial or a merge."

"Dad, I don't know. This is like huge.” I was hesitant.

"I'm sorry dear I shouldn't be asking you such things. Forget about, I'll figure this out without getting you involved." Dad replied shaking his head.

Looking at my Dad's defeated feature, I just couldn't bear to let him be this disappointed. Considering the deal really seems like a great opportunity and Dad has always went out of his way for me, I decided to start repaying him. Even if it meant sacrificing my own life.

Sighing I replied "I'll do it Dad."

End of flashback

I was broken out of my state of reminiscing by a knock on the door, followed by my Dad's voice.

"Tori, Alli. Is everything alright in there?"

"Yes Dad," I replied as Tori went to open the door.

"Everything is fine Uncle Stan." Tori smiled as she allowed him inside.

"It’s time Tori, I think you have to go first." Dad informed her.

"I'll see you." Tori said to me before leaving. Tori was my maid of honour.

"Are you ready dear?" Dad asked looking at me curiously.

"No, not really," I replied before quickly adding "But I'll have to be.”

I know my Dad was waiting for me to back out anytime soon, but that wasn't happening today. I wasn't going to embarrass and disappoint him by doing that. Especially after coming all this way.

To everyone else here today, this would seem like a perfect wedding with how everything was set and how things went smoothly. No one could know that this was all a business wedding and not a real love wedding. Dad had walked me down the aisle to where Christopher stood with another guy by his side and the pastor. He had managed to kept a fake smile on his face all throughout the ceremony. I tried my best to keep one on my face as well not to give away anything or show I wasn't a bit happy or excited about this union. I had to say that Christopher was a great actor, considering the guy hated my guts from the week we met. I never knew that for a person who was handsome as he was, he was that much of an ass.

He had clearly pointed it out to me that he wasn't one bit happy with this. He somehow let it seems as if it was my fault why this whole thing was taking place. He made it clear to me the very first day he a flew here to Chicago to meet me, that he didn't want to marry me because 1) He wasn't ready for marriage, 2) I wasn't his type, 3) In his opinion I was still a child, and 4) He doesn't want to be tied down and become my babysitter.

So basically the guy had insulted me in more ways than one and blame my existence for this whole crap that he was brought into. He made sure to tell me that he was only doing this because his Dad expect him to and as future successor of the company, he was expected to make these decisions. Like seriously? Did he think I wanted this either? To be in a loveless marriage? For Christ sake, I only just turned 21years old less than five months ago. Did he think I wanted to be tied down this young to someone I'm not in love with either? I didn't want to marry him no more than he wanted to marry me either, I was only doing this for my Dad. I’d do anything for my father.

At the reception we continued with the little charade playing happy couple. Unfortunately for both of us we had to do all those cliché things the newly wed couples do at their wedding and reception. Things such as; kissing each other (which for us was thankfully only a quick peck on the lips and that was when the pastor said you may now kiss the bride), feeding each other the cake, dancing, playing those silly games I thought was cute before I was stuck doing it with my 'fake husband' and throwing the bouquet. The night couldn't end fast enough for me.

I was a little less sad when everything was over and we had to leave so that we could supposedly ‘go on our honeymoon’. I was not that much happy though when reality set in and I had to say goodbye to my family, Tori and my Dad.

I was going back to New York with Christopher. After we stopped at my home where I changed out of my dress and into a black long sleeve shirt and jeans pants and throw my hair in a messy ponytail, I sighed and took a look at my bedroom for the last time before leaving. When Dad helped Christopher put my suitcase in the trunk of his car for us to drive to the airport, I felt like a puppy being given away but I know that I had repay my Dad for being such a great father over the years. The deal was sealed.

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