Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 4

Allison's POV

It has been nearly two months now since the wedding and me living in New York. And just as how things were in the beginning when I had just arrived, it was exactly the same now. Christopher barely talked me and whenever he does it must be if something important came up. And whenever he does talk to me, one could literally hear the venom and anger in his voice. It was obvious that he was still mad and hung up over this whole marriage thing.

I didn't think we'd miraculously become a happy and normal couple by now, but I at least thought that we'd at least be friends now or something close. Christopher however, did not seem to want to be neither friends or anything with me. A part of me wished that he would at least talk to me once a while, or even try to get to know me before he decides that he totally hate me for ruining his life.

I was beginning to get a bit home sick, I missed the few friends I had back home. I terrible missed my other family members and relatives, I really missed my Dad and I definitely missed Tori. I mean, yeah I do talk to them a lot over the phone, but it just wasnt the same. Not being there in Chicago where I can get to see them and talked to them face to face, was heart rending. I was starting to get lonely now, sure I had few acquaintances that I worked with from time to time but after that it was just me alone after I got home.

I barely even saw Christopher around here. Not that he'd be much of a company anyway but still maybe if there was the presence of someone else around more often, it wouldnt be as bad. Christopher left extremely early in the mornings before I was even ready, and then he'd come home late at nights when I was already in my room. I needed to see him though because I had to asked him if it was okay for me to get a ‘little guy’ to keep me company. I was thinking of getting a little dog, but since this was his house I wasn't going to just get one without asking him if it was okay with him first.

I was sitting on the sofa for about three and a half hours waiting for Christopher to come home. It was 10:17pm when I heard the front door being opened. I stood up just as Christopher came in and closed the door.

"Hey," I said to him as he turned around.

"Hi Allison." he replied looking at me suspiciously.

"I was waiting up for you."

"Why the hell would you be doing that?" He asked roughly.

Seriously? Was this just how this guy was like generally or was it just me? Couldn't he be a bit more civil with me? Why did he have to be this hostile all the time?

"I wanted to asked you something." I said to him following him upstairs, since he didn't even stop to listen to me.

"Whatever it is can't it wait until another time? I'm tired. I just want to take a quick shower then hit my bed." he replied.

"No. I hardly see you around and this won't take long." I said to him.

If I put this off now I may never get that dog.

Earlier after I had left work, I had Nathan drove me to the pet store where I saw a specific cute puppy which I immediately fell in love with. I asked the guy if he could just please hold on to him for another day, I told him I needed to check with my husband before getting him but if I didn't return tomorrow evening he could sell him.

"I wanted to ask you if it was okay if I get a dog, a little puppy rather?"

"What?" Christopher stopped looking at me as if I was crazy.  "You're keeping me from my bed by asking stupid questions?"

"Why is that stupid?" I asked hurt by his reply.

"Because you're stupid, and you're asking me stupid questions. I don't have time for this, I don't have time for your childish requests right now. Why did your parents have you? So you can come into my life and annoy me to death? Goodnight Allison." Christopher replied harshly before walking up the rest of the stairs and heading to his bedroom.

I was beyond hurt now. He openly called me stupid and brushed me off. I could never remember being disrespected and insulted like this. Even worst, he went ahead and mentioned my parents. That was passed disrespectful. It felt like someone had punched a hole in my chest. What had to done that cause him to hate me this much? He told me when I just moved here, to ask him if I needed anything and now when I asked this is how he behaved?

I headed to my room with tears running down my face. As soon as I was inside and had closed my door, I went straight to my bed before fully bursting out in tears.

The next morning, I woke up and decided to leave out for work earlier than usual. I just needed sometime before work to clear my head. Since it was a weekend I decided to just go casual today. I got dressed into a black T-shirt with some writing in the front, a blue skirt and a black leather jacket. I was probably only going to go check out this guy Mr. West's office at a law firm. I was supposedly to go and see what ideas I could come up with in terms of how to decorate his office before officially starting the decorating and fixing on Saturday.

Instead of waiting for Nathan to come and drove me wherever, I called a taxi to come and pick me up. I know this was somewhat childish but after what Christopher had said last night, I just wanted to avoid him and his driver. Nathan didn't do me anything but he was still working for Christopher and I wanted nothing to do with him.

I told the taxi driver to drop me off at a coffee shop I spotted little before I reached where the law firm building was. It was thankfully one that opened early as well. I know that I still had an hour or so before I needed to go check out the guy's office, so I decided to just go and have myself a coffee and something to eat since I skipped breakfast this morning.

I bought myself a cheese sandwich and cup of hot chocolate instead of the coffee I had originally planned to buy. I went to sit at a table where I could see outside clearly. After I have finished, I remained seated there for a good while looking at ideas for office designs when someone approached me. I looked up only to see the guy who was Christopher's best man at our wedding.

"Hi, Allison?" He said as if making sure he was talking to the right person.

"Yeah," I nodded. "Hi."

"We weren't formally introduced, I'm Clint also known as Chris' best man." he said outstretching his hand.

"I remembered." I chuckled as I took his hand and shook it.

"Mind if I sit?" He asked gesturing to the empty seat in front of me.

"No, sure go ahead." I gestured to the empty chair to which I took the seat across from me.

"So how are you here this early all by yourself?" Clint asked smiling as he took a sip from his coffee.

"Probably the same reason you're here this early by yourself." I joked causing him to laugh.

"Fair enough." he chuckled.

"I'm kidding though," I chuckled. "I decided to have an early start this morning for work. Just catching up on breakfast right now.

"Oh, always the work. Do you mind me asking what you do?"

"I'm an interior designer." I told him.

"Nice. That's impressive. Maybe you could be Tasha and I's interior designer when we decide to buy our own home." Clint smiled.

"Maybe I could." I returned his smile. "So Tasha is your wife?"

"No, no shes not my wife," Clint answered before adding, "At least not yet. She's my girlfriend but I'm thinking of making her my wife soon."

"Well that's great, if you know she's the one you should totally go for it." I encouraged.

"Yeah I'm just thinking of the right moment to ask her though."

"Well you should make use of that moment when it comes and don't let her slip through your fingers if you believe she is the one."

"I won't." Clint answered chuckling.

We sat silent for a while when I noticed Clint staring at my hair with an amused expression on his face. I immediately became self-conscious.

"What?" I asked running my hands over my hair. "Is something in my hair?"

"No, no, no." he answered quickly before chuckling and continuing. "Is just that your hair... I hope you don't find me too inquisitive... But have you ever considered dying your hair completely blond?"

"Honestly no," I chuckled. "I've been blonde for 17years and a brunette for four."

"So you are naturally blonde." Clint stated.

"Guilty." I shrugged sheepishly.

I was a natural blonde like my mom. My dad had brown hair. Growing up I was always told that I looked so much like my mom, so when she died in my last year of high school I dyed my hair brown because it hurt so much looking in the mirror at myself but seeing my mom's reflection. Lately I had allowed the roots of my hair to remain blond when I dyed the rest.

"This is so interesting." Clint chuckled still amused at finding out I was blonde.

"You really seem to be amuse and enjoying this." I said to him. "Why are you enjoying this?"

"I'm sorry if I'm being creepy. It’s just that Chris never mentioned you were blonde."

"Why would he do that? Beside Christopher doesn't even know that I'm blonde." I said to him.

"This is going to give him such a kick." Clint laughed.

"Okay then." I said looking at him suspiciously.

What the hell amused him so much about my hair and why Christopher knowing or not matters?

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