Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 5

Clint and I chatted for a while and time almost slipped me.

I looked at my phone to see that it was almost nine. When the hell did the time fly so fast? I wanted to visit the Mr. West's office early so I could have an early start.

"I'm sorry but I really have to run now, or else I'll be extremely late. It was nice meeting and chatting to you Clint." I said as I got up.

"That's okay. And you too Allison. I'll see you around then?"

"Yeah sure, see you around. Bye." I said smiling as I left Clint and walked out of the coffee shop.

Thankfully the law firm wasn't that far away. I went inside and asked the receptionist for Mr. West's office which she told me was on the second floor and that I'd see his name on the door. I went to the elevator and took it to the second floor. I started scanning the doors for Mr. West, not long after I saw his door with Bryan West-Attorney at law. I went ahead and knocked twice, immediately the door was opened and I was face to face with a young handsome guy in a dark suit.

"Hi, good morning. I'm Allison Diamond, the interior designer.

Oh hi. Yes, sorry come in." the guy smiled as I said that and stretched out his hand for me to shake.

Bryan's office wasn't extremely huge or too small. It was what one would call average or just the right size. I learnt that Bryan had become a lawyer for a year now and when he moved into his office he never considered decorating it any way but he just thought that it was time for a change now. To be honest I was extremely glad that I was the one who got the job to redo his office. His office was just plain dull and boring. The walls were just a plain white with glass windows. He had a plain wooden desk in his office and some chair and sofa. Not to mention his bookshelves and file cabinets, everything about his office screamed plain and boring. I was determined to put some life to this place.

I planned to get the place painted in a more vibrant yet simple color. I was going to get his furniture replaced with more stylish types and so on. I was glad when Bryan told me not to worry about the cost just do what I needed to do. I made sure to get painters booked to start the job tomorrow and then Bryan and I chose the type of furniture he liked online and ordered them. There was thing about me when I came on to work, I didn't waste time.

"So Diamond is your married name?" Bryan asked as we sat down for coffee. He had coffee brought up by his personal assistant and offered me.

"No Diamond is my maiden name." I replied taking a sip from my cup.

"I just thought since... the ring." he pointed at my finger with the wedding band.

"Oh, I didn't change my name." I shook my head.

"I don't mean to be blunt but is your husband cool with that? I mean most guys aren't."

"I hyphenated it. But he doesn't care one way or the other." I confessed.

"Wow, he must really be in love with you so he doesn't care." he chuckled.

"Actually he hates me." I replied. I wasn't sure why I was telling him this but it just felt good talking to someone.

"Yeah right," Bryan laughed, obviously thinking I was joking.

"No, it is true." I respond seriously.

"What? Are you kidding?" Bryan asked looking at me skeptically.

"I'm being serious. He thinks I somehow ruined his life." I replied looking down.

"I'm not sure I'm understanding." Bryan said looking at me intently.

At this moment I just decided to get things out. I wasn't normally one to talk about my issues, especially not with strangers but I felt comfortable talking to Bryan, and I needed to talk to someone about this whole issue for a while.

"Our marriage were one of a business nature. My Dad and his Dad got us married in order to merged their two businesses."

"Oh my God. Now he blames you?" Bryan looked at me with understanding.

"Yeah. It’s like I'm somehow the cause of this so he totally hates me."

"But he shouldn't be holding it against you, I mean the both of you are victims. You're both stuck in a loveless marriage."

"He doesn't see it that way. I ruined his life because he got tied down to a girl who isn't his type and could possible causing trouble to his single life. But he's totally okay with being CEO of L&D technology limited just not with the reason he is." I shook my head.

"Wait," Bryan said sitting up in his chair. " L&D technology limited? As in Lee's and Diamond?"

"Yeah." I said nodding. I really didn't intend to give out that much information but it just came out.

"That's the merger of those of the biggest technology companies in America and other countries. You're uhm... Stanford Diamond's daughter?" Bryan asked in disbelief.

"Yeah. And I know, I know. I don't really look like the typical rich girl." I replied.

I always get that when people find out I was the daughter of the owner of a multimillion dollar company. I was as simple as any other person, not caring about displaying the outlook of the typical rich girl.

"No, it's not that. It’s just that... You're not what I would have expected."

"I know. I'm never what anyone expects." I said looking down.

"No, I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that. What I meant was I thought you'd be a stuck up rich spoiled daddy's girl," Bryan tried to explain. Basic stereotype type of girl.

"I am a spoiled rich daddy's girl though." I chuckled causing Bryan to look relief. I guess he thought he had offended me earlier.

"Well I'm sorry if I offended you before." Bryan smiled confirming what I thought.

"You didn't." I reassured him. "So are you from New York?"

"Yeah was born here but went to university in England and back for a year now." Bryan replied. "You? How long have you been in New York?"

"Born and raised in Chicago. But had to leave my entire life there when I moved here two months ago.

"Oh, so you're married two months then." Bryan guessed.

"Yeah. But I already feel homesick. I missed my family and friends back home. Here I have no one."

"Haven't got any friends here?" Bryan asked.

"Nope" I shook my head.

"Well then, in that case I could be your friend, I mean we'll be hanging out for the next few days I guess you could say we're friends?" Bryan chuckled as he raised a brow waiting for an answer.

"Yeah I guess so." I smiled.

"Well as friends, what do you say we hang out this evening? I mean it is a weekend and all, we could go to a club in city." Bryan offered.

"I don't know. I'm not really the clubbing type."

"Me neither. But I promised you, we'll just hang out as friends. Have a drink or something and just start off the weekend in a good mood. You've been here two months now, where have you gone so far?"

"Okay fine." I finally agreed. Havent really seen the place yet.

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