Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 6

After I left Bryan's office, I went and got a taxi to that place I refer to as home. It was obvious Christopher wasn't home, he was never home this early, it'd be a miracle if he was home at this time in the evening. I was glad about this though, I really didn't want to see Christopher after how he had reacted last night, after he had called me stupid.

I was still hurt by that. I can’t remember what I had ever done so bad that he had to behave that way towards me. But I wasn't going to bother him anymore. I really wanted that puppy but I guess I'd just have to forget about it and get used to the loneliness. I'd better make the internet and movies my company. Christopher was not only rude but he was disrespectful, I wasn't going to put myself in the situation of being insulted and disrespected by him again. I was however thinking about buying a house here and move out since I was being so much of a nuisance to him.

Bryan and I had agreed to meet at the club Jake's at 7pm, since I told him I wasn't a fan of staying out late. I was only going to spend a few hours there then come straight back home. Since I'd decided to ditch Nathan today, I decided to call a taxi to come pick me up at about 6:30. So I quickly made myself some quick Mac n cheese to eat. It was the easiest and quickest thing to make. I decided to dress simple so I throw on a plain long sleeve v-neck shirt and some black skinny jeans. I know I didn't look much but it wasn't like I was trying to impress anyone, I no longer cared about my outfit and whether they looked stylish or not. I stopped caring about how I looked after mom died. It was like a part of me dies with her.

After getting dressed and touching up my face with a bit of eye-shadow, mascara and natural looking pink lipstick, at exactly 6:30 I heard the cab outside honking, at the gate. I took up my bag and head out, thinking that at least some people knew how to be to be on time. It was about 6:53 when I reached at the club. I decided to call Bryan to see if he was there. We had exchanged numbers earlier before I left his office.

"Hey, I'm outside the club where are you?" I asked as Bryan picked up.

"I'm inside, I'm at the bar area. Come inside you'll see me there."  Bryan replied on the other end of the phone.

"Oh, alright then." I replied before hanging up.

I put my phone in my pocket before proceeding and entered the club. There was quite an amount of people inside. There was also loud music playing, some people were dancing, some standing around, and some lounging around at tables that were inside the club as well. I quickly tried to push my way passed people standing close together or dancing against each other to get to the bar area. I recognized Bryan sitting on one of the stools at the counter area of the bar, he was dressed more casual now than earlier when he had on his office suit. I made my way over to him.

"Hey," I smiled at him as I took a seat on the stool beside him.

"You're early." Bryan smiled turning around and paying full attention to me.

"Early? You said 7:00 didn't you?" I asked confused.

"Yeah, and yet you're here and it's still 4 minutes before 7." Bryan looked at his watch.

"Okay. So would it be better if I had waited until exactly 7:00 to show up? Or after?" I joked.

"No, no its just that when I said 7:00 I was prepared to wait until maybe 7:30 before you showed up-even though I turned up here early as well." Bryan chuckled.

"Why would I let you wait whole of half an hour? We agreed on 7 so I showed up for 7." I smiled. Im a woman of my words.

"Wow, got to say I'm impress. I always thought most females take ages to get ready and arrived places on time."

"Well as you probably noticed, I'm not like most females." I laughed.

"Oh yeah you're right," Bryan laughed. "So what kind of drink do you want?

Bryan and I had a long debate about drinks and who was buying it before I finally caved and decided to agree with him and try something a bit alcoholic. After he had asked what I wanted to drink I told him I would just get a soda or something like normal nonalcoholic juice and I'd pay for it. But Bryan insisted that since he was the one who suggested we hung out, he'd be the one to buy anything I wanted tonight. After more than five minutes straight of us arguing and debating about it, I gave up and told him I'd like a soda.

That request started another round of debate because Bryan suggested I should try something a bit stronger, something that'd help me feel more relaxed and enjoy myself. I told him I was okay because I didn't drink and I didn't want to get drunk because I'd probably forget where I live and told the driver the wrong address. Bryan managed to win the argument by telling me a list of reasons why I should try even one drink, reasons ranging from I needed to forget about my life issues for one night, that the drink would make feel relax and enjoy myself tonight and that he'd personally drive me home after we left since he wasn't going to have more than a beer.

"You look different now somehow than earlier." Bryan said to me.

"How different?" I looked at him confused. "Good different? Or bad different?"

"Definitely good different. You just look more vibrant, maybe it's because you seem to be in a better mood now than earlier."

"Yeah probably or maybe it’s the fact that I tried a little makeup?" I smiled.

"Now I get it," Bryan replied as he studied my face. "Oh and you look beautiful by the way."

"Thanks. You're probably the only person who thinks that." I smiled looking down, shyness suddenly coming on.

"Well its true. Others must be blind not to see it. I'm looking at an extremely beautiful girl right now." Bryan told me.

"But are you saying that I am now because of the makeup?" I asked even though I was blushing from his earlier comment.

"No, I'm being generally honest. You are beautiful but it just that for some reason you don't really embrace or show it much. You seem to be trying hard to hide it and you really shouldn't hide who you are." Bryan told me seriously.

I looked at him surprised for a while before being able to reply. It was like he was able to see right through me.

"Wow, are you a certified psychologist too? You sound so much like Tori right now." I smiled slightly.

"Tori?" Bryan raised a brow questioningly.

"Tori is my cousin. She's also my best friend. I think you'd definitely like her."

"Well if she's great also as you seem to be, then I think that I most definitely would." Bryan chuckled.

"And she'd most definitely like you too." I replied with a smile.

"Well in that case I'd love to meet her sometime."

"You will. Whenever she comes to New York to visit." I smiled.

"And I'm looking forward to it." Bryan replied.

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