Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 8

Christopher's POV

I haven't seen Allison since last night when I had snapped at her. I know that I shouldn't have but I was already upset and she just happened to be the next person that came in contact with me. So I basically let out my anger on her.

I didn't even think before I called her stupid. I know the moment that it had slipped out my mouth that I had made one of the biggest mistake. I know that I had disrespected her then. I would have apologized but my pride just wouldn't let me, at least not last night. What if she decided to go and complain to her father or even my father about what I had done? This could cause a huge problem if she does.

When I woke up this morning I decided I'd swallow my pride and apologized to her for being an ass. To be honest she didn't really bother me for the couple months she lived here and it was now my job to make sure she was comfortable here. I have to admit that I didn't like her because she wasn't my type of female and according to the contract for the merger we had to be together for at least five years so I was basically stuck with her.

She was asking me if she could get a puppy, that was honestly a simple question. She was probably lonely and wanted some company in the house since I wasn't any company to her, I spent most of my time outside the house. I would left early in the mornings and after work I'd spend most of my evening at Jake's club until late then I'd returned home. So I know I was wrong to snapp at her last night

This morning I decided to wait until she was up before I left the house, I was going to apologize and tell her it was okay for her to get her dog. So long as she kept it in her quarters. I waited until almost 8am for her to come downstairs when I noticed she didn't. I decided to go up to her room to check on her. After calling more than five times and not hearing an answer I got worried that something may have happened to her. What the hell would I tell her father? I opened her door looking inside, her room was clean and her bed was well made. I called just to make sure she wasn't in the room, I went to the bathroom and like the rest of the house she wasn't there.

It was like she left. I wondered if she could have gone last night after I had snapped at her and called her stupid. It was a shame that even after her living here I didn't think to get her number. I have no idea where she could have gone so early but I needed to find her because if anything happened to her, I was sure her father would have my head.

I left inside the house and got my car from the garage when I saw Nathan in the driveway of our yard. He was my driver but I had officially assigned him to transport Allison anywhere she wanted since she didn't have a car yet and she was new here.

"Hey, Nathan did you bring Allison anywhere this morning or last night?"

"No, isn't she here? I thought she was running late this morning or something." Nathan looked at me confused.

"Shit," I said to myself. "She left, I'm not sure when but she left. We kinda have a fight and she must've take off." I panicked.

"Relax sir, maybe she just needed sometime to herself to calm down. She probably just decided to take a cab to work, don't worry just give her some time she'll come around. You guys just try to talk over things later and you'll probably make up." Nathan tied to reassure me.

It's a pity. He wouldn't know that we weren't like a normal happy married couple. Like most people, Nathan doesn't know that my marriage isn't real. To him he believed that Allison and I were a normal loving couple.

"Thanks Nathan, I guess you can take the rest of the day off if she doesn't contact you." I sighed.

"Have a good day sir." Nathan said to me.

"You too Nathan." I replied as I drove off to work.

All throughout the morning I couldn't help but pray that nothing had happened to Allison. I wouldn't be able to live with all the guilt and blame that would come upon me.

It wasn't until Clint came in and mentioned that he had ran into my wife earlier and had a nice chat with her, that I was able to relax. Apparently she had left extremely early for work this morning. I still believed that it was because of what I said last night though.

"Dude I think you're in for a big surprise one of these days." Clint said amused.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I narrowed my eyes at him in annoyance.

Clint kept dropping hints and talking things I had no idea what he meant. All of them had to do with Allison, if I didn't know better I'd say he was trying to get me to take an interest in 'my wife'.

"Nothing. Nothing at all." he chuckled. "Just that, I think you're wife is beautiful, I don't get how you say she isn't your type."

"Are you high or something?" I asked looking at him as if he was crazy. "You know the type of women I've always been attracted to. You know I have a preference, is it that bad?"

"Yeah blondes. My bad." Clint smirked. I didn't know what had gotten into him this morning but he seemed to be in an extremely good mood. "But still, you don't know. You should give her a chance. "

"Exactly, Allison has brown hair."

"Yeah right. How did master Christopher ended up with a brown haired wife?" He teased.

"Shut up or I'll let you go home to Tasha with a black eye." I threatened.

"Alright, alright. Can't manage any black eye on this handsome face." he chuckled.

After work, I decided that I'd go to a pet shop and get a little puppy. I was going to apologize to Allison then make it up to her by giving her a puppy. I wasn't sure what type of puppy she like or wanted but I was hoping whichever one I picked, would help her to forgive me if she return home this evening.

When I entered the specific pet shop, I had no idea what I was looking for. I was hoping that I'd find something small and cute. Something that Allison would hopefully liked.

"Hi, can I help you somehow?" The owner of the shop asked.

"I'm hoping you can," I replied. "I'm looking for a puppy for my uhmm... my wife."

"Do you have anything specific in mind?" the guy asked me.

"No not really. My wife asked me if she could get a puppy last night and I didn't quite answer her and I think she maybe a bit upset. So I wanted to make it up to her." I told the guy. It wasn't exactly how the story go but it was almost the true to the full story.

"I had a young woman came in here yesterday looking at puppies, she saw one she liked but said she needed to check with her husband before. If he said yes she'd come back today but if not I could sell it."  the guy said. "I'm wondering if that woman could have been your wife."

"Just a second," I said taking out my phone. I had a picture of Allison on my phone from when I had secretly took one of her when we just met to show Clint and Jake before we had gotten married, for some reason I hadn't deleted it.

"Was this her?" I asked showing the guy the picture of Allison

"Yeah, definitely. That was her." he chuckled. "What a coincidence? Huh?"

"You didn't sell it did you?" I asked silently praying he didn't.

"Well no, I had even put away the little guy for her so that nobody else eyes would catch him because she really seemed to be in love with it."

"Great," I sighed relief. "Can I see him?"

After the owner had carry the puppy to me, I had to admit I see why Allison would have fall in love with it. It was really cute. I bought the dog and decided to go home. On my way Jake called and I got caught up with doing Jake a favour so when I finally reached home it was about seven.

Allison would probably normally be home by now, but even up until to nine she still didn't show up. Frustrated I decided to get a shower and change. I fed the puppy, make him a bed inside my room then head out to Jake's club. I know I was wrong for snapping at Allison last night and calling her stupid but her little rebellious game of leaving early and not coming home early seemed a bit immature to me at the moment. I'd have to deal with her another time ,when she feel to show up. Tonight I felt as if I desperately needed to relief some stress and I was hoping to find a willing female to hook up with.

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