Read with BonusRead with Bonus


I had never thought that such a day would come in my life when I would feel dreadful to attend the music class. Events from yesterday were still fresh in my mind and I was still scared to face my teacher.

Somehow I buildup the courage to turn the doorknob and enter the room. I released a sigh of relief when I saw that Mr. Dimitri was not in the class. Some of the students were sitting, chatting, and waiting for their teacher.

I went to my usual seat and pulled out some music sheets trying to figure them out. Suddenly a paper plane came towards me and landed on my desk. My eyes looked up to see Abel standing in front of me with a smug grin on his face. I braced myself for the brainless chatter which would come out of his mouth.

"Hey Dawson, mind if I sit?" He did not even wait for my reply and occupied the seat beside me like the gentleman he was.

"So my torture session starts now? Please tell me what dare I must complete in order to please you my most humble torturer." Striking a noble speech, I smiled a bit at Abel's uneasiness. His uncomfortable stuttered words made me laugh. He too joined in, showing off his dimples and I must admit that he's kinda cute with those.

A very loud throat-clearing burst our bubble, shaking us back to reality. Fear slithered all over me as two dark green eyes stared at me holding unfathomable anger in them. I was chilled to the bone by the sharp glare thrown at me by Mr. Dimitri.

I gulped and waited for this uncomfortable wave to end. He turned towards the class and spoke up in his deep booming voice.

"Today I want to give all of you a lesson. A lesson which you should never forget! A lesson which will teach you to submit to the right authority." All the anger was released through his rough voice echoing off the walls. He picked up the glassy paperweight off his desk and thoughtfully twirled it in his fingers. Everyone sat up with their spine inattention.

"Lions are truly a royal species I think. They are after all the king of the jungle. They are king not because other animals are loyal to him but because they fear him. Lions never submit to anyone, their alpha demeanor dominates everyone and seeks for submission of others. The lion never bows, not even to his mate." Those green eyes darted towards me for a fraction of moment and then resumed their prowl on others.

"The she-lion or the lionesses are attracted only to those lions who have the aura of dominance surrounding them. A Queen never likes a weak king. The lion, on the other hand, wants his mate to be submissive in every way possible and she must submit only to her mate and no one else. It's not easy to find a mate either. The lion fights for his mate and he never stops until and unless he gets what he wants." He paused as his eyes made their way to me again, forcing me to look away.

"I hope you understood the purpose of the lesson I gave to you so that you guys never repeat your mistakes. Next time when I enter the class I want absolute silence! From now on the males will sit at the back and the females will sit at the front. So don't waste my time and change your seat." Everyone jumped at his command and did as was told. I scoot up from my place and reluctantly went forward to my assigned seat.

The rest of the class went quite smoothly, no shouting, no glares, no angry vibes. I expected that the class would end peacefully but like always I was wrong.

At the end of the teachings, Mr. Dimitri handed out timetables and routines to us for the competition preparation. As promised, we all had different routines for individual practice. There were some distressed moans and some excited squeals from my classmates but as soon as I dropped my eyes on the sheet of paper in my hands, I was shocked. My eyes had turned into saucers at the information written in my routine.

There, in neatly printed words were written the most dreaded words. The sheet of paper slipped out of my hands and dropped to the floor. My eyes found green ones, looking at me with a mischievous glint.

I decided that there must be some printing mistakes so I walked up to him. As soon as I reached his desk the bell rang indicating the end of the class. All the students made a beeline towards the exit and I found myself alone with him yet again. Someone must have closed the door on their way out giving us some unnecessary privacy.

I gulped and brought out the sheet to distract my eyes from connecting to his eyes.

"Um, sir I think there is some mistake in printing the routine because-"

"Rose there is no mistake. I personally printed them." He stood up from his seat, towering over me, looking down at his prey. He had an uncanny smirk on his face while his eyes swirled with something dangerous.

"Humor me, Ms. Rose, why do I have a feeling that you don't want to practice in the allotted time table with me? Are you not interested in participating in the competition because I can not find any other reason for your disapproval? So I hope you don't have any problem now do you?"

I went a step back and stuttered out in a shaky voice.

"N-no sir"

"Very well then, I'll see you tomorrow."

I closed my eyes in defeat, turned around, and made my way towards the door only to check the routine again.

The bold italic words mocked back at me, stating my perilous future ahead.

Rose Dawson:-

Place: 44b, Winschton street, forks.

Mr. Dimitri Nevada's Residence.

Day | Time

Tuesday | 6: 00 pm

Friday | 6: 00 pm

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