Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter I

I had just finished my latest painting when Julia walked in with the mail.

'Melanie there is a letter for you but it has the galery's address.'

'That is strange. Why didn't they sent it to my home address? Who sent it?'

'It's from a law firm called Marks Brothers.'

'My hands are dirty with paint. Could you please read it out loud?'

'Yes. Sure.'

Julia opened the letter and read it.

'Miss Stevensen we are pleased to announce you that you are the only beneficiary of your late aunt's will. Please contact us as soon as possible.'

'There must be a mistake. I do not have an aunt.'

'I don't think so. You should pay them a visit and see what is this about.'

I googled the law firm's address and decided to go there after lunch.

Julia ordered some pizza and the delivery boy brought it fast. I ate two slices, I wasn't that hungry.

'Melanie you should eat more you are too skinny.'

'No, I had enough.'

'Are you leaving now?'

'Yes. I will call you later.'

I got my jacket and bag and left. Outside I called a taxi. The taxi left me right in front of a office building. I walked in and looked for their office. I found it at the second floor. I knocked on the door and a voice from within told me to come in. I walked inside. A woman standind behind a desk, their secretary, greeted me.

'How may I help you?'

'Hello, I am Melanie Stevenson. I received a letter from this law firm.'

'Miss Stevenson we have been expecting you. You can go in.'

'Thank you!'

I knocked once on the other door and a male voice told me to walk in.

A man dressed in a suit was looking among some papers. He looked at me as I walked in.

'Miss Stevenson I am Victor Marks, one of the brothers. I was looking for the will.'

'There must be some mistake. I do not have an aunt.'

'No, there is no mistake. Where did I put it? Oh, here it is!'

He found the will and opened it. He read it for a few minutes. I was even more nervous then I was before.

'Miss, I am pleased to tell you that you are now the owner of a castle in south of France. Your aunt lived there.'

'Did you say castle? In France?'

'Yes, a castle in a small rural village in France.'

'What was my aunt's name?'

'Elise Reynaud.'

'It doesn't sound familiar to me. I never heard of her.'

'She was your mother's sister. They had the same father.'

'When did she die?'

'Last month.'

'Have you met her?'

'No, we only spoke on the phone. She was a very private person.'

He pulled a piece of paper from his portfolio.

'This is the deed to the castle in your name. Please sign at the bottom.'

He gave me a pen and I signed it.

'Congratulations miss you are now the owner of Chateau de Roseyer.'

He gave me the original of the deed and he kept a copy.

That was all.

'Where in France is the castle?'

'In a village called Collonges-La-Rouge in Correze. A very pitoresque and unique village.'

'I will have to go and see it.'

'Yes, I am sure you will love it there. Once you arrive there you must see madame Buchard she will give you the keys to the castle. She is your neighbour. If you have any questions you can call me at this number.'

He gave me his business card. I took it and put it in my wallet.

'I suggest you buy a plane ticket right away miss.'

I left the office building and went straight home. From there I called Julia.

'Julia you will not believe this! I am now the owner of a castle in south of France.'

'What? How?'

'My aunt from my mother's side left it to me. I can hardly believe it myself.'

'Your mother never told you about her. Why?'

'I don't know. I have a feeling I will get my answers in France.'

'When are you leaving?'

'Tomorrow. I will buy a ticket tonight.'

'I will take you to the airport.'

'Thank you!'

I opened my notebook and bought a plane ticket. My flight was leaving tomorrow afternoon at 16:00. I was too tired to start packing so I went to sleep. I woke up in the middle of the night. I dreamt that I was in the castle and I was being chased by a dark figure that kept calling me Blanche not Melanie. I went back to bed but could not sleep anymore so I decided to start packing. At 6 am I made myself some coffee and googled that village in France. It looked very pitoresque. I hoped I would find a picture of the castle too but I did not.

Before I left I decided to visit Julia. I bought some coffee and croissants for her. I rang her door bell but she did not open the door right away. She was probably still sleeping and I woke her up.

'Oh it's you. What time is it?'

'It's 8 am. I brought you breakfest.'

'Thank you!'

'Do you want a croissant?'

'No, thank you. I will eat enough of them in France.'

'I still can't believe you are leaving today.'

'I hardly believe it myself. I own a castle in France.'

'It's good you speak French. I never bothered to learn a foreign language.'

'Yes, I do not think they all speak English there.'

I took my luggage, locked the door and left. Julia was waiting for me outside. I put the suitcase in the trunk and sat on in the front next to her. She started the car and drove away.

'How long are you going to stay there?'

'I do not know. I only bought a one way ticket.'

'I am going to miss you.'

'I know. I will paint something there and send it to you.'

Half an hour later I was at the airport with Julia.

'Call me as soon as you arrive.'

'Yes, I will. Bye!'

'Take care!'

I boarded the plane and I arrived in France after an almost 8 hours flight but my journey was not finished. In Toulouse I got on a buss which took me to the village. I got a taxi from the station. I arrived at the castle at 8 in the evening. The taxi stopped at the gate. I payed him and he drove away.

The gate was locked. Now I had to go to madame Bouchard for the keys. I looked for her house. She lived in a cottage at the end of the road. I knocked at her door. An old lady holding a cane opened the door.

'Oui, qui est toi?'

'Bonsoir, madame, je suis Melanie. Je suis ici pour les clef de le chateau.'

She looked at me confused then she remembered my name.

'Melanie Stevenson, mais oui. Attendez un moment.'

She went back inside to get the keys. After 10 minutes she came back holding the keys.

'Voila les clef de le chateau.'

'Merci beaucoup!'

I took the keys from her hand.

'Bonne nuit!'

'Bonne nuit ma belle.'

I returned with the keys to the gate and opened it. I got my suitcase and walked down the path to the castle. That place was huge. I could not see much because it was too dark and there was no light. I could swear I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to look but I did not see anyone. I opened the front door and walked in. The castle was engalfed in darkness and it was cold inside. I took the phone from my bag and turned on the flashlight to look around. I found the light switch by the door and turned the light on. In front of me there was a big white marble staircase. On the left I saw the living room with a big fireplace as the centre piece. A crystal chandelier was hanging from the ceiling. But the painting that was hanging above the fireplace caught my eye. It was the portret of a young man wearing period clothes from times long gone. He had black hair and icy blue eyes. The most piercing, pale blue eyes I have ever seen. He was tall, dark and handsome. Next to him stood a young lady with long fair hair like me. She too had blue eyes. She was dressed in an elegant dark pink gown that made her eyes stand out. She had a gorgeus and probably very expensive diamond necklace around her neck.They formed a lovely couple. Next I tried to start a fire but with no wood I could not. It was cold in the room. I went outside to look for wood. I must have spent twenty minutes outside looking for a shed or some kind of wood but I did not find anything and my hands were really cold. It was the beginning of March and it was still cold at night. When I went back inside I found fire in the fireplace. I felt the heath from the room's threshold. I got closer and held my cold hands close to it. But who made the fire? I was the only one there.

I decided to sleep there on the couch. I did not even get changed.

I feel asleep and woke up much later and still sleepy I thought I saw a man standing in the doorway. I do not even remember if I locked the front door. He looked like the man from the painting. He was standing there looking at me. I rubbed my eyes and when I opened them he was gone. I was probably dreaming. I went back to sleep.

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