Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter III

Just now I realised I was sharing the castle with somebody else. I was the legal owner, I had papers to prove it. Ademar was the true owner of the . His family built it.

I wanted to know more about them. I did not dare to ask Ademar. Maybe I will find something in the library. I also wanted to know more about vampires. I am still getting used to the ideea that they are real.

The libraty had so many books, I did not even know where to start. I felt overwhelmed. Again I did not what to ask Ademar:

"Hey do you have any books about vampires in the libraty? I want to know more about your kind."

No way. I will find them myself even if it takes days. I have time. The books were covered with dust. I never saw so much dust before. No one had cleaned the library in years. Let me to believe that my aunt did not come here at all. I sneezed as I was wiping the dust from one of the books. All the books I found about vampires were works of fiction. I was not interested in that kind of literature.

I do not know how or when I fell asleep on the desk. When I opened my eyes Ademar was standing in front of the desk. He saw all the books around me on the desk and probably read the titles. I felt silly. Like when a school teacher catches the pupil doing something he was not suppose to do. I raised my head and looked at the window. It was night already. When did the time go by so fast? I looked him straight in the eyes and he smiled at me.

"Do you need help finding a particular book? I know all the books in here!"

There were thousands of books in there. Some of them first editions and very expensive. He must have read them all.

"No, thank you! I was just looking around. Killing time. You have an impressive collections of books here."

"Yes, I do. They are all yours now."

"No, they are still your books."

"No, you can have them all."

"They are our books. This castle it's yours. I feel like an intruder."

Ademar was clearly surprised by this statement. He looked at me astonished.

"You are not thinking of selling it?"

"What? Of course not! I am keeping it. Why would you even think that?"

"Because you are a foreigner in a foreign country. I was thinking you were going to stay a while then go back to your life in America."

"No. I kind of like it here. I have not decided yet. I might move here for good."

He did not say anything. He was probably surprised. Maybe he thought I was going to stay here a while and then go away and he will have the castle all to himself again. Sorry to disappoint you Ademar, but it is not going to happen.

I wanted to put back the books on the shelves but Ademar stopped me.

"Let me help you!"

"Be my guest!"

After we finished I left the library and went back to my room and locked the door. I always lock the door at night. I do not trust this guy. I felt bad that I fell asleep like that and could not explore the castle more without him knowing.

I remembered about the diary. Ademar does not know about it. I will tell him I found it eventually. I need to read it all first. I took it out of its hiding place, turned the lamp on and began reading:

Friday, June 24th 1693

It's my birthday today. I received a lot of gifts from my parents and friends. My father gave me the most beautiful ball gown I have ever seen. I cannot wait to wear it at the Summer ball in one month. I did not receive any present from Ademar. I heard my father speaking with someone in the drowing room last seek. Another man. I do not know who he was. They wre talking about my dowry. It was not Ademar. I think it was his father. Tonight they are celebreting my birthday. I have to get ready in a few hours. I barely found time to write in my diary. I am sure Ademar will come. I am curious what he will bring me.

As I was reading I heard a knock on my door.

"Wait a moment!"

I hid the diary under the pillow and opened the door.

"Sorry to disturb you but I was wondering of you could come with me. I want to show you something."


"Outside in the garden."

We went outside and Ademar showed me the other garden. Not the garden I saw from my room but another secret one. You could reach it by going down some stone stairs that I found a little dangerous. One wrong step and one could fall and get hurt badly during the day but it was dark now. Even worse. I did not even see the moon. Ademar noticed I was nervous and he offered me his hand. I held on to him until we reached the bottom. In front of us there was a stone wall about 10 feet high covered with moss and ivy. I looked for a gate but I did not see one not until Ademar pulled some ivy and revealed the entance. I followed him inside and could not believe my eyes. This garden was more impressive than the one I knew. It had a charming pond in the middle with water lilies. It was big enough and deep that you could swim in it.

In the corner right at the edge of the pond I saw a weeping willow. It was the only tree there.

"This secret garden is very charming but I would rather see it during the day."

"I cannot show it to you during the day!"

"Oh yes, you cannot!"

For a moment I forgot I was standing next to a vampire.

I sat on the bench in front of the pond and admired the water lilies and the rest of the flowers around the pond. I liked the smell of the night air and the scent coming from the flowers. It was intoxicating.

"I planted that weeping willow when I was only seveeten years old with my father. This was my favourite place. I came here often to read books."

I wanted to ask him if he brought Blanche here too but I did not.

"This was your aunt's favourite place too."

He looked at me and smiled. I wanted to ask him about my aunt but it was getting late and I wanted to go back inside. We returned to the castle. I held on tight to his left arm all the way up.

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