Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter IV

After we got back inside the castle I did not go to my room. I decided to stay a while in the living room. Ademar walked inside with me but I lost sight of him shortly after. I do not know where he went. This castle is full of secret passage ways I think he used one. There is an old grandfather clock in the hallway. It noticed it the first time I got here. It is made of wood with intricate ornaments. I think there is a secret entance behind it. But I do not know how to open it. I pushed the clock a little but it did not move. It showed the right time. Maybe if I changed the hour it would open. I mean at a certain hour. But which one? There are too many possibilities!

I heard noises coming from behind it, foot steps like someone was coming up a stone staircase. I ran back inside the living room and sat on the sofa. Shorthly after Ademar joined me.

"You are still here! I thought you went to bed by now!"

"I was waiting for you. Can you play something on the piano?"

"Does the lady have any preferences?"

"No, surprise me!"

Ademar reflected for a while then he started playing. It was a romantic piece of music. I did not recognise the song or composer but I liked it. I relaxed on the sofa and all of a sudden I saw Blanche stading in the doorway. She was wearing a pastel pink gown and she was looking at me. She was holding her diary close to her chest. I got up and went to the door but she walked away, outside. I fallowed her. For a moment I was sure I lost her but she reappeared. This time without her diary. Blanche looked like she was waiting for someone. After a second or two I saw Ademar. She was waiting for him. But he was still inside playing the piano. I still heard the music. They embraced and he kissed her. After that they disappeared. I went to the same spot they have were and there were no footprints on the ground. I think I imagined it all. Not a dream just my imagination.

Ademar came outside after me. He saw that I was confused.

"Why did come here? You did not like what I was playing?"

"No, I liked the song. This might sound strange but did Blanche own a pastel pink gown?"

"Yes, I think she did own one or two. Why?"

"I was just wondering."

I did not tell him that I saw her. I did not want him to think I was crazy.

"I am tired. I am going to bed. Good night!"

I left him standing there and went up to my room. Again I locked the door and grabbed the diary from under the pillow. But I did not one to read it anymore. I put it back under the floorboard and I closed my eyes.

I woke up hours later. I looked at the clock, it was 4 a.m. I was thirsty. I got down from the bed, unlocked the door and headed downstairs. It was quiet. Too quiet but I did not mind. Ademar was probably up and about somewhere in the castle. After I got my mug with water I wanted to return to my room but as I passed the living room I saw Blanche. She was wearing the same pastel pink gown and she was looking at the painting. Ademar joined her. He grabbed her by her waist from behind and kissed her on the cheek.

"Do you like it?"

"Yes, the painter has done a wonderful job. I hope you paid him well."

Someone touched my right shoulder and I dropped the mug on the floor. It broke into tiny pieces scattered around the floor. I turned around and it was Ademar.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes. I am sorry about the mug."

"Who cares about that old mug? Are you sure you are alright?"

My heart was beating a little faster than usual. Other than that I was fine.

"I scared you and you dropped the mug."

"I did not hear you coming. I was looking at the painting."

No, I was not. I think I had a vision.

"I wanted to take it down from there years ago but I cannot do it. Blanche liked that painting very much."

The sadness in his eyes was unbeareble. I wanted to hug him but something inside me stopped me.

He clearly loved her or still loves her. That is why he did not remove the painting. He wants to see her every day.

"Where is she burried? Is there a cemetery near by?"

"No, I do not want to talk about it anymore!"

Now the sadness in his eyes turned into anger. He stormed out of the living room without saying anything else leaving me there.

I rushed out after him but I could not find him. Ademar disappeared again. I did not hear the front door opening or closing so he must be still in the castle some where, but where? He has that room in the tower and something tells me that Ademar has other secret places where he spends his days away from the sunlight. Not all windows have curtains here and if I were a vampire I would hide away from the sunlight in a place without windows like the celllar or the basement or even the dungeon. Old castles always had dungeons in the movies. I decided to look for it the next morning.

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