Chapter 2
The princess stood to her feet and delicately walked from the balcony down to the dirt of the arena, her head held high the entire time. I shot a quick glance at Cassius only to find fear flooding his facial expressions completely. With a quick apologetic look, I turned back to the princess who now stood infront of me.
Her dark hair made her bright green eyes look like they could glow in the dark and I mentally scolded myself so thinking about such a stupid thing at a time like this. She took a step forward, closing the distance between us and held her hand out to the side. With one swift motion, a knife had conjured up from the bare palm of her hand and I couldn't believe what had just happened.
Wasting no more time on my gawking, she slung the knife towards me and I dodged it quickly by jumping to the side. Stick to one element Raven, stick to one element.
I called the element air to me, allowing it to replinish my entire body right before another dagger was thrown in my direction. The air around it clasped tight and held it still and I caught the smirk on the princess's face fall. Sending it spiraling back towards her, her body moved with precision and she dodged it with ease.
Focusing on her aura and the air surrounding her, I tried to reel it in towards me but found absolutely nothing. As if she was running of of something else other than air..
Before I could try anything else, dagger after dagger flew towards me and I couldn't block every single one of them. I started to panic while blocking the most that I could but everytime i'd block one, three more would come flying at me.
I focused on the air around her again, hoping to find something but again came up empty handed. My eyes quickly snapped towards the balcony only to find the youngest son was focusing everything on the princess. His eyes were glowing a bright silver and that's when it hit me.
She was taking his energy and running off of it, they thought of me as an airbender, of course the smart move to make was the one they were currently using. I stared at the young prince and focused on his surrounding air this time.
"Raven!" Cassius shouted and my head whipped around but a little too late. One of the knives had stabbed directly into my shoulder creating a slit for the blue substance in my body to pour out of.
"No..That's impossible." The princess stuttered, her eyes shot up towards the king and so did mine. I frantically tried to cover the blood that leaked from my shoulder but to no avail, they had seen it.
"A blueblood." The king finally spoke and the entire crowd gasped. My face hardened as they all realized what I was and I turned towards the princess who was still shocked at the sight. No matter the outcome, I'm going to die either way now. Might as well take as many down with me as possible.
My hand raise towards the princess and I felt water slip past my fingertips, the water pushed it's way towards her and violently went into her throat, through her mouth and nose leaving no way for her to breath. She instantly dropped to her knees with wide eyes and an open mouth to try and pull any oxygen into her lungs that she could.
Her eyes began to roll to the back of her head when I heard a scream from the balcony. My eyes turned towards it to find the king had jumped down and grabbed Cassius in a head lock.
"You kill her and he dies too." He spat. I instantly reeled the element back from her, ignoring Cassius as he mouthed 'don't do it.' A smile tugged against the king's lips while the princess gasped for air behind me.
"You two are coming with me." The king pulled Cassius upright and before I could protest, strong arms gripped onto me. Metal cuffs were slipped onto my wrists while a hand gripped onto my upper arm, pushing me forward towards the exit.
My head turned to see who it was only to find light purple eyes staring back at me, the eldest prince. His face was stoic and his eyes were blank as he dragged me from the arena, never loosening his grip one bit.
"This is the part where you kill me isn't it? Ah, but you probably won't even do it yourself am I right?" I scoffed when I seen his face harden at my words. "You'll probably get someone else to do it for you, too scared to get your hands dirty." A humorless laugh left me and I felt his hand grip onto my arm tighter.
"Raven it's okay, we will make it through this I promise!" I heard Cassius shout behind me, causing me to drop my gaze to the floor.
He was going to die too. All because of me, because I couldn't do the one thing he preached about since I could remember. 'Keep your head low and eyes lower.' He was going to die because of my selfishness and yet he was still trying to be the reassuring brother.
My eyes traveled up to the prince, finding his eyes looking ahead of us as he pulled me along. His jaw clenched together when he noticed I was looking up at him.
"Look," I started off by saying, "Kill me but let him go. He's not a blue blood and he doesn't pose a threat to the royals." This caught his attention.
His head turned towards me, giving me a close look at all of his features. His pink lips were curved up into a sneer and his dark hair contrasted with his remarkable eyes. So the gods really pick favorites huh?
"And you think you do?”