Chapter 6
Prince Rhyland's POV**
I stepped into the throne room with the two behind me, the maid had scurried off as soon as the double doors opened.
I couldn't blame her. The sinister man sitting on the throne infront of us would make anyone run and hide, well, anyone except maybe the fireball behind me.
"Ah, it's nice to finally get this opportunity to speak with you." My father's voice booms through the room and I catch the girl's brother tense amongst it.
"The last time you 'spoke to me', you threatened to kill my brother and took us from the our home." I glanced over at the little fireball and smirked. She had a way about her that I admired.
"I recall you trying to kill my daughter, the princess, as well correct? Why don't we just keep those silly little details in the past and focus on the future."
My eyes turned to my father's only to notice he was staring at me, with one subtle look, I understood what he wanted me to do. Play the caring and friendly prince. I could care less about being liked but I had to make sure my throne would be secure for now.
"I don't think we were properly introduced, I'm Prince Rhyland. You can simply call me by my name if you'd like." I send a charming smile towards the two and bow slightly, making myself cringe by doing so.
I'm a prince, I shouldn't bow to anyone besides my father and even that is a bare minimum.
"I'm Raven but you can just simply call me Raven." She mocked and rolled her eyes. Her tiny arms crossed over her chest before her brother elbowed her slightly, silently telling her to show more respect. She looked up at me and did the most sarcastic bow I think I've ever indured in my entire life. She waved her hand around and bowed deeply before popping back up with a huff.
Scratch that, I really like this girl's courage.
"I'm Cassius." The brother bowed respectfully before doing the same to my father. My father smirked down at him, the sight of someone that could possibly be a Blue Blood bowing to him sent his ego soaring.
"Now, you two must be wondering why I've kept you here and why I want you to stay."
"Yes, actually. That's been a question out of many for us." Cassius spoke, his speech better than any regular commoner I've come across in the village. Now that I think about it, both he and Rave have impecible communication skills.
"We ask that the two of you stay with us not only to provide you with safety, but also to ask for your help and guidance." My father's voice sounded so genuine, but anyone who knew him like I did knew it was all for show.
"What help? What makes you think we can't handle ourselves outside of these walls?" Raven spoke up and I saw the hatred she held for my father in her eyes alone.
"I do not doubt that you could handle yourself out there, but I don't think you'd want the blood of the very people you've grown up around on your hands. Some things are better off avoided."
She looked as if she were contemplating his reply. Her eyes flickered to Cassius who gave her nod and I furrowed my eyebrows in return. Something seemed a bit off with them, they should be kicking and screaming to get away from this place.
But then again, they were being fed and clothed, sheltered and protected all at once. I wouldn't fight that either I suppose.
"You still avoided my question, what kind of help?"
This time, I spoke up.
"We want to learn your techniques. You hold the power to hold two elements and that alone is astonishing."
One of her eyebrows rose at my responce before a sly smile spread on her pink lips.
"You think I can teach all of you something I was born with?" She scoffed and turned to Cassius, shaking her head.
"No, not all of us. Just me." I watched her face as her eyes widened. She looked me in the eyes for the very first time since we had entered the room and I couldn't stop the small hint of anxiousness that filled me.
After of few moments of silence, I had a gut feeling she was going to turn it down but to my surprise she noded.
"Alright, but under one condition."
My eyes shot towards my father and I could see his 'nice guy' face wearing very thin. His hand rubbed his gray beard while he calmed him inner demons .
"What type of conditions might I ask?"
"The witches in the village get to practice magic freely."
A hearty laugh left my father's throat and for a split second I caught a glimpse of what looked like sparks of fire on Raven's finger tips. My head snapped towards her hand once again only to find nothing but her bony fingers.
Fire? We were only aware of Air and Water. If she held more than two elements, that would make her even more dangerous than we thought.
The thought of telling father eluded my mind but was quickly pushed away, if he knew she possessed three elements she'd never be allowed to see daylight again. She just be used as a puppet against her own people.
"Let's start small, shall we? How about I allow them to only use healing spells and if I see improvement with Rhyland we can discuss other arrangments."
My eyes widened andI looked over at my father.
"Now if the two of you would like, you may return to your rooms and prepare for dinner. The maids will escort you."
Raven and Cassius both nodded before turning around and leaving the room. My eyes fell upon my father once again for the night.
"You're going to allow healing spells?" A loud scoff came from him and a deep chuckle left his throat.
"Of course not, the laws stay the same. If your sister Amelia feels any magic outside of these walls the commoner will be executed immediately. Make sure all ties to her and the outside of this castle are cut off and keep her head filled with nonsense about how she's helping her horrid people."
I nodded and turned to walk away but he stopped me.
"Oh and son, we will have visitors arriving soon to see our little guests. "
"Father, the two aren't a petting zoo for people around the world to come take a look." I grounded out and the smile evaporated from his face.
"Those two are whatever I say they are, understood? Do not forget your place."
I clamped my teeth onto my tongue to keep quiet as he leaned back onto his throne and took in a deep breath of air.
"We will come out of this victorious my son, even if it's the last thing I do."