4. Facial Flaws

The party was in full swing by the time they got there, the whole atmosphere burned with the smell of wolfsbane and they could tell that half of the people there were probably drunk or completely wasted- passed out probably.

The trio stood in front of the large house and glared at it, maybe if they looked at it long enough, it would decide that it didn’t want them inside it but that was impossible, it was a house for crying out loud, it couldn’t make its own decisions.

“Well, I’m going in”, Desiree announced and took a step towards the building, the boys followed behind her closely, if they didn’t reek of power, you could mistake them for her bodyguards. Desiree pushed the door open, not having the patience or politeness to knock- she was the luna princess after all, she saw no reason to ask for permission from people.

As the three of them stepped into the house, the hundreds of young adults paused and the music stopped playing, everybody calculated their next move carefully as they thought- what the hell were they doing here? They were never ones to go for unsupervised parties so why in the hell were they here? At a college party that was full of hard alcohol and mischief.

After a minute or more of absolute silence, a guy strolled over to them, he bowed his head slightly before talking to them, “Your highnesses, I wasn’t expecting you guys here”,

“Well, we came here to party and socialize”, Desiree placed her hand on the guy’s broad chest in the most sensual way possible, making Alec growl under his breath. He loved her a lot but hated the fact that she had the tendency of flirting with random guys, it really pissed him off that she could not see just how much it hurt him when she did it. If she knew, would it even change anything? She was who she was.

“Then party and socialize you will”, he gave the luna princess a smirk as dirty thoughts ran through his mind, he wondered whether he could actually get her into his bed by the end of the night or how it would be like to bed someone from the royal court,

“Back off dude”, DJ pushed the guy away from his younger sister, “I don’t like the way you are thinking”, he stared at the guy with the sole purpose of intimidating him, he had felt all the lustful waves that had been directed to Desiree by the guy and he did not like it one bit.

The guy rubbed his neck sheepishly and took a step back, “I am sorry”, he felt embarrassed, “Anyways, feel free, it is an honor having you in my home”, he was about to leave before Alec said,

“Oh, you mean your parent’s home?”, he tilted his head to the side, also trying to intimidate the guy, “You’re Nathan, only son of Alpha and Luna Shay”.

DJ smirked at his beta, “Well, someone’s been doing their homework”, he folded his arms across his chest, making all the girls swoon over his magnificent body. He was wearing a plain white shirt that he had rolled up to his elbows, the rest of his hands bulging out of the tight fitted shirt.

“What is it to you?”, the guys eyebrows furrowed in worry,

“Nothing really”, Alec stepped forward, his taller frame towering over the guy that could be considered tall himself, “I just wonder if your parents know you’re throwing a party in their house”, he knew that what he was doing was very unnecessary, but he had crossed the line the moment he started picturing the luna princess naked. “Or”, he pulled out his phone, “I wonder if I should just ask them myself?”, the guy gulped visibly,

“There’s no need for that”, his jaw clenched together tightly- painfully, “Have a nice night”, with one last bow, he joined the crowd and the party continued.

Desiree tapped Alec, “That was uncool”, she frowned at him angrily,

“Well, he was thinking impure things about you”, Alec shrugged, this was not the way he had thought this would turn out, he was expecting her to praise him for what he did, he stood up for her! He was expecting her to be impressed, he had acted just like her, so why wasn’t she?

“It was none of your business Alec. I love you as a brother but sometimes you go overboard”, with that, she walked away from them, leaving one hurt as hell and the other sorry for his friend who had just gotten his heart broken by his sister. She saw him as a brother and nothing more.

“Dude, calm the fuck down”, DJ slapped the tenth cup of wolfsbane out of his best friend’s hand,

“She called me her fucking brother DJ”, he slurred in his drunken state, “Her fucking brother”, he grabbed the whole bottle from the kitchen counter and gulped the whole thing down,

“With the way you’re throwing this shit down, you might probably die before midnight”, he took the bottle from his hand and threw it in the trash, “If you do, I have no explanation for your parents”,

“Here’s an explanation; the girl I’ve loved for seventeen years just brother zoned me”, he chuckled at his own sense of humor, “Goddess, I’m drunk”, Alec said after standing up and nearly falling to the floor.

“You’re just realizing that?”, DJ cocked up an eyebrow and helped his friend stand properly, “I wonder where Desiree is, we should really get going. This party sucks”,

“Which part, the fact that I just got brother zoned or the fact that our parents just walked in with castle guards?”, Alec laughed loudly, his laughter bouncing off the walls of the room that had become silent again,

DJ’s eyes widened in dread, “Holy shit”.

“Dwayne Edwards Junior”, Daphne marched over to them with anger evident on her beautiful face, “How could you? You and your sister made me worried”, her eyes glistened with unshed tears and Sarah came up to comfort her and confront her son that had become prodigal all of a sudden,

“Young man, are you drunk?”, she grabbed him by the cheek and nearly gagged when the strong smell of wolfsbane hit her sensitive nostrils,

“Just a little”, he smiled at her goofily, the alcohol had taken toll of his senses, he was making a fool of himself in front of everyone.

“My word, what the hell is wrong with you?!”, she screamed at him,

“Not so loud mum”, he rubbed his temples gently.

“Where is your sister?”, Daphne asked her son who looked embarrassed, why couldn’t they just drag them out of the party to do this? Must this be done here? Right in front of all these people?

“I don’t know where she is. She left us when she got here”,

“You lost my daughter?!”, the alpha king’s voiced boomed through the room making all the wolves cower down, he had not spoken till now and he had a lot of things to say to his son, “ What do you mean by ‘You don’t know where she is’?”, he moved closer to his son, the already parted crowd pushing closer to the wall,

DJ bowed his head, this was all his fault, he should have never gone against his father’s orders, “I am sorry dad”, he apologized,

“Sorry doesn’t cut it son. You know what? Both of you, skin, now”, he ordered then turned to the guards, “Find my daughter and bring her to me. A single scratch and you all die”.

“Didn’t you hear him? Both of you, remove your shirts”, Fredrick yelled at the two young men,

“Fredrick!”, Sarah’s eyes now glistened with tears, where they seriously going to tell them to fight with each other?

“You cannot do this! I won’t allow it”, Daphne yelled at her mate, she would not allow her son fight with his friend,

DJ placed his hand on his mother’s shoulder, “It’s okay mum”. In one swift motion, he tore his shirt apart, the buttons scattering everywhere, “We are best friends, it would be like training”, he assured,

“I am disappointed in you”, she said before going back to the door, unable to watch what was about to happen, Sarah joined her and gave her a hug even though she had met her son in a much worse condition.

“Fight to the death”, he announced and everybody gasped, including his second in command that had been in support with the whole thing at first, the door slammed shut- Daphne and Sarah had left the building. Alec gulped loudly, the alcohol had somewhat left his system and he knew that this fight was anything but fair, if he was fighting DJ, he would be dead within seconds- he was no match for the alpha prince.

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