5. You Came?
Desiree’s POV.
I was outside talking to a guy I had just met when I noticed a couple SUVs stop right in front of the house, even in my tipsy state, I could never mistake those cars for others, especially the royal seal that was boldly etched unto the bonnet of the vehicles. I handed the guy my drink, “Hold this”, there was no way I was letting my dad see me in this position. I am no pricy princess- figuratively but I am still a daddy’s girl and I would love to keep it that way.
Yes, I could be a manipulative piece of shit but that is why he loves me so much, he finds that part of me innocent which even to me is very odd.
“Where are you going to?”, the guy had been all over me since I stepped into the building, I know he wanted to have sex with me but I was not ready for that- I might’ve been a high class flirt but even I had morals. My mother was a virgin when she got chosen by my father and I would also love to have mine the same way.
“You really should not worry about where I am going to, rather, worry about the alpha king being in your house”, with that, I ran into the thickness of the forest, not waiting for any kind of reply- the guy was already starting to bore me anyways and he most definitely wasn’t my type. Honestly, I had never seen a guy that was actually my type before- to me, all werewolf guys were the same; broody, moody and sex craving. None of them stood out to me, all of them were afraid of me. They had heard mere stories about me, the luna princess- rich, spoilt, manipulative and easily angered. They were all right though, all the rumors were absolutely and one hundred percent correct and I am not ashamed of who I am. I am the daughter of my father, the most powerful and merciless lycan on earth, what did they expect?
I was lost in my thoughts until I heard the snap of a twig, my attention was now fully on my surroundings, my body became tense and my ears perked up. My nostrils flared, trying to catch the smell of the creature in the woods, it was not a werewolf, in fact, it was not even an animal.
“Show yourself”, I commanded, nothing. The unfamiliar smell was still prominent so I knew for a fact that the creature was still there, staying extremely silent, oblivious to the fact that I could hear breathing, I could hear its heart beating rapidly against its ribcage; it was scared.
Slowly and silently, I creeped up to were the thing was and pulled it out of the bushes, “Jesus Christ”, it yelled as I dropped it to the floor, it was oddly heavy, even for me. I looked down and my eyes narrowed to slits, it was a man dressed in sheer clothing,
“What are you doing creeping up on me?”, I yelled at him, wondering why I could not place his scent and why even after seeing him face to face, I still could not decipher what creature he was, he definitely wasn’t a werewolf- that I knew for sure and neither did he smell like a witch or vampire. He did not even have the usual build of the either, he was built up in the right places but he was quite scrawny compared to the other creatures.
“I was not creeping up on you”, he groaned as he stood up from the ground, after standing to his full height, which of course towered over my short frame, I finally got to look at his face. I could not help the gasp that escaped my lips; he looked different but I just could not tell how. His beautiful grey eyes were like the mirror of the moon on a cloudy night, it left me speechless- I was never speechless.
His dreamy eyes flashed with something, something I was very familiar with- realization, and before I knew it, he took off as fast as he could into the darkness, “Wait, come back”, I yelled after him as I followed closely behind. He was quite slow for a guy, that was a fact. I skid to a halt in front of him and pushed him back, careful to not make him fall as he seemed extremely fragile.
“Damn it”, he yelled, pushing his hand through his ash colored hair,
“Why did you run?”, that was my first question for him out of a million,
“You seem dangerous”, I could tell it was a half lie but I did not push,
“What are you?”,
“Different from you”, he shrugged and I gave him an eyeroll,
“Since you are different, what are you doing on werewolf lands?”, yes, I was being nosey but the last question I asked was actually very important, I was the luna princess and it was my duty to know who stepped foot unto my land unannounced.
He was about to answer when I voiced erupted through the dark forest, “Desiree!”, it was about time, I wondered what took them so long.
His eyes widened once he realized other werewolves were coming, “I have to go”, he sounded agitated and scared, like he was keeping a secret, so, out of curiosity, I held his hand to stop him from making his mad dash, “Let me go, please”,
Shockingly, I actually wanted to see and know this mysterious creature better, “First, you have to promise me- no, swear to me that you would meet me at the west territory of the land in the next two days”,
“I am not sure I can do that”, he said, I could hear the footsteps of my father’s guards getting closer and I was very sure he could too as he tried to struggle his way out of my death grip,
“Swear to me”, I whispered placing a look of determination on my face,
“I swear”, he said quickly and I released his hand,
“You have to fulfill it”, the footsteps got closer, “What is your name?”, he was about to leave when I stopped him with my question,
“Harrison”, he smiled before taking off once and for all, I doubted highly that he would show up for our meeting but I knew for one that I would be there, waiting for him. There was a slim chance that he was the different I was looking for, extraordinary and out of this world, what was he even?
Was he a god send down in skin and flesh? That would make absolute sense as to why I- one of the wolves with the best smelling could not figure out what he was. He had to be a god; he was too different to be anything else.
“Princess!”, I heard another yell and rolled my eyes, these could never quit, could they? I was a hundred and one percent sure that my father had instructed them to bring me back in one piece,
“Over here”, I called out, putting them out of their misery, I could literally sense the fear radiating off them from a mile away, it was very funny really, how these full grown men got scared at every simple thing my father said. He could ask them how their day was and they would still see it as a threat.
“Your majesty”, they gave me their usual robotic bow but I just waved them off, “What are you doing so deep in the forest? Your parents are worried about you”, the chief guard spoke,
“I took a stroll, which one was worried, my mother or my father?”, it was pretty much obvious that my mother was not my biggest fan, she preferred my brother by a long stretch, after all, he was the perfect son and I was the prodigal daughter. Even though she openly showed her affections towards my brother, there was not a doubt that she did not love me as well, it showed in the little things she did.
My mother, Daphne Penelope Edwards, also known as the first ever delta to become the Luna Queen was an extremely kind hearted and caring woman, but she was extremely stubborn and no-nonsense. She had her own special way of putting all of us in our places whenever we stepped out of line- even my father.
“Both”, he answered begrudgingly, I could tell that he was relieved that he found me sooner rather than later. They led me back to the house and my jaw almost dropped to the ground at what I saw,
“What the fuck is going on here?”, I screamed, why was my brother fighting his own best friend in the middle of the living room? Did they have an argument? Why was my father and his beta watching them? Why weren’t they stopping this? I quickly jumped into action and got into the middle of the two male wolves- it was extremely suicidal but even I could not watch the inseparable friends fight.
“Move away Desiree”, my father growled at me but I was not going to budge, “They are fighting till the death”, for the first time ever, my father looked vulnerable. He looked extremely unhinged and I could not tell why, but I knew him well, he was very impulsive and he did not want any of this to happen, he was just looking for a solid punishment for them.
I really wanted to talk, but I was not ready to disrespect my father or defy him in front of a bunch of stupid pups. I figured out the best thing to do was just drag him away, “Dad, can we talk?”, I put on my face that I knew he could not resist so I was not at all shocked when he nodded his head and followed me outside,
“What is Desiree?”, he sighed, I felt like yelling at him or just doing something that would remind him of the heftiness of his actions,
“Let the boys go, I planned the whole thing, its all my fault”, I had to take the fall, if not, my father would have gone through with his deranged plan and, he was sure to regret it later on.
“Why would you do that?”, I found it funny that my father had never caught me in a lie before- maybe it was because I had a first class degree in lying, it was no longer a trait, it was now a hobby,
“Because I wanted to go to the party and I don’t have my license yet”, I shrugged and kept my face as straight as a pin, any emotion and he would be able to point out my lie,
“But they should not have agreed”, he stated.
“It is my fault”, I said again, “You should go into the car to cool off, I am guessing mum is not happy with you”, his face filled with dread when I mention his mate, there was no way on earth that she would be abled to forgive him easily for even thinking of putting her son in danger. He nodded and walked towards the car, I went into the house and dragged the two shirtless boys by the hand, “I just saved your asses”, I told them, “We are leaving, enjoy your party”, I called out to the crowd and walked out of the door with the two idiots in tow.
“I am very sure we will never hear about another party- ever”, I heard Alec whisper and I rolled my eyes,
“Dude, that’s what you care about?”, my brother asked incredulously,
Alec let out a loud burp and we both scrunch our faces up, “Don’t look at me, I’m still all woozy from the wolfsbane”, he said as he tried to suppress his hiccups. Great, I am surrounded by idiots.