6. All Black

Desiree’s POV.

It had been hours since we had gotten home, mum had sent us up immediately we stepped foot into the castle. She was clearly angry, most of that anger was directed solely at my dad, she had not spoken a word to him and even went as far as ignoring him throughout the car ride; not that I was surprised, what he did was extremely reckless, a fight to the death? What the fuck was he thinking?

It was nearly dawn and yet, I still twisted and turned, desperate for sleep to manifest but it just wasn’t coming. Images of the stranger I met in the forest flashed through my mind anytime I closed my eyes, he was a unique stranger- Harrison, was it? Those silvery orbs were etched permanently into my mind, unwavering and unforgetting.

He was indeed a beautiful creature to behold, so beautiful and so indescribable. This whole situation baffled me, really, I had never so much as look at a guy twice but this god-like guy came out of nowhere and had me looking multiple times over, like he had casted a very powerful and committed spell on me.

Was it so bad that I wanted him? No, I needed him to be here with me. Five minutes of talking to him and I could tell that he was the one for me- I would not have it any other way, I was going to have him. With that thought in mind, I finally found the will to sleep, dreaming of silver eyes which belonged to a certain guy.

Narrator’s POV.

It was almost noon when Desiree woke up the next day, as she sat up on her queen sized bed, her stomach let out a loud growl, “Good morning, my lady”, a familiar voice standing over her said, “Good afternoon, I mean”,

“Afternoon?”, Desiree asked in surprise and jumped off the bed, she flew across the large room and turned her head towards the woman who still stood at the foot of her bed, “Why the fuck did you not wake me?”,

The woman grimaced at the harsh language the luna princess had used, after all these years, she still was not used to the constant swearing that came out of her mistress’s mouth, “You told me to stop waking you when you are asleep”,

“So, you watched me sleep from morning to afternoon, that’s a bit creepy”, Desiree folded her arms across her chest

“I am sorry princess, it would never happen again”, the woman bowed. Desiree let out a loud sigh, she knew she had always been hard on her personal maid and complained over everything but deep down, she really liked her, even though she never dared to show it. Also, she was not planning on making friends with her made just like her mother had done in the past, she did not do friendships- it was an unwritten rule of hers.

“It is okay Aria”, she was tempted to smile but she kept on a poker face, “I will take a bath now, please have my clothes set for the day”, she ordered before walking into the toilet, the darkness of it giving her some type of sick comfort, she turned on the lights and walked to the mirror.

As beautiful as she was, she was never impressed by the sight of her own self, she felt that the purple in her eyes were too vibrant, the dimples on her cheeks were not deep enough, her nose was not slim enough, her eyebrows were cousins not twins and her lips were not as plump as she wanted and wished for them to be.

After showing her facial flaws to herself, she would move to her full lengthened mirror and strip right in front of it so she could make brand new discoveries about herself, why were her hips not as wide as the girls’ she saw the other day? Her breasts should not be this full and round when she would have loved them to be perky, why did she grow pubic hair so fast? Did the girls in the magazines also grow fat in some places?

To every other person, her thinking would be extremely absurd, after all, she was the girl in every unmated wolf’s wet dream. She was the most eligible unchosen female the world had to offer; being the only daughter that the royal family had produced in nearly five centuries. But here she was- the most beautiful shewolf, basking in her own flaws and sorrows.

She threw her clothes into the laundry bin and slid the glass to her large shower open; she turned the water on and did not bother waiting for it to get warm. She enjoyed the cold, it reminded her of how she should be; cold and razor sharp just like when the water hits you for the first time.

Although, her theory did not seem valid to one particular person that she had met the night before, she just could not find it in her to be extremely cold to him like she usually was to everyone else, there was just something about him that made her want to be warm- feel warm. Something about him screamed, ‘HOME!’ to her but she really willing to heed to the loud, obnoxious voice telling her what to do?

Suddenly, a knock on the bathroom door drifted her away from her thoughts, she let out a loud groan and barked, “What is it?”,

“Hurry up in there Desiree”, the familiar voice of her mother called, she did not sound half as angry as she was the other night so that was definitely a good sign. She hated when her mother was angry, it was very annoying because she was like a ticking timebomb, one tiny provocation and she blows up- literally.

“I am coming”, Desiree turns the shower off and steps out of the bathroom in a black towel, “Yes mum?”, she arched an eyebrow up as she waited for her mother to speak, but she was caught off guard when Daphne wrapped her arms around her and pulled her into a hug. This was not the first time that such an action would happen but what made her surprised was that she had not done anything to deserve it, wasn’t her mother supposed to be angry or something?

“Thank you”, Daphne had whispered into her daughter’s ears as tears rolled down her cheeks,

“I don’t understand”, Desiree, completely unaware of what was happening hugged her mother back in confusion,

“DJ told me that you covered up for him and Alec, that was very reckless but brave of you”, Desiree’s cheeks fired up at the compliment she had just received from her mother, she was not used to it at all.

“It was nothing”, she shrugged and tried to divert her eyes away from her mother’s piercing purple eyes. Daphne quickly placed her hand on Desiree’s cheek and smiled,

“No, it was everything. I am really proud of you Desiree, although very disappointed that you all snuck out to go for a party”, she said to her, “I am your mother, okay? I want you to be able to tell me things, after all, we are the two females in this family, we have to stick together”, Desiree was shocked to hear her mother say this, she could not remember the last time she and her mother had an actual conversation with each other. “Also, I want you to know that I would support you in whatever decisions you make”, she added,

“Really?”, Desiree looked hopeful as Daphne nodded her head, “Fine, I want my own Platinum card”,

“Except that one, I still do not trust you with money”, Daphne smiled, “You should go to the dinning room, your maid has been waiting on you to eat brunch”, with that, Daphne turned and left the room, her elegant white dress flowing along with her.

Desiree, still in her towel, slumped unto the bed with a thick sigh as she wondered what on earth had just happened, was all that just a daydream? No, she could still smell her mother’s rose and honey scent on her, it most definitely wasn’t a dream, but if it was, it was worth dreaming of.

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