Chapter 5 - The First Dinner

“Mr. Vitalis!”

Amanda’s eyes rounded. A surge of something that could be called a mix of alarm and excitement filled her whole body. Goosebumps erupted in her forearms and unconsciously, she pressed her personal bag closer against her abdomen in an attempt to halt the twisting of her stomach.

She didn’t expect someone to be inside the limousine with her, more so she didn’t expect him to be the one sitting.

Cord, though still in a blindfold, looked at her way like it was a casual thing for a blind man. With his left hand, he squeezed the handle of his cane when her scent filled the enclosed space. It tortured him immediately but he had already expected this when he decided to fetch her himself.

It was a torture he was willing to receive forever, or at least while his charade lasts.

“Good evening Amanda, ” he stated, managing his voice to come out smooth and relaxed.

Amanda’s eyelids fluttered fast. “Why are you—”

“I’m the one tasked to keep you safe, ” he butted in.

“You must be joking, ” she shook her head. “I don’t think you are employed like this by the police department.” She felt the car move, a sign that they were onward to their destination.

Cord released a throaty groan. “No, they didn’t employ me. I volunteered myself.”

Amanda’s brows lifted. This man right here volunteered himself? This blind man? This damn handsome blind man?

“Why so?” she asked, almost sputtering it with a sarcastic tone.

Cord didn’t shift in his seat. He remained as still as possible, unaffected with her undue interrogation. “My reasons are my own Amanda. You don’t need to know them.”

She attempted to contain herself from scoffing but failed. “Huh, quite helpful of you.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.” Cord’s mouth moved upward ever so slightly.

Amanda didn’t miss it. She furrowed her brows more and shouted in her mind, ‘what the hell?’ She really wanted to know why, but it was safe not to press on especially when the man was so uptight in giving her information.

Instead of focusing on that, Amanda decided to mull on other things.

“So, ” she cleared her throat, “I presume we are going to the Vitalis Castle?”


“And I’ll stay there because it will keep me safe from a threat that’s possibly after me?” She stared at him, making a mental note of his little expressions which consisted of - drum roll please - nil.

“Correct, ” Cord answered the same.

“And you are wearing that trench coat because you dig it?” Amanda’s eyes roamed from his head down. The man was as expected impeccably dressed for a Master, but he seriously had some fashion stagnation issues. Why prefer trench coats when there were other men’s clothing to wear? Like a suit perhaps. Or even a modern button-up shirt. But hey, she can’t deny it, he still looked extremely good in trench coats.

“Correct, ” was still his scarce answer.

She would have left it at that but then he added with a tilt of his head, “You amuse yourself of my fashion sense?”

She grinned, widely, taking note that he couldn’t see. “Honestly? I believe I do.”

Why the hell that she just said that? Why the hell she just let her guard down? The man was a stranger. She was supposed to not feel comfortable around him, but she did, momentarily.

“Then laugh all you want, ” Cord remarked, no tone of anger or rudeness at all. “I want to hear the sound of your happiness Amanda.”

And with those words, Amanda turned stiff and speechless. She blinked many times and diverted her attention on the landscape that the limousine passed. There was no way in hell she would comment on such a dangerous statement. Many in her exposures with men had she seen this kind of subtle flirting — if it was even called one for this man — and like any other, she had successfully eluded it by turning silent.

She leaned on the couch, rested her head, and closed her eyes hoping that he wouldn’t speak but blast it, he did, to her dismay.

“You became mute, ” Cord stated noticing the stillness of the air around them.

“I’m tired, ” Amanda answered. “It is a long day for me. If you may, can I take a catnap?”

He didn’t nod, but turn his head to the window he did and answered, “You do as you wish. I am not preventing you.”

Oh thank God! her brain screamed.

“Thank you, Mr. Vitalis.”

“Cord. You can call me Cord.”

Subtle flirting hint number two.

Amanda checked it in her mind. She couldn’t really say if he was doing the ‘moves’ like men usually does, but it was safe to assume he was. In that way, she’ll guard herself better. Better than she did with Matteo. Or all men who attempted to trespass in her life.

She refused to use his first name though. No way.

But like she would tell him that vocally.

It was already dark when they arrived in the castle. It looked the same as it did when Amanda first visited, but this time, it didn’t have the colorful search lights and the booming techno music.

The castle grounds sounded as dead as a graveyard, but this was a good welcome for her. She always loved music, but preferred the silence of the night more.

“In here, you will be safe. No soul will harm you, ” Cord informed as the limousine neared the huge front portico.

Amanda couldn’t help herself but mentally laugh.

What a play on words indeed. No soul will harm her he said, but what if ghosts lived in the castle, what of them then?

Surely, there could be one or two, or more...just judging from the castle age itself. Heck, the grand abode looked like it had seen the dawn of the dinosaurs if she were to exaggerate it, but really, the castle looked like a thousand years old, so it was possible ghostly entities resided here.

Not like she was afraid of them though. Growing up without her biological parents, she had toughened herself. That’s exactly why she decided to learn men’s work. But still, ghosts especially when turning up unnoticed would give her a scare and then some if it exists to exact vengeance on a poor innocent soul like her.

“Still I don’t see the reason why you enlist yourself in my witness protection program case, ” Amanda stated looking at him and crossing her arms to her chest. No, she won’t let it go easily if that’s what he thought earlier. “You did say that it is none of my concern, but for a man like you, who most likely owns this country, it makes me wonder why?”

Cord’s expression still remained neutral.


He had a lot.

A main one and a few others that he painstakingly convinced himself as trivial.

But she’ll never know any of those. Not in a million years.

“I’ll tell you when I see the need, ” he lied. There was no need at all. “Right now, you just have to live patiently in the castle.” For the first time ever, he cracked a mischievous grin and added, “I’m sure you won’t get bored. You can browse the rooms to your heart’s content except for the ones I forbid you to. If you break this, I’ll make sure to exact a punishment, but more on that when we eat dinner later.”

Goosebumps erupted on Amanda’s skin for the second time. He just sent her a sexy-ass grin while threatening her. And good heavens, she just learned she’ll be dining with him later! Can’t she just have her own peaceful dinner alone? Without him? Without this Vitalis Master who just made her well-constructed immunity to men crack in little fissures?

“Huh, very straightforward of you Mr. Vitalis, ” she painstakingly filtered the trembling of her voice. She glanced outside of the car which by now had the very efficient Jerome reaching for the car door.

“I am. Very, ” Cord replied, taking note of the faint whoosh of air from the door opening. “See you later, ” he added which made Amanda release an inaudible scoff just as she disembarked the vehicle.

See you indeed, she voiced in her head which was pretty much a ridiculous statement at its best. The man was blind for crying out loud.

“Good evening, Madame O’Malley. Welcome back to the Vitalis Castle, ” the Head Majordomo greeted.

Amanda acknowledged him with a nod and answered, “Same to you Jerome.” She pressed her personal bag in between her arm and waist, expecting he would offer to carry it.

“Let me carry the bag for you, ” and he did, reaching palm open to her.

Amanda instantly shook her head. “No worries Jerome. Please give me a chance to carry it on my own.”

“As you wish Madame, ” he bowed his head. “It is good to see you again by the way.”

“Thank you, ” was all she could say. She stepped forward allowing the Vitalis Master to disembark next.

When he did after a short moment, he gestured for his butler to come closer. He whispered something in the servant’s ear thereafter.

“Yes, Sire. I will, ” was what Amanda heard before the butler turned to her direction and added, “Follow me to your room Madame. You only have little time to prepare for dinner.”

Amanda slightly frowned at Cord when she heard this. The damn Master wasn’t joking at all when he said they would dine together.

“Then lead the way, Jerome, ” she stated, her feet climbing up the first stair as she wrenched her gaze from him.

To Cord, he just listened to every sound of her heels hitting the marbled stairs. Though her scent lingered, at least it wasn’t as strong as earlier. Finally, this time, he was able to relax. Well, at least for just a moment.

“Any leads on who that bastard biter is?”


That’s usually what Cord calls anyone of his kind, preferring it than what humans popularly dubbed as ‘vampire’.

Like Calvin advised, he planned to avoid the woman for good, but unfortunately, the murder that she had witnessed involved a biter.

This biter had been his problem since three years ago, acting rogue, draining the victim’s blood without remorse, and then shooting the neck leaving no traces or clues. Clues for the police officers that is but for Cord, he knew exactly it involved one of his relatives. His fucked up relatives.

It was certain that this freak would be after her any day from now, so he decided to act in haste. It was better to confine her in his residence, endure her enticing presence than to find her dead.

He didn’t want for that fuck biter to leisurely drink her promising blood. He was that protective of her, of his meal rather as Amanda was basically his cursed body’s only nourishment. Solid foods didn’t content him amidst being able to down some inside his stomach.

And besides that, it would also be a waste if he couldn’t wring her out of what she exactly saw during the time of the murder. He didn’t have an enough evidence to pin the culprit down, but with Amanda as a witness, he hoped he’d get one soon. What she saw may will become his only magic piece of solving the three-year long puzzle.

While sitting in the head chair, he sipped on an aged wine in a flute, colored like the blood of Amanda’s and waited for his right-hand to answer. Since he had already finished the two blood bags, the aged wine became an inadequate replacement - something that he had learned to accept for years.

The one questioned - Calvin - shook his head once. “Nothing, but worry not cousin. I am doing my hardest to get to the bottom of this murder.”

“Then why are you here?” Cord, setting his jaw firm, asked. He didn’t actually need to know where his cousin stood. Prior experiences told him he was leaning against the door frame just a few feet away from his back — the opening where Cord expected Amanda would soon emerge.

Unlike any of Cord’s relatives, Calvin was the only one who had the audacity to interrupt what was supposed to be a peaceful dinner. He had done this many times, but this time he had a better reason.

“Nothing, I just want to check out who this lady is that you seem fascinated with, ” he answered, to which awarded a quirk in the corner of Cord’s mouth.

“Leave. Now.”

“Oh?” Calvin raised a brow and straightened from leaning, “Aren’t you gonna introduce us? From what I could gather she’d be staying with us for quite some time.”

“She is none of your concern Calvin. Just finish what I asked you to finish.”

“She’s that woman right? The one whose blood—”

“Yes, ” Cord interrupted. He scrunched up his nose, not liking the way his cousin blabbered.

Calvin smirked. “What’s this? Is destiny messing with you?” he said, pertaining to the gradual interweaving of events.

The wine flute that Cord held cracked from the handle up to the rim. “I’m going to rip the head of that biter for putting me in this position.” It was just a tiny displacement of his anger — an anger he wanted released so much but chose not to.

“Oh, say no more.” Calvin immediately held his hands up. “I’m going to find the culprit for you. Relax and enjoy your dinner date.”

Cord hauled a deep breath upon hearing the ridiculous word.

“Go. I can hear her heartbeat approaching.”

With a nod, Calvin did, walking out of the corridor and then past the grand stairs just as Amanda descended it narrowly missing him.

She was accompanied by a young maid servant of ebony black hair and pale skin especially ordered by the Head Majordomo to attend to her needs.

“This is the dinner room Milady, ” the servant informed, bowing her head low as she stopped right in the threshold.

“Thank you Dayana, ” Amanda placed a hand on her shoulder. “Go, you are excused. I don’t really need a personal maid.”

The servant vehemently shook her head. “No Milady. Sir Jerome said I should always stay by your side. I can’t break that rule.”

Amanda sighed. She certainly understood that. “Well then, if that’s the case, go and relax while I dine. I can sense that you do not like to step in a room with your Master in it.”

The girl’s eyes lit up. “Oh? Is-is my trembling shoulders that— oh, I’m sorry Milady, ” she paused and lowered her head in embarrassment. “If-if that’s your wish, I will.” She curtsied and then walked out of the corridor without looking back.

It had been just a few minutes past since Amanda met the maid servant, but she already knew the girl was either afraid or intimidated by the Master of the House. Her trembling shoulders and unsteady, hesitant gait was clear to see when they managed the second floor hallways. Though Amanda wondered about the reason behind it, she still understood the girl’s feelings since Cord really was a man who had a perpetual gloomy look.

She’d wondered how he would look like if he smiled a genuine smile, not the sly or mischievous smirk he had been throwing at her lately on their abrupt meetings.

“Come in Amanda.”

She jerked with a start when she heard his voice inside the room. Sticking her head in the door frame, she saw him already sitting in the center chair, his back to her, and various courses were laid in the rectangular table together with lighted candelabras, utensils and plates in his and a vacant chair in his right.

“You already know that I arrived?” Amanda stated once she stepped inside, her heart punching out of her rib cage.

“You backbiting me could be heard all the way here, ” Cord answered, sharply listening to her nearing footfalls. “You should choose your words carefully Amanda. I should warn you, the walls here aren’t friendly.”

A stray thought crossed her mind, a memory with Noman and her the morning after the Vitalis anniversary party and how she expressed her litany of reasons why she hated the man. Surely, no one heard her confession right?

Shaking that thought away and hoping that it still remained a secret, Amanda shrugged and bluntly replied, “I’m just stating the obvious Mr. Vitalis. The girl is clearly uncomfortable with your presence.”

“I make everyone uncomfortable. It is a known fact to all those who reside the castle, ” he quickly answered, “including you.”

Amanda’s skin hairs rose. From looking at the vacant chair, she shot him a guilty, surprised look.

Shit. She’s caught.

She silently cleared her throat and thanked the Gods that he couldn’t see the trouble in her eyes. “I don’t reside here. I’m just a guest, ” she pointed out whilst pulling the cushioned chair out and sitting, trying to keep her shoulders squared.

Cord softly grumbled. From there, he produced a faint smirk and rebutted, “Point taken, but still... I know I make you uncomfortable.”

Amanda blinked a couple of times. She did not expect he would be this insistent!

“You can’t even see me, how are you that sure?” Consciously, she made her voice a little bit sterner to hide the trembling in it.

It was an epic fail though because she saw the corner of Cord’s lip tug upward to give a soundless answer.

She slowly gulped, unnerved by it.

“Please. Eat Amanda. Before the food runs cold.” He flipped a hand midair. “And once again, to remind you, call me by my first name. I’m not old. I don’t like being addressed as a Mister.”

“Thank you, but I would have to decline.” Amanda took a fork from her table set-up, momentarily admired the intricate designs carved in it, and continued, “Is there any other way to address you than your first name?”

“Master Cord would do, ” he suggested quickly but to Amanda, it was a dare.

“I’ll think about that, ” she replied, taking her eyes off of him and into the heavily prepared feast in her front.

She started eating. Cord did the same. And their dinner went on for about twenty minutes silent, awkward and a torture.

Cord didn’t touch much of his food. It wasn’t because he couldn’t basically see the courses in his front, but because what for?

What’s the use eating human food when the one he wanted to eat was sitting near him?

Amanda was enjoying her share though and by the time she drank empty her glass of water, Cord voiced out as if on cue, “Was the food to your liking?”

Amanda nodded at him. “Yes, your chef cooks delicious grub.”

“That pleases me.” He brought his elbows up the table and interconnected his hands against his chin. “How do you find your room? Is it to your liking too?” he furthered.

Amanda gave him a neutral look. “It’s the same room my friend got when you let us sleep here.”

“Yes, it is. Do you like it?”

“It’s fine. Thank you.”

“I figured it would make you feel comfortable since basically you made a mark on that room.”

Amanda suppressed a laugh - a sarcastic laugh. “Funny of you to say that.” She thought he’d continue but he changed the subject all too suddenly.

“Now, on to business, ” he said, shifting in his seat to sit upright against the back cushions, his arms on each side of the armrests.

“Business?” Amanda arched a brow.

Cord lifted a hand near his mouth and ran a slender finger through the bottom lip.

“Can you recount to me everything you saw that night of the murder?”

His voice now, to Amanda, sounded odd. It had a ring of sleep in it. Like a hush and an echo. She blinked many times, feeling her eyes burn as if she had watched a marathon of movies.

“As to my understanding, you are not a police officer, ” she answered initially, refusing to look at him. “You are just my benefactor of my witness protection case, why do you need to know?”

“Did you see anything abnormal to this culprit perhaps?” Cord went on, disregarding her question.

The same lulling effect hit Amanda through a wave of dizziness, but she successfully shook it away.

“Check on the police files if you want to know. I will have to refrain from answering you since I’ve been told by Chief Moretti to keep my mouth shut about it, ” she replied, this time feeling vexed by his constant pestering.

“Tell me everything, Aman...dahhh...”

And another wave of dizziness came. Cord, this time, used the full force of his beguiling ability — the same ability he had used to coax the Chief to place Amanda in his custody.

Surely, the stubborn woman would relent, but to his surprise and utter disappointment, Amanda didn’t.

“No.” She stood up, slapping a hand on the table. “Why are you so damn rude? You make a conversation one-sided. You’re cutting me off and you order me as if I’m a servant. I understand you are the Master and all but hey, a little bit of respect wouldn’t hurt right? I’m a special guest am I not?”

Cord shifted again and clenched his fists from under the table.

Fuck. The woman had an iron backbone. But no bother...

He raised his head directly to where Amanda’s face was beautifully highlighted with the candelabra.

This simple action once again made her feet ran cold.

He was staring at her as if he could see.

“You baffle me woman, ” he announced whilst easing his clenched fists. “I apologize for my...rude behavior. It will not happen again.”

“See to it that it won’t, ” she advised. “Respect begets respect Mister Vitalis. You maybe my landlord but you still need to earn my trust.”

“Indeed, ” Cord replied.

“I’ll go back to my room. Thank you for the meal.”

“You’re welcome.”

Amanda walked out as soon as he said that. There were so many emotions that whirled inside her. She wanted them expressed, but as of this time, it was better she retreat to her room. It was after all her ‘day one’ inside the castle. She believed this interaction with the Vitalis Master wouldn’t be her last.

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