Chapter 6 - The Telling

Amanda exactly knew what he meant. She was a skilled driver. A pro even. And not to mention, she was not just a human. She was a strong witch. She had quick reflexes. Indeed, how could she allow such an incident to happen?

“I...I saw some visions during the race...” Amanda started, shifting her eyes towards the ceiling. Although their relationship was still new and fresh and out-of-the-ordinary, she knew she need to tell Cord the truth.

“Visions?” Cord parroted.

“Yeah, it was more like it, Cord. First it was a shadowy figure in the middle of the road. Second was a mother specifically wailing in agony. She was reaching out to me as if she needed my help.”

Instead of becoming emotional, Amanda just frowned, confused with the second vision. When her mother was alive, she was full of energy, happiness and love. Sure her mother had suffered because of her biological father’s death, but Amanda had never seen her in agony like that in the vision. She was a strong woman. She was a fighter.

What could the apparition of her mother in a supplicating state actually mean?

“And the last was...” Amanda trailed off, unsure whether to tell Cord about Matteo or not.

“Go on, ” was Cord’s response. He clenched his teeth ever so slightly, feeling the air in the room shift. He could feel Amanda’s hesitation, but why would she be hesitant in the first place?

“The last vision I saw was Matteo, in the middle of the track. He looked so real and I really think he was at that moment. It’s possible he used his mage powers to suddenly appear in the race track without other people including you noticing but that’s just my hunch, ” Amanda continued, furrowing her brows at the memory of him: of how suave he looked and of how eager he offered his hand to her.

“So, he is alive...” Cord murmured to himself, sounding disappointed.

Amanda, hearing this, looked up at him. “I thought you knew?”

He shook his head. “I just suspected he would survive your crystal blast that time. With your account now, it settles it. He is still alive and might be after you still.”

Amanda remained silent. She remembered their last conversation through the phone. He basically assured her he won’t do anything crazy on her again. Was he just lying then?

Knowing Matteo and his recent transgressions, it was enough for Amanda to become cautious.

“Have you talked to the doctor yet?” Cord changed the subject.

Amanda furrowed her brows, taken aback by his out-of-the-blue query. She expected he’d delve deeper into these visions she had, and with the mention of Matteo, she thought Cord would overreact but he actually didn’t.

“Oh,, I haven’t, ” she answered in haste. “Maybe Noman did.”

“Yes, Sweety I did, ” chimed Noman just as he raised his head up and looked at her.

Amanda frowned at him. It definitely didn’t look like he just came from a fitful sleep. He looked like he was eavesdropping their conversation the whole time.

Noman knew what she was thinking and just wiggled his brows. He then puckered his lips and pointed them to the Vitalis Master who remained silent.

“Goodness Mister Vitalis, at least give me a heads up when you saved Amanda from the crash. I wouldn’t have been this worried with her if I knew, ” Noman straightened his back, crossed his arms to his chest and pouted.

Cord awarded him with silence which basically the former expected.

“You said you met the doctor earlier Dom, what did he say?” Amanda butted in to erase the awkwardness of the moment.

“He said your labs passed, ” his attention was redirected to her. “They didn’t register any problems. You’d be cleared to go home in a day or two if you don’t show any other symptoms. Say, were you dizzy or nauseous when you woke up?”

Amanda scrunched up her nose trying to think.

“No, I felt nothing, ” she answered then.

Noman clapped his hands and a smile spread across his face. “Well, that settles it! You’ll probably be discharged soon.”

“That’s great if that’s the case, ” Amanda smiled back and then looked at Cord to see his expression. What she expected as a pleased one didn’t actually appear.

“I say don’t be too hasty, ” Cord interrupted, furrowing his brows. “You still need to heal those cuts if you want to return to the castle.”

There was a moment of silence first with the two digesting what he said.

“Ohhh...yeah, I know what you mean, Mister Vitalis, ” Noman chimed without any hesitation. “She’d be a walking meat if she returns to the mansion with those fresh cuts smelling of blood.”

“Dom!” Amanda gave him a pointed glare. She couldn’t believe he was that tactless to say such a thing, but this was Noman in the first place. He always say what he wants with or without filter in his mouth.

“Indeed you’re right, ” was Cord’s reply making Amanda blink fast in utter surprise. “You know I’m still organizing my family, Love. I can’t have them distracted with just the whiff of a fresh wound, especially yours.”

“She could stay in my apartment like before you know, ” Noman blurted out. But all he received from the Vitalis Master was a very stern:


Noman shook his head. “Do you really want her to stay in the hospital just nursing some nonthreatening cuts? Isn’t this a boring place to stay?”

Amanda wasn’t able to contain her mouth from dropping. Her best friend was actually having a small argument with her lover! And it looked to her that, unfortunately, he was losing.

“I’m fine Dom, ” she chirped in haste, she didn’t want them to argue when in the end, she had the last say. “I see it as the best course of action anyway. You still need to finish those papers right? And I, in your apartment, would only be a distraction.”

Noman thinned his eyes and chomped on her words.

“Okay fine, ” he finally announced. He couldn’t complain when after all she was right.

“Now you go on ahead and rest in your apartment. When was the last time you had a good sleep? I see dark spots under your eye—”

Noman immediately signaled Amanda to zip her mouth. “Don’t point it out to me, deary. It’s embarrassing.”

“You need some beauty sleep, ” she continued with a cheeky smile.

“And a long bath. I reek.” Noman sighed.

Amanda nodded magnanimously at him, agreeing with him without any hesitation.

“Thanks for sticking with me since yesterday, Dom. You’re the best, ” she stated once Noman stood up from his chair.

The one addressed pressed a finger on the corner of his right eye, acting as if he was about to cry.

“Now don’t go on fattening my liver, Caitlin. You know I would do anything for my best friend.”

Amanda beamed him a smile. “You’re the best of the best.”

“Pshhh, I know, ” Noman replied and placed a quick peck on her forehead. Then, he faced Cord and though he was showing off an intimidating aura the whole time, Noman was unaffected.

“Take care of her for me will you?” he requested.

“I’m not going to drink her blood if that’s what you mean, ” Cord answered plainly.

Amanda almost choked at her saliva. Looking at the two, she’d never felt more blessed in her life since her mother died.

“Well, you better hold your word, ” Noman crossed his arms and then, his stare on him softened. “But hey, Mister Vitalis, thanks for saving my best friend.”

“It’s a pleasure, ” was Cords reply and it sounded genuine.

With a wink on Amanda, Noman turned around and went for the door.

“Ciao lovers, ” he chimed just as the door closed.

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